Are tinctures any good?


Hobby Farmer
So the new gov in Ontario is not nanny around they will just sell it to you if you ask.

I forgot to do that so today i will.....earlier i put 120 grams of fine buds decarbed into 3 cups of coconut oil...should be about as hot as you can make coco oil.

120 X 20% = 24000 mg of THC X conversion = around 20000 mg of THC for 3 cups of oil. I can work with that.

I wonder what would happen if i had a 1/4 cup of it...



The problem with oils is they will hit a maximum saturation and there is transfer loss.
Coconut oil is the tastiest...and the max absorption of any fat is clarified butter (ghee...or remove the solids from melted butter and use the clear butter)
Maximum saturation of various oils...that data i have never found.
They can show you which absorbs more but can i put all of the THC from a QP into 1 cup of coconut oil...that saturation needs testing.
An alcohol tincture does a 100% strip of THC and CBD from the plant. And the saturation limit would result in measuring drops to make a batch of candy kind of strong. Its a lot easier too.

I just sent off the email to get this started. We can get a kind of everclear up here and i am going after it !

94% neutral i had no idea. You could make hash oil with that but qwiso would be WAY Cheaper.
Yesterday, I made a killer batch of brownies with the coconut oil and I tossed in a bunch of leftover chocolates..........holy shit forking deadly, lol. I covered the entire top with coconut, walnuts, and pecans. They are actually a little to tasty.....easy to get carried away, but eat two and you're screwed.:) But, it's first edible batch I've made after I started on the Tinc's. The big, big difference is in the body buzz. Tinc buzz is fast, but mostly cerebral, and over in a few hours but can be more if you dose high enough . Brownie buzz takes longer but will melt your body into a seat. Big difference, definitely different weapons!

Oh, and that 4 hour ceremony type stuff where there's no smoking allowed and lots of uncool people and relatives milling about............ha, that little bottle is the most discreet thing I have ever seen where weed is concerned.
Fucking A right!