Mythbusters Weed Eddition - Dark Period before Harvest

Does a dark period before harvest help potency and terps?

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Nerd Gone Vertical
I've only done it when I have several plants to break down at once and I have to get them all out of the bloom space. So a few shit in the dark for a day or two while I catch up on things. I never really noticed much of a difference so it's just time management for me.

Dr Evil

Active Member
The night before harvest, I will unplug the lights so they don't come on in the morning,

The gals stay in darkness until I chop them, then back into the dark tent along side my future victims.

So I don't think the 12+ hours of darkness does anything any good or bad, it's just how I handle the chop.


I cut a couple hrs after I wake up and take a shit, or when I get around to it,
so no, extended darkness does nothing for my plants.
Cause the night belongs to "Sleepy Time Tea", so I gotta wait till after morning coffee at least.
So take my advice, a couple hrs after lights come on,
or about 8:30AM on a "clear" morning after dew burns off.
People take growing a "weed" way too serious. lol
Seriously, who comes up with this shit about leaving them in the dark for extended periods of time?
And yes, I've tried it, and about everything else at least once in 50 years of growing plants.


And I think (because I have low humidity) that it's better to water your plants the night before harvest so you can hang-dry them longer and get a better cure LOL
I like to have it workable in 5 to 7 days because of mold risk.
But I don't touch the flower until it is bone dry. Then slowly bring it back in "case".
Just the opposite of your way. lol
I try to cut and dry when I have a week of good weather.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@NoWaistedSpace What it amounts to is tht "bro-science" has several sub-levels.

There's the anecdotal stuff that is actual science that has not been proven is a double-blind study
There's the stuff that is expert advice - regionally. Try this in his area you're golden, try it somewhere else and you're fucked.
There's the stuff that is strain specific - which can also be effected but the regional stuff.
Then there's straight up stoner hogwash that doesn't pass the logic test.


I like to have it workable in 5 to 7 days because of mold risk.
But I don't touch the flower until it is bone dry. Then slowly bring it back in "case".
Just the opposite of your way. lol
I try to cut and dry when I have a week of good weather.
If you let it get bone dry you are losing a lot of terpines in the process. You aren't going to get mold doing a 10-14 day dry as long as you keep the temp and humidity as close to 60° and 60% as possible. If you see mold after drying in that environment then it was there before you started drying.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have it on a thread I started a few months back.
I post about everything Bruce puts out.
Real Science with Dr. Bruce Bugby
Not bashing any particular "doctor" but remember a few things. Most of these PhDs taks a while to achieve. Almost all these people got theirs before weed was legal, based on basic big-ag agriculture.

Among the outspoken ones only a few have bothered to show me their grow.

WE all know that weed is not just another plant when it comes to agricultural/horticultural needs. It spans the spectrum from produce (hemp seed is a food crop), industrial (hemp-crete, hemp rope, etc.), horticultural for the flower aspect, and medicinal.

We also know that no one has been able to legally grow weed other than 0.3% THC hemp for all their experiments until recently. ALL this science is new, and all of it is subject to change - that's how science works.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Also, the PhD makes them a philosopher - not a doctor. A doctor has an MD or similar - the "doctor" is an academic hand-job to make them feel better.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Also, the PhD makes them a philosopher - not a doctor. A doctor has an MD or similar - the "doctor" is an academic hand-job to make them feel better.
No. The degree is conferred in recognition of original research, which is hardly "philosophy."


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
No. The degree is conferred in recognition of original research, which is hardly "philosophy."
The "Ph" in PhD actually stands for "Philosophy" - or "Doctor of philosophy". Look it up.

It is based on the 2-track system we have in education. BA and BS start it out with the Arts and Sciences being separated. A medical doctor (for example) can't go off on wild-ass guesses and personal theories.