BK’s Shit Show

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Super Active Member


What's up with @Buddernugs does he not like you or not know the shit emoji is -10 points and should only be used on assholes 🌱🔥✌.
They both have shit all over each other's posts so it's just an endless cycle of retaliation. I made it a little easier for people to see what that emoji should be used for and made it clear that it is -5 points.

Screenshot 2022-04-19 091430.jpg

I want to make it so that emoji can't be used by new accounts, too, but haven't figured out how to do that yet. That would help prevent people creating sock accounts to shit all over others posts.


Moose cocks, or bust
If a emoji on the internet posted by some dude you’ve never met hurts your precious little feelers you should log out for the day

Just sayin

💩 away

I do like the sad face emoji though, I felt the 🤮 was a bad one to give if you felt sad about the post.
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