The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think I have room for autos... Lost 4 of 8 to gender discrimination. My Dominion stuff is dropping like flies. I have a Polecat 91 that still hasn't shown. Keeping both Skunk XXX and one Bluperskunk for now. Waiting to up-pot hoping the last is a girl and I can pot them all at once. Good thing about culling is you can check the roots on the culls.
The four that are almost done got another 'watering every two days' stay of execution. I'll check again tomorrow. IMG_9904.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Randome shit

I'll try and get better pics before I harvest, but the Velvet Heat (middle left above) has an almost iridescent purple hue to it. It may be seeing the underside of the leaves along with the tops since she's always been praying, but it has an odd shimmery quality to it. It looks anywhere from dark purple to pinkish-red depending on the angle, and it changes if you stare at it.

If I had to guess it probably has a lot of those trichomes with no heads on the underside of the leaf making it kind of shiny.

long cure test on some questionable strains and one of the Briscoe County Line phenos is bumped up to top-shelf. It leans berries like the County Line Diesel and has a light purple tint to the grind. The Orgi from that drop smells exactly like the orange baby aspirin, or Tang - and it doesn't get me high for shit.

I have a green pheno of the BCL left to re-check and when I ground some it smelled like toasted sesame seeds.
Berries + Orange = Chinese cooking oil... who knew...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got a deal on meat at the store so I have to make bubble hash soon to make freezer space :ROFLMAO:

That's why I'm going through the random pheno's I've pulled from tester runs. Some I am just gonna thin out and keep the best nugs and hash the rest, like the 8 plants from the contest. Average an ounce per plant and there's a half pound of stuff that is mainly 'daytime smoke' where you feel good and high, but not debilitated.

Can't lie though - since I am retired and have pretty much zero responsibility except to the plants, I lean towards the debilitating stuff - and still get stuff done :cool:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Lights came on and the last Polecat 91 was a dude. Three girls out of 8 and two of one cross. Only half the goal of getting to try each.

Regardless of the number I still had to mix up and re-amend soil. I added a bit of craft blend to it and some assorted minerals - good thing I took a nap because I do everything high and get sidetracked easily :cool: Got all the soil from the male 1g pots, got the roots rinsed hang dry, got the tops pulverized to dry quicker, stuff like that.

Just now getting ready to pot stuff but that part goes quick. I love the look on the plants faces the next day or two when the concept of their new home sets in :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Retired - just means you can work when you want to instead of when someone else tells you... Always stuff to be done.

Dude Grows show and a pile of soil. The 15g pot upper left is the super-fungal compost attempt. I snag worms out of there when I need them instead of from one of the two worm bins because there are always wads of them in the lid humping.

Both times I got the worm bins on "close-out" for $100 instead of the advertised $140-sh one time red, one time green - flower and veg - real good for my OCD :ROFLMAO: Since I only had three girls I potted the CLHP clone I had growing for breeding. The clones for the three girls are already rooted and in cups.
When I got done I had about 5g of soil left that was ready to use. I won't need a lot of veg space in the near future so I am putting the 18/6 to work.
I beefed it up with some castings and filled 3 "short two-gallon" (5qt) pots. @High kev sent me some auto's that @Bobberr made and I figured they could sit in the fridge until I got around to making it a major grow, or I could shove a few in the corner and grow them small.
He sent me 10 each of three different crosses so I could keep this going for a few years... Why go big? I put a shot-glass of seed starter soil packed pretty tight right in the middle and they were not pre-soaked. I'm waiting on the front row to get cloneable and they're finally stretching a bit.
Free The Duke now has two Skunk XXX and a Bluperskunk as company. a few more days on the Momma's showing sex/getting up-potted.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got a fine stash from both the Grandpa's Stash and the Member Berry. The MB has a strong paint thinner smell that I'm pretty sure is gonna leave. The GS is completely dank. but hard to describe for now.

I do know that a wake-n-bake bowl of each fucked me up good. 10-day weed. Damn! I just picked out a little from each of the smallest nug-lets and it ground fine and smoked well. Sticky as hell and I don't think that's curing out. I'm letting the trim dry crispy before I see if it will dry sift or just gum up the screen.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Member Berry (left) I had to break down to smaller nugs. really dense and greasy. Grandpa's Stash is an instant winner, glad I cloned it, she gets a big pot when the time comes. Just burned a whole cone walking through my woods and it is clean burning and tasty, not harsh at all. It has a cigar quality to the flavor. Tobacco and coffee, like what you'd associate with a television Grandpa. Who knew? :ROFLMAO: I'm smoking on that the rest of the day. The Member Berry I won't play around with as much since I don't have as much. Gonna give it a go tomorrow and see if I wish I cloned it. Might move the fem-bean up on the drop list.


The Member Berry (left) I had to break down to smaller nugs. really dense and greasy. Grandpa's Stash is an instant winner, glad I cloned it, she gets a big pot when the time comes. Just burned a whole cone walking through my woods and it is clean burning and tasty, not harsh at all. It has a cigar quality to the flavor. Tobacco and coffee, like what you'd associate with a television Grandpa. Who knew? :ROFLMAO: I'm smoking on that the rest of the day. The Member Berry I won't play around with as much since I don't have as much. Gonna give it a go tomorrow and see if I wish I cloned it. Might move the fem-bean up on the drop list.
was just smokin on some member berry. This was the first post I opened after😄

Quality strain for sure


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Busy night last night and not a lot of pics. Nothing being tested so I wasn't really worried about it. Harvest doesn't take much time since I just snip fan leaves, but four plants and a stoner takes the evening. All four looked like a powdered sugar bomb went off. The Road Dog 2 had a late nanner cluster just starting in the top center of a main cola.
I thought it was crazy that all four that looked like a few days apart suddenly looked done enough at the same time. They could have maybe gone a day, but there were places where I could see empty follicles where some ambers already dropped off on their own. Then I looked out the window and saw what looked like a full moon. I decided to check.
I am back on board with the moon-cycle thing. I'm not worried as much about dropping beans at the new moon inside, but I think it might matter if you plant in the soil outside. My random drops for the chuck that never was proved that.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I figured out the smell on the Grandpa's Stash. It reminds me of a line from Cheeseburger in Paradise
"warm beer and bread they say could raise the dead"

It's mainly a warm bread smell, but there's a dank/sour under it. There's just a little bite to it. Still tastes like coffee and a good cigar though.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Member Berry is another top shelf. When I run out I drop another bean and clone that one. The "berry" comes out as a non-descript sweetness but it turns the paint thinner into minty freshness so it works out to Wrigley's Spearmint Gum in the smoke. Interested to see how it cures out but I wouldn't have enjoyed that if I was a purist.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Thinking out loud... In about 10 days I'll know if I drop a Chemdog immediately. The two Road Dog that are hanging are a multi chem cross from a guy that loves the chem high (SkunkVA/Lucky Dog) so I'm hopeful. Both plants looked and smelled the same and had a chem funk. I have the DeChempose from Covert going, but that's too far from harvest to factor into that decision. I have a few other things I want to run first but I can always make room for a small fem that is mainly intended for cloning. I want to get the Momma's sexed and up-potted, and the veg-closet plants cloned and flipped before I drop anything - I think.

The Savage Headband looks sick. I un-potted it this morning before lights out and put it in new soil that was dryer. The old soil went into outside garden just in case, and if I have to cull it I don't think I'll save anything for future inside use. No bad bugs visible so I'm thinking it's a wet-root issue and it might perk up - or not. The two DeChempose are drying down for a good soaking. The MAC1 cross I just don't know. Weird looking.
The flower tents are now separated by flip, which seems logical except for height considerations. I have what amounts to two HLG-240 in here but one was on a skinny-ass heat-sink I didn't like so I cut it in half. Still on one driver for both boards. I like the adjustability. All my drivers are remote.
This is my Terpy-T-bar light. Haven't noticed one shred of difference between one tent with twice the $$$ of lights and this one. Roughly the same wattage running in each.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If I think back two weeks that was about when the plants started to really show milk...
right around the new moon...
which was also a key for when to drop the next set...

There's something about sticking with that 4-week moon-cycle and keeping an easy rotation of small plants going.