WebstersBallSack - I've read reviews on IMD and Rotten Tomatoes, and looked through 34 screen shots. Needles and cigarettes galore, but no sign of weed, so can't confirm, though I'm ordering it from Amazon, so I'll know for sure in a few days. If so there will be a similar prize. But for now, we must continue.
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I found it on youtube as there are no seeds to download on utorrent. I will try and skim through it.
Been a long time since I watched it! Good film though!
I too have looked through all imdb screen shots and watched 3-4 trailers and there is some serious cig smoking going on, crack deals and pill deals, no joints so far!
It was not the film you had in mind for the correct answer so revert back to folks guessing.
If I find a shot of him smoking a joint I will sleep well knowing it was a good guess and that's enough for me dude. Im in England anyhow so even if I was technically right It wouldn't feel right to claim the prize and would be far more hassle for you anyhow.
Onward with the guessing guys n gals..