Uncle Roms dirty debacles


Opus Herba
So here’s the deal. I have things set up like a madman who’s got nothing going on but growing weed. Was appropriate at the time as I was dealing with sanity type issues and not leaving the house. I have been easing back into society slowly and am even working again.
Three things need to Change right swift
1. I have been feeding moderately every watering with 15-20% runoff checking said runoff every time, treating my promix as a slow hydro medium. I don’t water anything until its dangerously light. This has changed the game for me. Explosive growth. I have been bringing plants out of the tiny room to water in a tote to run em off then putting them back.. this can’t go on. I need to figure out a way to keep em where they are. (Might install a drain to crawl space and figure it out from there)
2. I have figured out why smart folks only work a strain or two at once as opposed to 13-15... look at this pre 98 x la con.. I could mess with this for some time
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Interesting leaves..I’ve ended up with 3 females here all different and special in their own way and am trying to house all their separate clones till after the test run.
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So I’ve come to terms with the fact I have to let some stuff go. I will be breeding the coveted red bubblegummer and letting her go I’m thinkin.. she just don’t yield enough to keep running or use veg space for a mom. This isn’t an easy decision. If anyone in Canada wants to work it I will attemp to mail you some clones.
All I ask is that it doesn’t end up with one of the big greasy companies up here.
3. I got plants falling over like never before. Never liked the screens/nets so I think I’ll go old school bamboo route.
I just have to reign in the madness here and make things a little more simple as I must work now and don’t have the room for everything. If only I was paid to do this in a proper facility lol. ✌
I feel ya brother. I enjoyed this much more when it was just 6 plants in the garden. Trying to clone in this heat has taken constant supervision. I'm also burnt out on being broke from building grow rooms and sh*t.

Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
Ya bro. If only I had the space. I don’t mind juggling all kinds of males and craziness but this very limited space is getting to me 🤪
I feel ya brother. I enjoyed this much more when it was just 6 plants in the garden. Trying to clone in this heat has taken constant supervision. I'm also burnt out on being broke from building grow rooms and sh*t.


Opus Herba
Dirty ol outdoor updated
-mutant mystery auto. Had a hard life since germination. Might have to roll one big joint with all of it lol. Got a non mutant one going out soon and two male autos at another location for chucking later. They are meant for breeding.
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Oh yeah, I had some uglies too this year.

Not bad, not bad. Lookin good. You puttin em in the ground, or too cold? If you're still havin cold nights (soil temps under 50F, 10C) you'll wanna put em in bigger pots. I'd do that with any females anyway. The more soil, the bigger the plant (strain dependent). Don't worry if the older fans get ugly. It happens outdoors.

Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
Those buds are huge nicely dun
All the different strains! Wicked.
Your flowers are lookin amazing brother.
Wow thanks you guys! I’m like a pig in shit with all these cool strains. I can’t wait to try some of our paradise members beans. Hydro Reds, Heisens, Amos Otis etc. I love the transparency we have here. You can watch buddy breed his plants and see others grow stuff out. Awesome community here