Budders blunders

Bruh…..you Have followed me on 3 diff forums with that slick ass mouth……that’s all u do is troll…….case and point…..your on my thred……like a fly drawn to shit……u can’t get enough of my stink…..it’s ok…….u can get this work
Three different forums? Unless you have an account on AFN I don't know about I think you're mistaken.

Troll? I actively participate on this forum as I do on others. I have a current grow journal constantly updated.

I don't make ridiculous claims and fabricated stories about my grows either. It's also clean...so much for that hard work ethic of yours. The lack of it shows in that cess pool you call a basement.


Full send….always
Three different forums? Unless you have an account on AFN I don't know about I think you're mistaken.

Troll? I actively participate on this forum as I do on others. I have a current grow journal constantly updated.

I don't make ridiculous claims and fabricated stories about my grows either. It's also clean...so much for that hard work ethic of yours. The lack of it shows in that cess pool you call a basement.
Hear……riu…..and thc farmer,both you and bk….oh and afn so 4


Full send….always
Three different forums? Unless you have an account on AFN I don't know about I think you're mistaken.

Troll? I actively participate on this forum as I do on others. I have a current grow journal constantly updated.

I don't make ridiculous claims and fabricated stories about my grows either. It's also clean...so much for that hard work ethic of yours. The lack of it shows in that cess pool you call a basement.
All u do is troll with that slick ass mouth bro


Full send….always
Three different forums? Unless you have an account on AFN I don't know about I think you're mistaken.

Troll? I actively participate on this forum as I do on others. I have a current grow journal constantly updated.

I don't make ridiculous claims and fabricated stories about my grows either. It's also clean...so much for that hard work ethic of yours. The lack of it shows in that cess pool you call a basement.
I don’t fabricate stories……that plant was 1078g deal with it


Full send….always
Three different forums? Unless you have an account on AFN I don't know about I think you're mistaken.

Troll? I actively participate on this forum as I do on others. I have a current grow journal constantly updated.

I don't make ridiculous claims and fabricated stories about my grows either. It's also clean...so much for that hard work ethic of yours. The lack of it shows in that cess pool you call a basement.
I’ll also have u know….. some of the greatest work our species has ever done ,is done in musty ass basements.