The Upward Spyral


So this happened yesterday

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My GF's dad saved random bag seeds over the years. Some as early as the 70s and 80s. Mostly 90s to mid 2000s. He said there should be Panama Red, Thai Stick, Colombian and of course Mexican to name a few. They were in several jars until he consolidated them one day.

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There are a lot of bad ones but just a quick and dirty hand sort. May be better under a magnifier? It's probably over a QP of beans. Maybe I'll get a count by average weight and have a guessing game lol
If anything very interesting nostalgia. If these seeds could talk lol. Might be a better way to sort them.
You my good sir have some nostalgia going on with the seeds and the tube box for a pre amp or amplifier! I’m looking forward to seeing what those beans bring. I’ve been asking my brother and friends back in Texas if they have these specific seeds stashed from the mid 90’s that came from some very quality buds. Unfortunately everyone can’t seem to find any except my aunt who sent me up pill bottles full of who knows what and a special box containing what she says is some true panama red from my pops old dealer. Who knows, I may go on a nostalgia journey with you and pop some well aged seeds and see what I/we get. Should be loads of fun!🙏🏻😎


You my good sir have some nostalgia going on with the seeds and the tube box for a pre amp or amplifier! I’m looking forward to seeing what those beans bring. I’ve been asking my brother and friends back in Texas if they have these specific seeds stashed from the mid 90’s that came from some very quality buds. Unfortunately everyone can’t seem to find any except my aunt who sent me up pill bottles full of who knows what and a special box containing what she says is some true panama red from my pops old dealer. Who knows, I may go on a nostalgia journey with you and pop some well aged seeds and see what I/we get. Should be loads of fun!🙏🏻😎
Good call man it's a box for tubes for a military radio or something. Or amplifier. Stick one of those in a Marshall lol.
That's awesome you might have some oldass beans too! Who knows, hopefully something crazy is found!


Good call man it's a box for tubes for a military radio or something. Or amplifier. Stick one of those in a Marshall lol.
That's awesome you might have some oldass beans too! Who knows, hopefully something crazy is found!
That would be the greatest to find something that hasn’t been around for a long time and has been dearly missed. Only problem is not actually knowing what it actually is other than old school fire! Good times✌🏻


So I borrowed this oldskool magnifying lamp from my dad
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This could help with testing the "volcano seed" theory.

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With fluorescent lamp. It doesn't have stripes, the lighting does that.

What beans could those be? :unsure:
I got a similar lamp last summer at the flea, pretty cool.
and wanted to tell you I just today, had an auto pop a tail after 5 days soaking. Took an emery board to it about mid way. Seed would not sink, finally down and then a tail. That's a long time, keep soaking..maybe :)


I got a similar lamp last summer at the flea, pretty cool.
and wanted to tell you I just today, had an auto pop a tail after 5 days soaking. Took an emery board to it about mid way. Seed would not sink, finally down and then a tail. That's a long time, keep soaking..maybe :)
Thanks Willie I dropped it in a rooter. 2 other dry seeds in rooters too 🤞


This weekend we took a mini-road trip to get a light and do some other things.



Rolandro with a couple of COBs. It's a little pink, not nearly as blurple as the non-cob blurples. It's heavy for its size. $40. I could pick up another HPS for that, but I have some plans for this unit. I won't buy any more HID (unless I get an unbelievable deal on a CMH). If the lights aren't that great maybe I could mod it with a couple of Citizens (Jesse?)

So we were in the area and met up with @Phylex to give him a package. Funny, we had the same boxes but his was impeccably gift wrapped lol. Very classy. He so generously gave us a mega sampler pack of his goods which will definitely help us with our quest to reach the next harvest and hopefully we'll have that groove set to where we won't have to purchase from a dispo ever again. He also gave us several tester packs of his latest drop. This upcoming run will have a whole lotta phylex going on.
I will be posting smoke reports on each of his strains on his thread and collecting/reporting data on the testers. @Phylex, it was truly a pleasure to meet you and we are sincerely grateful of your generosity and thoughtfulness. I'm sure we'll meet again in the near future 😊

Time to get busy.


This weekend we took a mini-road trip to get a light and do some other things.
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Rolandro with a couple of COBs. It's a little pink, not nearly as blurple as the non-cob blurples. It's heavy for its size. $40. I could pick up another HPS for that, but I have some plans for this unit. I won't buy any more HID (unless I get an unbelievable deal on a CMH). If the lights aren't that great maybe I could mod it with a couple of Citizens (Jesse?)

So we were in the area and met up with @Phylex to give him a package. Funny, we had the same boxes but his was impeccably gift wrapped lol. Very classy. He so generously gave us a mega sampler pack of his goods which will definitely help us with our quest to reach the next harvest and hopefully we'll have that groove set to where we won't have to purchase from a dispo ever again. He also gave us several tester packs of his latest drop. This upcoming run will have a whole lotta phylex going on.
I will be posting smoke reports on each of his strains on his thread and collecting/reporting data on the testers. @Phylex, it was truly a pleasure to meet you and we are sincerely grateful of your generosity and thoughtfulness. I'm sure we'll meet again in the near future 😊

Time to get busy.
No doubt. The pleasure was all mine. I'm glad you liked the wrapping. lol. The shirts and seeds are awesome. I look forward to the next meet up (y)


I didn't know where to post this so I'll start here.

What kind of grinder do you guys use? We've been through several and haven't ran into something more than mediocre. What we're looking for:
- ergonomics - easy to grip and turn. Arthritis. Maybe even one with a crank.
- capacity - at least 2 fat J's worth of space
- ground texture - consistent, a few finger breaks are ok. Must cut the buds vs smashing them.
- kief catcher - something that actually works

Preferably cost friendly of course. But if there's a super solid hardcore pricey one we're not opposed to that either.

Thanks in advance (y)


Insanely Active Member
I haven't used one, and it's pricy, but the lift innovations grinder sounds like what you're looking for. I've heard lots of good things about them.



I haven't used one, and it's pricy, but the lift innovations grinder sounds like what you're looking for. I've heard lots of good things about them.

Thanks man. It sounds hardcore. Cuts 12x per rotation. This is the exact same one my GF is looking at.


Had to make way for the F&D beans

Grouped the Heisenbeans on the left. Had to pop another 1 each of Punch Buggy (left) and Sunset Wedding (right). New rapid rooters this time in the retail bag. It's stapled, so it can't be airtight. However, they smelled much more earthy than the ones we had from a few months ago, which came in a bulk bag. They seemed fine, weren't dry and didn't have a foul smell, but who knows. Soaked in Hydroguard and Tap.

We have 16 buckets available in 2 F&D totes. If they start getting out of control, then the less vigorous ones may be consolidated into separate systems should the need arise.

- Black Abyss (@Phylex) - 4
- Space Invasion (@Phylex) - 6
- God-O-War (@Phylex) - 6

Super excited to run these!! I will post more of a summary of these strains being grown on his thread and more of the details-experiences-rambling and whatnot on my thread.

Black Abyss - checking for "volcano". I see two, one at 12 o'clock and one at 4:20 ;). Notice those hairs, they're almost like coconut husk texture.
Started down the USB microscope with tweezers route, but it was too easy for the beans to pop out and fly anywhere. I had two mishaps in two different spots. Ended up using the oldskool magnifying lamp because I was running out of time and needed to pop these. Put them all in the rooters volcano side down and gently pushed until I felt a slightly spongy stop. No soaking or scuffing.
18 beans tonight. 20 beans total. Several clones from the last run and some bag seed plants in coco and soil. It's going to be a very interesting fall & winter.