For the Love of Mary 💘💘💘 Official Sinsemilla Class.


Average Grower
I went looking for some bulk sulfur last year at the bulk fert plant. They looked at me odd and asked what for. Said my spuds get scabby and wanted to drop the ph of my garden soil. They said they would call me back.
Week later they call me back and say yep they have it. WTF now if I was asking for carbon and salt peter I could se why LOL
How much you gettin? Comes in 5 - 40 lb bags at my local garden shop.


I may have terminally dosed my hydro contender.
My TDS meter has been outside, in the flower room for a couple weeks.
I have been feeding the veg from the hip. Keeping the veg room nose-tight over the holidays has really taken its toll. I got no time to spend down there. I grouped everything in common bins - just drive-by, dumping in the water. I am in and out in less than 5 minutes.

I could hear the water pump chugging air. Time for re-fill. I was astonished to see the meter so low, @ 420 ppm. That is when I noticed the " X 10 " field flashing on my metre !
Quick dunk in tap water - 285 ppm.
Showing accurate.
Back in the res?
Jebus ! It was bathing in +4000 ppm !
Kinda explains why it looks as it does. :poop:🥳
I got lime leaf, yellow leaf, burnt leaf, black spots, white spots, yellow spots, rust spots.
Probly hemorrhoids, Ebola, and some pesty VD asswell.
I basically reconstructed a toxicity poster !
It had fan leaves as big as my swollen head, now it looks like a (wetland (rush)) cat-tail someone has been hanging nasty kitchen gloves on.
If she survives ,,still got a week or two for the straightening out.
I only popped the two. Coco is just okay. Hydroshow is/was more than twice her size.


Super Active Member


Hobby Farmer

And the other plant. the 3k with 770NM far reds. The internodes are spaced 1 inch greater than these. Maybe they DO stretch more.

Atillia and her sister Atilla. The one that lives the longest is the contender....I gave them each a scalpel.

Note: Edit the pics with PAINT and you can put the text in with a font! Thats way nicer than the mouse marker.