BK’s Shit Show

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The Laziest
400% yes

Too limited with the buckets

I would’ve had to veg another month to fill those buckets with roots.
So then if you were to do the buckets, you would go with smaller ones? (only asking as a possible solution for a buddy of mine). We were looking at getting him 3 of the ones you have for a 2.5'x8' space. Hes a vet and I have finally convinced his wife to let him grow for his own medicine and he fucking loved your grow. (yes I used your grow to sell her Thank you LoL)


Moose cocks, or bust
So then if you were to do the buckets, you would go with smaller ones? (only asking as a possible solution for a buddy of mine). We were looking at getting him 3 of the ones you have for a 2.5'x8' space. Hes a vet and I have finally convinced his wife to let him grow for his own medicine and he fucking loved your grow. (yes I used your grow to sell her Thank you LoL)
I ran the 3 gallon for a year+ before running the 5 gallon

Tell your friend to put 2 2x4 flood tables in there.


The Laziest
Oh he would be fine with it. Its more her. She's pretty conservative traditional as far as her house goes. So a couple of little pots is one thing. 2 flood tables is another. But maybe one. Its just for him. I dont know that he would need more than one. Help me out here, top 3 reason to do this over buckets. (I have no clue and she's a pita.)
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