The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I stuck the pre-teens in the closet (need to check that timer) and I think the girls will start replacing the Macchiato and the tall Chunkster will probably end up in the closet. With shelves for whatever there's room for.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails

Since I happened to be bashing internet-famous people, I copied this url at a specific point in the conversation where two grownups are talking about how business used to be, and Matty Riot admits he was the chubby kid dealers didn't wanna make time for and said "I'm watching a movie" hoping he'd leave - but he didn't so you eventually sold him a light sack and made him feel like he was lucky to get that 😂 The adults are polite and other than a little look they let him slide on it.

It's a good interview when the other two are talking about weed back in my day during the war on drugs with Nancy Rayguns 'Just Say No!' claptrap and her hubbies helicopter goon squads. "I've come to inspect your property - and I shot your dog." was the standard line back in those days rather than "you have the right to remain silent..." and whatnot.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I added the heat mats and stuff is perking up. My mutant "extra" plants are still hanging out but will get culled as soon as I need room or get shoved somewhere else - or flipped in a 2g pot or something. Lots of fems in here. All 6 of the cups I just potted in 1/2g are fems, plus the Headline and the Motor Cookies - or Girl Scout Breath - there was no name, just abbreviations ;)

The Platinum Ice showed nothing for shoot growth on those lowers so I'm letting the tops go again and will prune off those lowers. The CaD with the cabbage leaves is the one taking up half a pot on one side. It is ... not a keeper... :rolleyes: 😂

The two Sour Hebrew, the Z-Sour and the mutant Cronus Sour are all regs I held back and will get the flip soon. The Headline and Motor Cookies are gonna get big pots then veg a little longer before flip. That up-pot is soon as well.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Nothing else in the closet is showing any sexy bits yet. It was just the early boy raspberry boogie. I dumped him out and shredded him for the worms and the smell of cloves was very strong. I guess that's the stem rub thing? It was pretty loud and stayed on the fingers. Any girls should be nice.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I might be taking another Macchiato. They are 10 weeks tonight, and this showed up in regular trich-check pics. The lowers are all I really check, but I take a pic of the top or a plant tag before I shoot the rest of the plant to check it. What is crazy is that the lowers are actually riper because they lack the new growth and new trichomes that the top has. On this, the color difference caught my eye.
That lefthand one is a little too smooth to be a pistil. Easy to find though right on top, so I could give it another day or two. There's nothing else anywhere, and this is one without a lot of new growth. The other two have a sprinkling of last-gasp pistils. But they smell great and are probably all pretty much done. His weed has been a little lighter on the buzz, leaning more towards the high school high than the medicinal high. So I want to let at least one get really done.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm kicking off the new year smoking that 7-layer/7-gram multiple-OG cannagar that's a size skinnier than these. I made it through about the first gram and it took about a half hour.

I have been gradually packing some older stuff or excess into fatty's. The largest one is just under a half ounce. They fit in Petit Coronation size Punch aluminum cigar tubes from Cuba that I happen to have a box of - the tubes, not the cigars. I saved the tubes because they said "Havana" on them. I have nice p-touch labels on the tubes but needed the stickers to get them back in the right tube LOL.

I'm firing up that mini NotsoDog one tomorrow and see how the fat ones burn.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
As a side note I also have one of the cabbage leaf varieties of chunk-a-dunk. It's so tiny it hasn't gotten in the way to be culled yet. I put baby in the corner though ;)
And my Platinum Ice mutant decided to be a 2-top, and to start growing normal after a few nodes. She gets a big pot and flipped soon.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Veg tent and flip tent look pretty similar. A few in veg will flip next time I play in dirt.
I have 4 definite girls 2 probable boys and 3 still androgenous. Culled a Jane Doe Skunk boy.
I'm down to one Macchiato which will hit 11 weeks on the 7th
I taste-tested the 1st one today that got chopped Christmas. Very piney, very stoney. The smell is weed/cheese/funk, but the exhale is all pine. This looks powerful


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Playing in dirt tonight. I have been setting the known girrls aside in the flowerr tent and pulling boys as they show. Didn't pay much attention to what was female, just subtracting the boys from my signature block. Lost the SourD x NL1 tonight. There are four still unknown. The four known girls need new pots so I finally paid attention. I have a Jane Doe Skunk and THREE Raspberry Boogie.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm updating the signature block as I go to keep things in order.
I flipped the Platty Ice and the Headline fems both in 7g pots. They vegged a little extra to get me more flower.
I flipped two of the regs that had been runty or mutant because they were big enough and might still be boys. No reason to fuck with them that long. I culled the little cabbage leaf chunker dunker. Heisen saying they didn't produce shit sorted that one for me.
And out of that last mini-drop I got one Chem91 S1. I hope she's a good one because she'll be a mom for a clone run eventually.
Next drop is the 12th-ish (new moon) and I should have all the regs sorted by then to know how many I can drop.

That was all veg room stuff where my soil is. Next I am filling pots to take to the flower room to pot the RB and the JDS. The Mosca website says 56 days on the RB so the F2's can't be that far off. I think everything will be safe in 5g's even if I have to prune lower limbs to limit tops. I don't think any skunks are real long flowering either.

I'll snag pics after it's all done.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I knew it would be a long night so I took a nap. Long but enjoyable and I feel like I accomplished stuff. I moved the next tallest Chunkster in here, and it may get another if when the Mach goes. That may be tomorrow, the underside of the nugs are looking amber. I watered to get the moisture content up, and I'll pull it tomorrow afternoon after it's had most of it's night.
This is temporarily packed just to see if it would fit. I'll reorganize and spread them out by height
after these are sexed. two are looking dude-ish, the center one is a girl, one complete unknown still and two just got flipped


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Got the last batch sorted. I got a Dirty Taxi girl and two SHN boys. So far I have popped two 5-packs from "Best Coast" genetics and I have gotten nothing but duds, males and mutants that may or not be males. The mutant just got flipped yesterday. Come to think of it, I have had shit germination out of most of the stuff I bought at schmeeds-here-now, regardless of breeder. So, fuck seedsherenow, fuck James Bean, and fuck that tw*t Becky, the customer service Nazi.

In other news, Shawn/ShaBud at 707 Seedbank has direct credit card sales up and running. He has some new crosses 707 OG crosses, and some bulk seeds that he initially didn't want to package and name for sale. Like his Kush Cleaner crosses. He tested them all and if they were mostly more Kush Cleaner he didn't sell them. If it took the Zkittles mom (for example) and made it better then it got a name and packaged for sale. So the 100 packs might be 75% Kush cleaner and 25% whatever it hit, and only 12.5% keeper girls. (for example). A lot of his OG crosses were male heavy so the 100 pack made sense rather than constantly replacing 10-packs. $100 for 100 beans sounds like a fun pheno hunt.

I guess the fact that he's running everything and sorts them for sale (or not) is the first thing I look for in a breeder. Then they either need to have a variety of crosses available, or select for smoke you also enjoy. Rasta Jeff is a great example, he also has awesome direct sales great prices and great plants, but he likes smoke that I don't enjoy as much. Nothing bad to say about him except that if we were at a table with a jar of mine and a jar of his, I'd probably try his and end up smoking mine. Add in Greenpoint and CSI and you have all the bases covered.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have the three runty plants I just flipped, so they are going on a shelf in the closet until they sex so everything else can spread out.
I'll get the Dirty Taxi into a 5g and rearrange the plants based on height.

Pics to follow.

Bobby Legit

What smells like a skunk, Dad?
Back when I would have winter gardens, I noticed a lot more bugs compared to the rest of the year. It makes sense really. We were/are creating ideal environments. Bugs that should be dormant outdoors are drawn to that perfect warmth and light.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Back when I would have winter gardens, I noticed a lot more bugs compared to the rest of the year. It makes sense really. We were/are creating ideal environments. Bugs that should be dormant outdoors are drawn to that perfect warmth and light.
I guess I am jiust surprised that one "evolved" to get into my potted plant. You could tell right away it wasn't a 'pest' because it wasn't eating on the plant. Just wandering up the limb while I was checking for boy-girl with the loupe. It got to the end, turned around and went back to the soil. I have seen the occasional gnat here and there with the winter outside, but never more than one or two, and only on the tiny plants and just-flipped.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Random shit for anyone interested. The watering last night was with a sprouted seed tea (SST). I soaked the corn for a day, then rinsed and drained it a few times a day and it took 4 days to get to this point. Barley only takes 2, and alfalfa takes 1. Alfalfa is mainly for veg, the enzymes it makes can cause new growfh on old buds - foxtails and stuff, barley and corn are anytime. You want it to just get stated growing real well then put it in a blender. I added a little fish bone meal, and since I don't have any late flower anymore I added some kelp (works similar to alfalfa with the enzymes). I blend it super-fine, then strain it through a not-too-fine seive. Any chunks that get through and don't clog the watering can feed the worms.
The 3 Macchiato x Jaro could all be twins except for the age, so if I find one that's better it'll be based on when it was chopped.
Super dense.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's my veg now. I pulled the two babies from the mini tent since I got heat mats rigged in here. Actually works out better. I don't waht the bigger plants on heat all the time, so the thermostat is in the dome. It'll keep the babies nice, and the rest will get some heat but hopefully not too much. This is all fems.
The Motor Breath x GSC is slow as fuck, but healthy. Those 4-6 little limbs are what is getting flipped when the rest go. I have more beans if it's worth vegging out longer next time. I think it's been working OK to have the fems in the smaller pots since they will get new shoes at flip instead of needing to be sexed.