#Heisenbeans Genetics


Mediocre grower
The definitive answer is, more light=more energy , in turn, more photosynthesis= more plant growth.
How much energy does a fan leaf create as a solar panel to how much energy does it use before it stops being an asset? After a certain growth point, the fan leaves are no longer efficient enough to be beneficial. The sugar leaves process photons way more efficiently.
Rip them fan leaves off and let the sun shine in. lol
Of course, it's "strain" dependent.
Some you just have to defoliate constantly.
great explanation. I was beginning to suspect that it was dependent upon what stage you are in the growth cycle. Because if I cut fans off early enough I can dramatically slow growth on that node. But if I cut it off later in flower the buds can actually swell more.


great explanation. I was beginning to suspect that it was dependent upon what stage you are in the growth cycle. Because if I cut fans off early enough I can dramatically slow growth on that node. But if I cut it off later in flower the buds can actually swell more.
In early pre-veg, you could take 1 side of the tops off the main stem, alternating sides, leaving the fan leaves could give you more energy to the main tops for faster growth.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Are they blocking light, or are they solar collectors that transfer energy to the plant, in turn producing buds? I've heard it argued both ways. A definitive answer would be cool.
This is also something I’ve been wondering. According to Guru on the DGC, bud sites don’t photosynthesize so it doesnt matter as much if bud sites are exposed to light. He recommends removing fan leaves that block out light from more surface area than the leaf itself.

But I also know some pretty experienced growers that swear having bud sites exposed to more light helps with bigger buds.

I typically trust “Guru” when it comes to the science behind things, he’s an extremely intelligent guy that is well versed at reading through studies and deciphering what the results mean. But at the same time, I’m of the opinion that some things you can try to explain away all day long but are just better learned through practice.


This is also something I’ve been wondering. According to Guru on the DGC, bud sites don’t photosynthesize so it doesnt matter as much if bud sites are exposed to light. He recommends removing fan leaves that block out light from more surface area than the leaf itself.

But I also know some pretty experienced growers that swear having bud sites exposed to more light helps with bigger buds.

I typically trust “Guru” when it comes to the science behind things, he’s an extremely intelligent guy that is well versed at reading through studies and deciphering what the results mean. But at the same time, I’m of the opinion that some things you can try to explain away all day long but are just better learned through practice.
All i know is if you want buds you need light on em. Cover the top of the plant up in dark shade and see how good the tops do. Every grower who has more than a couple grows knows the bottom part of the plant that recieves no light will either shrival and die off or have larf with shaded light.
Put a light pointing at the bottom of the canopy and those buds will grow. Not as much as the top since that is the focused growing area of the plant but you wont have the larf.
Its not economically feasable to have lights on the bottom as well for the return in investment.

Ive been growing since 1991. No expert by any means or a guru but just tried and field tested a lot of different stuff over the years.


I pull the big fans only if they are blocking mid branch bud sites , when I start flush I start removing a couple a day till finished , I lollypop the extreme lower branches and usually use those for clones ,

Thats kinda what i do. I even do it in veg if the fans are big. Will shade lower growth out if trying to obtain a flat canopy.
If i have the time i lollipop as well. I usually pull clones when i move the plant to the flower room and take from the bottom


I'll look down from the top onto the colas and I'll bend and twist the branches to open up more light and airflow.
If I'm gonna work on pulling fan leaves or shaping the plant,
I want to spray her down 2x's with some plain or light nute water, especially under the leaves and soak the stems real good. A lot of these plants, you need all the help you can get, keeping the "stem snap" to a minimum.
I start by pulling the stem up with my pointing finger while pushing my thumb down forming a clamp and I'll use it like a "roller system" to stretch, twist and manipulate the plant.
Almost forgot!
Pull leaves at your own discretion. lol

I just mush the stem with my fingers where i want it to bend at.


Dont Need One
All i know is if you want buds you need light on em. Cover the top of the plant up in dark shade and see how good the tops do. Every grower who has more than a couple grows knows the bottom part of the plant that recieves no light will either shrival and die off or have larf with shaded light.
Put a light pointing at the bottom of the canopy and those buds will grow. Not as much as the top since that is the focused growing area of the plant but you wont have the larf.
Its not economically feasable to have lights on the bottom as well for the return in investment.

Ive been growing since 1991. No expert by any means or a guru but just tried and field tested a lot of different stuff over the years.
Works the same pollinating. The tops in the light are always ready sooner than the bottoms.


Are they blocking light, or are they solar collectors that transfer energy to the plant, in turn producing buds? I've heard it argued both ways. A definitive answer would be cool.

Ive had plants that had leaves all over em some plants that had next to no leaves. The ones with no leaves did not suffer any.

If i was gorilla growing outside (done that for decades) i would leave the fans on.
If im growing inside and know what im doing i take em off.

Fan leaves store food and energy for the plant. When times are tough and food and water hard to come by the plant will canabalize those big fan leaves from the bottom up. Thats what they are their for. Also helps in perspiraton in shedding of the water when it is hot.

If your providing everything for the plant then those big fans are not necessary if you are after bigger yields.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Some of those fan leafs are first line of protection. They take the hit first. If they aren’t there to warn me of deficiency's it might be to late for me to react properly. Someone that’s more dialed in with their grows this may not effect as much. I still remove any blocking bud site fan leaves but try to leave as many as possible.


Wow @Heisen thanks for the punch buggy and the wedding cake S1s on your first drop .. so glad I was able to grab some! Found two keepers on my first seed popped wow! And I am super picky! Also no sacks or balls at any time.. super happy with these results!
Im pretty lucky as ive never had a sack hanging off of any of my Heisen gear. It might be because i have not grown out as many seeds. What i do is pop one veg for a couple months then flower. Take clones and redo a few more cycles.
Overall i have not had 1 sack that ive seen.


Im pretty lucky as ive never had a sack hanging off of any of my Heisen gear. It might be because i have not grown out as many seeds. What i do is pop one veg for a couple months then flower. Take clones and redo a few more cycles.
Overall i have not had 1 sack that ive seen.
Only one I’ve had that did throw sacks was the adub I tried to run, it was so many that I didn’t bother plucking.. but he also said the adub was giving problems so he discontinued using it! I still have like 5 adub seeds but I won’t try them again..


Some of those fan leafs are first line of protection. They take the hit first. If they aren’t there to warn me of deficiency's it might be to late for me to react properly. Someone that’s more dialed in with their grows this may not effect as much. I still remove any blocking bud site fan leaves but try to leave as many as possible.
Yes they will show the defiencies where the plant is pulling nutrients out of those leaves and moving them elsewhere for growth if you do not provide the plant what it needs.