Alternative medicine, vitamins, and supplements


the breeders took it out tryin for perfect round packagable ,tomato
Use to be that products like Campbells vegetable beef soup was good for you. It had 25% A, 15% Thiamin ,10% C etc. I was a health nut when I graduated high school. I had a shoebox full of different vitamins I took thinking it would help me in my older years and it seems to have payed off. Was a very wise choice at the time.
Some sound advice an old man told me when I was in my early 20's.
He said,
"Son, if you get it up, you better do something with it,
if you don't, it's just one you lost." lol

That quote should be one of the 10 commandments. lol


Insanely Active Member
I am much healthier in the summer. I can walk through my property and get a pretty decent berry, fruit, or veg snack. It's probably August before a lot of stuff starts making it indoors from the garden. All the early stuff I eat on the spot.
it will not be many days before my figs start to get ripe.