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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Canadians and Euro's don't get free speech or personal feedom. They try and they say the words, but you can be fooked up for saying the wrong thing about the wrong people. Our Bill of Rights is foreign to them - or at least their practical use

Deleted member 2835

most likely,i would hate to see the list of other non seed bizs all these outfits are tied to
Have you actually seen though? it's about as basic as a website can be and still be functional. If they're taking in any money they sure as fuck aren't putting any money back into the website.


Insanely Active Member


Insanely Active Member
So I had insulation pulled out of my stove the last two days. I cought this today. My question to all is, to kill or not to kill? My stove was bought two years ago at home depot for $600 plus tax. It pissed me off but now I am getting soft. What would you do? It is probably a female since it was pulling insulation.
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