#Heisenbeans Genetics


Tegrity Greenthumb
Well gentlemen, we are 4/4 on successful bean pops. This is my first HB run ever. Feeling super excited.

2x Purple Crash, and 2x Purple Crunch.

(I'm the schmuck that mixed them up, and now I don't know which is which :LOL:)

But it was all in the name of science!

I tried something different this grow, and germ'd the beans in some wet perlite, in a solo cup, covered with saran wrap and tin foil to keep it moist and dark. Worked like a champ. I think they all popped within roughly 24 hours. I think I'll go this route again, after having some paper towel issues recently.

Little helmets chillin in the damp and sunshine.
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Soaking seeds in water for 12 or so hours then planting them seems to work well. I've never not had a seed germinate in my life. Whether it was 10 years old or a white hb second. I feel like paper towels can be training wheels. Nice job taking them off and riding like a big boy.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Been doing the towel method for as long as I can remember and never had an issue with them getting damaged. Done over 100 seeds or more.
Have you looked the tiny hairs on the root with a microscope before planting. The damage comes from these hairs embedding themselves in the paper towel. When you pick them up they lose future growth points. Not saying you did do damage but who's to say you may not be aware of it?


Tegrity Greenthumb
Hey guys kinda curious what's the worst yield you've gotten on a plant with heisenbean's genetics given sufficient veg time (8ish weeks). Trying to get an idea of worst case scenario on harvest amount so that I'm not disappointed or surprised by my final results.
Pot size, media, growing technique, light setup, space, user error, all this will drastically effect yield. You shouldn't get under an O a plant even in a 1 gallon pot dro style as long as its watered sufficiently


Wedding Cake @ roughly 49 days since flip. The branches are being taxed by the weight so had to tie them up but that's a problem I don't mind dealing with.
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The only thing I want to know is why @TerpyTyrone has one of his finches spying on my grow. Look at the left hand side.
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Not getting a real strong nose on it just a light citrusy smell.

ADUB @roughly 49 days this sucker's got some breath real earthy and extremely load.

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This is going to be good. I recommend this to anyone that was lucky enough to grab them when they were available. :love: ✌ 🌱 🔥
I get a shitload of images in my flowers all the time.
It's a good sign that the plants are responding to their "daddy" lol
Gu has a good one on his California Cannon pic.
Maybe should make a thread for them? lol


Tegrity Greenthumb
Nice, that's exactly what I like to hear. I'm planning on doing 5 plants in a 5x5x6 tent grown in octopots LST'ed to the max, probably switch when they're around 18" and a nice size little bush. For lighting I'm still kinda on the fence. Still don't know if I'm gonna splurge on 4k veg boards AND 3000k bloom boards or just use my t5's for veg. I use to use a combo of HPS and MH for bloom and straight MH on veg so HID is what I'm used to. Because of that I thought about CMH for a long while but from all I've seen LED has finally caught up with HID so I figured why go with a dying, hotter tech since summer is right around the corner. If anybody has any insight on lighting I'm open to suggestions. Each board I'm gonna get is 240w so I figured I'd run 4 to 5 in there with the possibility of having to turn them down a bit if it's too much light already factored into the equation. I want even light all over the canopy otherwise what's the point of LED in the first place IMO.

Just wanna add that this place is really great and I'm glad I found it. There's a lot better atmosphere here than Trollitup; don't know what happened to that place but it seems like it's filled with a bunch of know it all internet heads now with nothing but forum knowledge and no real experience, smdh.
3500k qb132s are pretty nice. You can build it off 2 drivers. Use half for veg and turn on the rest for flower. Lots of spread diodes give a pretty good spread of the light


Heathen Basterd
Do u like taking off the big fans while in flower? Thats something ive practiced for years now

I have 1 pack of wedding pie. Would like to get a S1 of Topanga canyon, sundae driver and ghost OG. Think it was the ghost he said his better half really liked a lot.
I pull the big fans only if they are blocking mid branch bud sites , when I start flush I start removing a couple a day till finished , I lollypop the extreme lower branches and usually use those for clones ,


I pull the big fans only if they are blocking mid branch bud sites , when I start flush I start removing a couple a day till finished , I lollypop the extreme lower branches and usually use those for clones ,
I'll look down from the top onto the colas and I'll bend and twist the branches to open up more light and airflow.
If I'm gonna work on pulling fan leaves or shaping the plant,
I want to spray her down 2x's with some plain or light nute water, especially under the leaves and soak the stems real good. A lot of these plants, you need all the help you can get, keeping the "stem snap" to a minimum.
I start by pulling the stem up with my pointing finger while pushing my thumb down forming a clamp and I'll use it like a "roller system" to stretch, twist and manipulate the plant.
Almost forgot!
Pull leaves at your own discretion. lol

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Do u like taking off the big fans while in flower? Thats something ive practiced for years now

I have 1 pack of wedding pie. Would like to get a S1 of Topanga canyon, sundae driver and ghost OG. Think it was the ghost he said his better half really liked a lot.
I agree with u on taking those huge light robbing fan leafs off especially after stretch in flower.. i see alot of pics on here that are good but also see alot of pics and think boy what those plants could look like if those huge leaves wasnt blocking light from bud sites.. Just my opinion on defoiling tho. Thx