The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Since I pull almost everything out of the tent to water it I waited until everything needed some juice to get-r-dun.
The closet is the same except for the mystery Bubba Kush cross on the shelf. The main reason for the shelves is to have a space around the lower fan that blows under the pots. Also happens to be all CSI stuff.
In here is the Freeborn plants. 5 Grape Lime testers and the two Pink Champs crosses.
And the biggest tent now has the bigger plants. Fucking common sense attacks every once in a while.
The Deep Chunk actually have nodes. There's no way these will ever need a 5g pot unless I veg them for months, so I am gonna do either a 2g or 3g plastic pot. The good thing is that in plastic pots if I ever need to go bigger it's a snap. That NYC Piff x Lemon Tree fem tester from 707 is a lemon tree mini-plant, so she's right at home with the other midgets. I was hoping the piff would bring stretch, but if I get lemon terps then it's all good.
The Macchiato x Jaro testers are all doing fine, and stretchy. One Last Call is fine, one is a runt. The Pineapple Sass was the one with the coty's glued together with the seed skin. I don't think I'll let it live. but there's still green there and I have room.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am now a fan of the canna-gar cigars. The moderate sized mold/press worked well doing nothing fancy, just pack it then wrap it in a paper. The little wooden tips are just cigarette holders so I am on the hunt for glass with the right diameter. I think the proper diameter stainless steel 'skewer' that leaves the hole in the middle would be good too.

Anyway, I tried the smaller diameter one and it is the size of a cigarette. you can pack a gram or two and the only limitation is that they sit about 1/2" into the wooden tip. If you don't want to smoke wood it needs to be longer. It probably takes half a gram to pack that first little bit. More on the bigger cannagars with bigger tips.
With a glass on hitter or cigarette holder for the crutch the length wouldn't even matter. I like this one better than the larger one I think. The best part is that the re-light doesn't taste like relighting a joint. It is so compact it doesn't absorb the smoke that passes through so much since it is contained in the little skewer hole.
I paid the extra to get the clear one but the regular model this size is $10 less. Well made and you can compress the hell out of it with no worries about the thing breaking.


Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
Could you roll the glass tip in with the paper or could either components be too heavy and tear the paper where the tip and cannagar meet?

Cannagars are a grow goal.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Could you roll the glass tip in with the paper or could either components be too heavy and tear the paper where the tip and cannagar meet?

Cannagars are a grow goal.
I tried the glass tips and you nailed it - not sturdy enough. Too floppy. The weed expands to fill the paper so rolling it with a fairly moist paper is helpful. I get it real tight then let it dry. If I get it perfectly tight the tips are a little too large and they'll fall out.

I like the larger one for use putting back some primo flower that I won't get to smoke at it's freshest. I think this will actually age better. But the little one that's cigarette size you can fit in almost any one-hitter or a standard cigarette holder that is not combustable. You'll waste paper, but not weed.

I packed a one gram little nub of the CLHP and it was only about a 1/2" long. It fit perfect in a little GRAV one hitter, and they burn slow enough that it was similar to rolling a regular joint.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I flipped the deep chunksters. I moved them to the smaller tent, and whatever is a girl gets kept. 100w of light, and if this is too much I can dim it.
The closet for tall plants has the Bubba mystery cross because it seems to like this spot, and every Notsodog Headband cross made it here. The ChemD was a later drop and just started stretching past the rest in the other tent.
This tent is the two Pink Champs and the 5 Grape Lime x 1st Crown. I took the lowest set of limbs off all those.
And this is everything else - except the Durban Poison got chopped (full moon) so there's an empty spot. The earlier Croquembouche is almost done too.
The Chemdog mystery cross is at least half Chemdog right? The bud looks spot on, but only half the leaf is eating itself LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Forgot to add this pic. This is now all I have in veg, and it's the mini-tent. One reason I moved the Deep Chunk to the smaller tent with less wattage was to get the veg going again. These are almost ready for the next pot. I have a littlesqueee bottle with a spout that squirts a nice stream of water that I use for the babies. Once around the cup gets the outside soil moist with enough force to get it deep without soaking the soil. Like trying to 'wash' the roots off the side of the cup, but not really.

After a few times of that I'll soak the cup and let it drain then up-pot before it dries out over the next few days. I thinkn that helps keep the soil together long enough to get it to the next pot without crumbling. I don't let stuff get rootbound, and almost never see any "transplant shock".
The NYC Piff x LT tester is slow like the Lemon Tree and looks to stay small. I stuck it in here with the babies to keep it in veg and it is the same size.

I am liking how the Deep Chunk grow is going. The lower light to get them to stretch worked well so I may keep that tent solely for veg and flower of my midget plants like the Lemon Tree, Catpiss, Cherrywest and a few others. I think lots of smaller plants (considering the plethora of seeds I have) would be great as long as it works with smaller pots. So far the smaller plants have all finished quicker as well.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Looking awesome amigo.
Are the hangers in the Pink Champ tent to keep the walls from bowing in when it's closed?
I have those in every corner of every tent - bought some specifically with the round-end hanger part so I didn't get holes. Got the idea off the youtubes. Really great behind your oscillating fan to keep the tent from hitting it.

It's basically a leaf spring.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
No pics but a smoke report - sort of. The Dank Sinatra made by @J.James has a kind of meaty terp to it I haven't heard a lot about. I am sure it is probably like the "meat breath" type stuff but it is not nasty like rotting meat or anything like that. It smells tasty.

I don't remember what the crosses were that made it, and remaking it from the same parents is out since the hurricane.

I didn't save clones of the one plant I got. I'm that guy where if it was great smoke I'll have great memories of it. That one in a hundred pheno you wanted? I smoked that - I am where unicorns go to die.

The upside of that is I pop lots of beans instead of re-running stuff I like over and over and never trying new stuff. In this case I think I may have the key to making something close. The T-Star from Top Dawg, and the Dogma from 707 are both Trinity x Chem crosses. Both have that delicious, edible smell. I didn't get a hint of Chem in either, though they are regs and I am sure other pheno's will pop. That said I think the Trinity is the missing link for that.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The two that are looking done don't look similarly ripe in the macro. The WiFi OG x 707 OG Kush is gone tomorrow. None of the pics came out 'pretty' clear, but were enough to see ambers and lots of milk. She's chunky and plump and hits 9 weeks tomorrow.
The first Croquembouche looks milky at a glance.
Up close it has a week or two left
The white look is volume, not ripeness.
The Freeborn plants are all jurassic looking. the three across the middle all have a lower canopy almost very vertical branches. I took lower limbs off them all since I have plenty of whatever that pheno is. I took the lower fan leaves just for airflow. I am not worried about shade with these. they have fat leaves for a reason. I'll likely remove those two fan leaves just above the canopy if there is physical contact with the tops as the limbs stretch.
The two up front are beanpoles that would look retarded if I took the fan leaves, but they'll never be close to any buds.


Insanely Active Member
Forgot to add this pic. This is now all I have in veg, and it's the mini-tent. One reason I moved the Deep Chunk to the smaller tent with less wattage was to get the veg going again. These are almost ready for the next pot. I have a littlesqueee bottle with a spout that squirts a nice stream of water that I use for the babies. Once around the cup gets the outside soil moist with enough force to get it deep without soaking the soil. Like trying to 'wash' the roots off the side of the cup, but not really.

After a few times of that I'll soak the cup and let it drain then up-pot before it dries out over the next few days. I thinkn that helps keep the soil together long enough to get it to the next pot without crumbling. I don't let stuff get rootbound, and almost never see any "transplant shock".
View attachment 131053
The NYC Piff x LT tester is slow like the Lemon Tree and looks to stay small. I stuck it in here with the babies to keep it in veg and it is the same size.

I am liking how the Deep Chunk grow is going. The lower light to get them to stretch worked well so I may keep that tent solely for veg and flower of my midget plants like the Lemon Tree, Catpiss, Cherrywest and a few others. I think lots of smaller plants (considering the plethora of seeds I have) would be great as long as it works with smaller pots. So far the smaller plants have all finished quicker as well.
cool, i never studied on that angle,for getin stretch.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Deep Chunk 100w grow is killing it. For anyone that grew out the DC from that dickhead "The Rev" from Kingdom Organic seeds, this is proof that trying to make male selections instead of letting nature do it's thing (open pollination) can really bottleneck and fuck up a line if you don't know what you are doing. His beans that I popped, and someone else on the forum that popped some had these retarded short plants with 4 nodes per inch of main stem, and if you let them go would have been a moldy mess. I pruned away halt the flowers about week 6 once I saw what was happening but they were already fucked.

That said, the smoke and the genetics behind it was really nice. When I sar CSI had them I figured what the Hell. Fool me once (Rev) shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Well, it ain't the strain. Learning that it was bred for growing in the shade and hiding from the helicopters may have helped this batch do better, but not to the extreme that I think the Rev beans would be OK like this. If the taller ones here are the males I'll only have 3 girls.

I think that after these harvest I'll try a mix of the midget plants in case any of them were just a runt out of a pack of regular plants. Like 3 each of the Cherrywest, the Lemon Tree, the Catpiss, and maybe more Deep Chunk if this run was male heavy. What I realized is that I have all these damn beans, and this little group of genetics Fuck up every other grow if they are mixed in. They always need shelves, and are never ready to flip with everything else dropped at the same time. These are like an afterthough that use no power and eat very little. I expect nothing for yield, but if I get a half ounce of monkey-balls per girl then it's a win.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
cool, i never studied on that angle,for getin stretch.
The other thing I did was prune away any of the low nodes that weren't gonna be much. All the single-blade nodes are gone, and most of the 3-blade node stuff. A few had good limbs there already stretching though so they stay for now. I want to focus growth on the stuff I am keeping.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I pruned the lowest limbs off two of the Grape Lime plants just because there were enough other limbs, and they weren't getting to that lower canopy height. This is two weeks into flower and they already had decent puffball tops. But from everything I have seen a plant is gonna produce the same weight of flower at the end based on how long it vegged, and the size pot. After that you can top and train all you want and you are getting different versions of the same weight.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I chopped that Durban Poison a few days ago and just let the pot sit until I got around to messing with soil. First thing I see when I walk into the bedroom is three morning glory blooming. I have a dozen or so seeds I hav collected from harvested plants but these won't get to that stage.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My tents are no longer crowded. I had to flip my heater on for the first time last night so my rH is gonna dry out more and they may all start drinking more. I have the Notso Headband crosses here with their little Bubba. The Chemdog cross back right is getting super thick.
the Grape Lime five and two Pink Champs
And the assortment. The yellow ball is the Sour Puss, the two bright green are the Croq's, and the darker green it the SSHP, All three are Baguetes crosses. The pink one is the Sweet 16 mystery cross. That is a clone-only selection Caleb at CSI did from his "Pinks and Purps". This smells like a specific candy - very sweet - but I can't place it yet. I'll give it a sniff every watering and have it before harvest LOL. The back right is the Headline, which is that Texas Shoreline cross. I am expecting some nasty low-tide smells there. Back left is the Chemdog mystery cross that I think happens to be one of the Chem91 S1's. I look at it and see Chemdog. From the little dark green puppydog tongue bud leaves to the upper parts being consumed.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Finally got around to up-potting the babies. The 7 Macchiato x Jaro are already pumping out nodes. That NYC Piff x LT fem was in a bigger solo cup. Giving it a little fresh soil to see if I get more veg. The 'blow-out' shell-less plant is right there with the rest now, maybe a little skinnier looking. The Pineapple Sass and Last Call runts and the Piff fem are on their own schedule now. the rest will flip as a group when they get as big as the pot.
The Deep Chunk are starting to get preflowers but nothing identifiable yet. 100w of light - damn LOL