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Anyone in New York who would re elect any of their current politicians pretty much proves that they are a puppet/sheep or mentally ill. Any of these blue cities for that matter. Christ the mayor of Chicago, beetlejuice or whatever her name is pretty much condones the violence! Are people that fucking stupid?

That’s like saying it was ok for UBL to fly 2 planes into the towers because he didn’t like western civilization. Wake the fuck up.
Voting in NY is fucked up, you can simply be way outnumbered to a point that your vote means little. For instance, I voted for Trump in '16, but my vote really didn't matter because I am outnumbered and the electoral votes go to Dems regardless.
Locally however, I vote against EVERY incumbent, everywhere I can. I don't win much, but this state is seriously fucked up and getting worse.
Tell Andy to correct the NY'er's exiting the state before worring about rights for illegals who are entering.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Learn history then, because what you think is so far off base as to be completely inaccurate. Bullet points:

Germany was punished after WWI
Could not pay the debts placed on them by the world, they never recovered, and then the depression hit.
A liberal artist that was a ditch soldier in WWI convinced the majority of the people in Germany to elect him and use his socialism to fix everything.
He used his Brown Shirts (think BLM and ANTIFA) to harass and kill members of the other parties.
When elected he did NAZI shit. All in the name of socialism
That's all and well but was nazi germany actually ran with socialist principles?


Yes, the WW1 treaty of Versailles, created Hitler and WW2. Same treaty that formed the middle east, through greed actually. Look how well the middle east worked out.

You want to smash the german people leaving them no hope? Now you got Hitler.

It was all the "enlightened" societies that made that treaty. France and England splitting up war time acquisitions like greedy pigs. The whole world is still paying the price for that treaty.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Everything I wrote is very relevant to what you said. It’s called having actual human contact and personal experiences with the type of people who are pulling the strings.

How old are you? You seem very young and naive about what can happen with your freedom in this country, and I mean that sincerely and not as an insult. Our freedom and independence have been being slowly picked apart for years. One of the biggest hits to that was Obama care, but the left won’t be happy until they take as much freedom and independence away from us as they can. When you are being told that have to have health insurance, or else you have to pay a fine, then I hate to break it to you but you no longer live in “the land of the free”. All Obama care did was made the cost of health insurance skyrocket while, at the same time, reducing the actual benefits you get while raising your copayment. And for what? So the poor can get free and better coverage than those who actually pay for it? My sister in law, who has been living in my house free of charge for the last 5 years, has better health insurance than her sister and I do because she finally figured out that she could quit her full time job and work the fucking system. Think about that for a minute. People get better health insurance for free, or sometimes for next to free, if they just quit working and become a fucking leech to society. And you think that type of socialist society could work? And you call us uneducated? :ROFLMAO: 😂🤣
Obama care did fix problems that were rampant in healthcare. Mainly denied coverage. You have a daughter that has a disease that cost 8 grand a month. Then every insurance company in America turns their back on you and says we wont take that loss. Your options are pay out of pocket selling your house car and eventually your asshole and she still falls apart right in front of you. You would feel a bit different. So what exactly do you want? No help for anyone. Pure win or lose ? If a baby comes out non perfect we just kill it spartan style so it doesn't drag the rest of us down. You ever consider that the system is the problem itself as its lacking any incentive or humanity. Let me ask you one thing. Do you believe this current model is the answer ? That we can continue this way are worldwide without issue for future generations.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Reasonable? No, no, and more no.

No, property taxes are not "more than reasonable". Some are less onerous than others, but they are never reasonable, since reason in the way you use it implies logic and the property tax scheme is highly illogical since it relies on a huge contradiction.

The term, itself, "property tax", is an oxymoron and misnomer and represents an unreasonable word perversion.

The defining characteristic of actual owned property is the owner is the person with the highest claim of control over the thing owned. The term
"property tax" attempts to redefine the meanings of words, based on who the actor is, which is ummm, is "not reasonable". Very much like how collateral damage is used when murder would be the correct term.

It is not reasonable for somebody else (singular or plural) to dictate when, how much and why you must them pay them and your alleged property is collateral and if you resist you could be killed.

It could be reasonable if you had made agreements with another party, absent any duress of course and you willingly pledged "your property" as collateral instead of a situation where your alleged property is collateral even if you never agreed to it.

The term property tax is wrong (it is) another word should be used. Rent might be the right word. People do not own what they call their property, they rent it.

The fact that most people use the term "property tax" incorrectly doesn't shift the fact it is an oxymoron. It only provides evidence that there are two standards applied, one for you, and one for your landlords /overlords.

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You should see the price on the scenery taxes some homes have.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Hello - I said:
The thing about all taxes... the system you live in is inefficient, it relies on conquest and imperialism which translates to unimaginable amount of resources going to the nation's defense/offense. So the next nation over does the same thing. Now we have a world of elite militaries to protect eachother from eachother when the only reason for conquest would be for the lack of resources caused by shoveling trillions of dollars into defense budgets worldwide to begin with. I understand history is complicated and we are not quite there yet but eventually this cycle needs to end. The only way it can is by educating the population to think freely and not be controlled by local or global politics and the financiers who benefit from all the conflict.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
which translates to unimaginable amount of resources going to the nation's defense/offense.
If we built the damn wall - maybe a northern one too - it eliminates a lot of the need for future defense expenditures.
We also have war-mongers and nation-builders heavily invested in the military-industrial complex that need to stop playing war in every little shithole around the globe, without actually trying to win the war or keep any of the spoils.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
lack of resources caused by shoveling trillions of dollars into defense budgets
dollars and resources - not the same thing.

Also - Trump got rid of dumb-ass restrictions on producing our own energy. We are now energy independent, and a net exporter of those resources. Shut off the faucet to countries that hate us and we don't need to worry about actual resources going to their militaries.
Also no need to worry about middle-east conflicts if we don't need shit from them. Let them fight for supremacy, then we can treat the victor as either ally or enemy - their choice.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Again, you show your ignorance. How many colonies do we have? How many countries do we currently own that we took during a war?
Occupying is expensive and exhausting. It's much easier to start a coup and replace the current model with one that suites your nation better. Its not just war either. Its here. Companies have to amass wealth and keep amassing to prevent being rolled over. This ends up with a fine bottom line and everything flowing upward. So people like tree farmers sister in law look and say I can sit home and do better. There is no incentive there. Our power allows us to enact policies worldwide that directly stimulate our economy.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Lastly, if we finally said "fuck it" and told China we are not paying you any more for the money we "borrowed" while you were stealing from us, our national debt would shrink massively, as would the interest payments on it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Occupying is expensive and exhausting. It's much easier to start a coup and replace the current model with one that suites your nation better. Its not just war either. Its here. Companies have to amass wealth and keep amassing to prevent being rolled over.
Wrong again - no matter how many big words you try and use.

Our capitalism is based on those companies. And if you think they just "amass wealth" you are a complete dumb ass. They invest in more company. That "more company" means more production - more goods (Gross National Product) - and more jobs.

When other countries buy our stuff we get money from the "global community"


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just use our President as an example. Did he sit on millions? nope - there is "Trump" stuff all over the globe. and after he's out of office he'll create more jobs.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Find a need, fill a need, get rich. The American dream. From silly shit like pet rocks and slinky's to velcro and micro-brews. No other country has the ability IN LAW for the average citizen to reach the top.
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