The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The clone thing ain't too bad. I set a heat mat under the dome and it is holding right at 85F, and giving the tent about a 5 degree boost overall. I have a wire rack over the mat so it's not touching the plastic directly. The Sky Struggler has some new growth and it is looking very un-reveg-like after sitting by the window and now being in 18/6 for a few days. The top is cloned so I'll be using one to catch pollen and the other for smoke after. The Cream, the Grandpa's Stash, and the Rock Island Rocket up top are in full re-veg with single-blade leaves everywhere. I topped them to keep them manageable.
The two beautiful veg clones top center are from the CLHP, as is the shorty just below them that was the top. No clue how, but both have opposing nodes like they were from seed. Both taken 3/9, so less than a month from snip.
I think most of the re-vegges I want to keep should have enough normal growth for taking a few clones on the 20th. The tiny Road Dogs and Velvet Heat I am just flipping as is, maybe a bigger pot if they take off. I have plenty of smoke in flower and don't even know if I dig it. But they are in the lucky random mix to catch pollen with the primaries.

Biggest problem with keeping any flower clones in veg during the chuck is that they all have pistils. Usually throughout the grow no matter how long you veg. This is The Cream.
However, :unsure: since I know shit about The Cream other than it's terpy and I like another cross from the same dad - If each of those pistils caught pollen I would still have several packs of beans to sift through. That's what I'm counting on with the tiny re-veg clones.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Sky Cuddler is the only one I am really worried about. Everything else I have more beans of. The clone I keep would just be in accordance with the new SOP of keeping something growing until I smoke the mom. If the cloneable material has pistils when I flip I might not bother.

Patience paid off for the Sangria Cookies. Looks almost triploid, but up close it's like it has two seed-leaf nodes and the lowest one just has one leaf. I had to top the soil off in the @Heisenbeans Lemon Tree. As soon as the roots hit bottom she shot up. Lemon Raspberry Moonshine just sounds good. Banana Raspberry Moonshine? Who knows.
I think taking the tops at 3-ish weeks worked well on the skunks. No hollow stems to worry about and the 4-top are perfect. That should be easy for the six Momma Moonshines and the chemmy ones but the MAC1 x Orgi is looking slooooooow good. She is a fem and might not flip. I may try something with rooting a few clones while they are in 12/12 with the orgy just to see if they can make a few pistils and a few beans. But I want to smoke it. Haven't had the MAC yet and this is definitely not leaning Orgi.
Member Berry up front in the shorty tent is going to lose at least one limb at 7 weeks. (tomorrow) I see milk everywhere and don't want to miss the possibility that this is the window. There is a few ambers here and there but you have to look hard.
The Grandpa's Stash has tops that look like upside down shot-glasses. Probably dry about that size too.
So I mulched the male(phrasing) GMO X FC plant which leaves me with just the female GMO X FC :cool: plant and my Harlet flower cut. Re-positioned them and threw down a scrog on D 14 of flower. This will let me get a real good look at GMO X FC and if it is 30% > THC thumper D's lab tests say it is I have 2 cuts of the female, 1 cut of Harlet, and 1 of the male coming up on my cloner and will do a chuck with them.
GMOXFC 2 Harlet FC D14.JPG
GMOXFC 2 Harlet FC D14 B.JPG
GMOXFC 2 Harlet FC D14 C.JPGGMOXFC 2 Harlet FC D14.JPGGMOXFC 2 Harlet FC D14 B.JPGGMOXFC 2 Harlet FC D14 C.JPG
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All my new Heisenbeans(Sticky Icky, Purple Crash, Topanga Cookies) now have their roots in the nutes and no longer need to be top fed and have grabbed 2nd gear. They might be coming along for the chuck as well. Lemon Frosting(BR) is now scarily dense and will be going to flower soon.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have the clones on a regular day night cycle since they aren't in a light controlled room. Means I get to play with them during the day if I want - or I can lump them in with the nightly plants stuff. I have the skunk tops rooting and that'll be the first new thing to take up space. All of the girls mom's will be impregnated and I'll keep them around to grow out and incinerate later, any that have dads will be worm food with daddy - pretty gruesome. :ROFLMAO:

The Sky Cuddler Kush and the Grandpa's Stash are potential long-term moms so I have a clone of each going already. I'll take another round of clones when the reveg is done on the GS. I cupped the two GS clones today so I'll have one to catch pollen and a safety net.
If the SCK doesn't end up going through reveg I'll take a herd of clones. and ditch the big pot. I have a clone going now but I still don't know if it's a male or female. I'll flip something on the 20th with everything else and figure it out.
These are mostly for breeding. The Wiliams Wonder is a veg clone, but the rest are flower clones. 2 RIR both re-vegging but one is just getting started. The two RIR are the only one I haven't got smoke growing in the tent. If the new growth is covered with pistils I'll just need one for the chuck. All the rest I'll snag a clone from just before or just after flip for my potential mom program.
But these are my mom's in training. CLHP veg clones will be safe through the chuck. One will catch, one will get flipped as soon as the pollen is cleaned up, and the other will be a long-term mom. No clue yet which will be which. I up-potted based on what the plant needed. The one in back only had one good limb per node on the lower three so I used a tall 2g and buried them. The top was squat so it got a 'short 2g' (5qt). the one in the one gallon is my beater. I unraveled the roots when I dumped it instead of being gentle, and it went from one of the 1/2g to just a 1g for now. It will be a manifold once I get two good limbs.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Chemdog in the mornin' can get you thinking.

I just realized what a chore this was getting ready to make seeds - I'm fucking retired and already have a few chores.

Started out thinking about having about a quarter-bag left of the Chemdog, and hoping that the Road Dog from Skunk VA (a multi-chem cross) would have the same excellent buzz as the champ.

And if it didn't I'd need to grow another Chemdog and get it into my future-mom program. I have the CLHP going in several stages now and that makes me happy. I have less than a half a sack of that left but some that'll be harvested in a month or so.

The epiphany was this. Instead of fucking with pollen now I'd be happier keeping moms. I may isolate some stuff that I want to breed later and I have a ton of stuff to hunt through. The only thing I won't have is a Momma Moonshine male to extend that line. But people keep mom's going for decades so there's that.

Rooting clones is the only chore, but after that it's just growing plants. I like that.

I have way too much stuff going now but I chopped the Grandpa's Stash and the Member Berry this morning and a few others are browning nice. I fucked up the math and they were at 8 weeks and a day instead of 7. And I don't have a Member Berry clone - and that's what got the mind rolling...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The other thing I was considering is how easy it has been topping at 3-4wks and cloning the top. If I keep getting 100% rooting using the aloe I can flip whenever I want after topping instead of making sure clones root first.

That means I can get back to dropping some beans every 4 weeks. But seeing all my top-shelf flower dwindling at the same time
means I'll probably drop fewer because I want to keep a part of the grow for running the clones of the known headstash.

I learned today that if you cross a mutant like Freakshow with a reg, you will never get freaks. You have to grow out those beans and open pollinate the kids to start finding that recessive gene popping out again, then you can breed those together and keep getting freaks.

Having the clone tent on 18/6 means I can do some serious rearranging if needed when flipping time comes.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Flaky fucking stoner can't make up his damn mind...
Member Berry 202g wet, Grandpa's Stash 286g.
No more stands. I just jammed all I could in here
So I could flip the skunks in here. I may go back and put the tallest from the jammed tent back in here
The Momma's got their seed-leaf node cleaned up, Looking for a little more stretch before I top them.
The seed-starter/clone-tent is dialed back to one 65w QB. The Grandpa's Stash is one of the eventual moms and what is started in the cups. If they look like re-veg stuff I'll trash them and take another set once the mom grows out some. They were for catching pollen and it wouldn't have mattered about re-veg. The Sky Cuddler and the Skunk tops are still alive. If any of the skunk tops don't root and end up being a girl I can go the flower-clone route, but I think I am done with that. I am definitely not into taking a clone just so you can take a better clone from it later.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Once the Sky Cuddler roots I am flipping it or the mom to see if it's even a girl. I heard Mean Gene mention it on a podcast, and it is a 'hunting' cross that could have a lot of different stuff in it. I could either have a male, or just a shit pheno. Or it could be fire - first step is to smoke it. I also have the Rock Island Rocket to smoke as soon as it puts out regular growth.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is going to be my first "bed" project. It's only 15g for now, but I started it January 1st. There was lot of old-growth forest stuff put in; furry fallen limbs off an oak, assorted fresh shrooms, some hickory nuts that were so mycelium-eaten they were white and crumbled. It also had a small portion of everything in the cupboard as far as malted barley, kelp, alfalfa meal craft blend, and pretty much the whole Down To Earth catalog of minerals.
I have been adding junk to the top and treating it like a compost pile for the stuff I am not chopping and dropping in the pots anymore. I heard that the rotting veg was a good pathway for pathogens, so all that goes on them now is stuff that's been dried. I have been turning the top 6" or so every few weeks but letting the wood and moldy rocks stay buried with some earthworms doing their thing deep while the wigglers composted stuff. I keep it moist but it doesn't take much. The plant saucer prevents a lot of evap and lifting the lid will tell you the moisture level. Any time I give the plants a heavy feeding or a dose of recharge it got a little.
IMG_9780.JPG IMG_9779.JPG
It's been like a third worm bin, but I am done adding stuff. I'm giving it a few weeks to get the last greenage composted then I'm sifting out the wood. and any large rocks. It is gonna be super nutrient dense with a lot that's already plant available so it's going to get thinned out with my regular soil into whatever size pot seems appropriate. I want to do a sea of green that is just root-n-fruit and stuff it full of single-cola clones. The CLHP that I have three of (and none needed to catch pollen :rolleyes:) are the likely candidate. If the mom is anywhere near as good as the first plant I grew I want to grow enough that I won't hesitate to use a bunch for hash :cool:. I'll let them bush out until I get the soil ready. I only want to keep one mom so I may just rape the other two plants of every possible clone.


I recently made an order here. It came with a pack of free seeds. Unfortunately when the seeds were planted most of the label was damaged. Now i can't make out what they are. It is a cross with oilspill f5? Anyone ha e a clue what it could be? I emailed them last week but have yet to hear back.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I recently made an order here. It came with a pack of free seeds. Unfortunately when the seeds were planted most of the label was damaged. Now i can't make out what they are. It is a cross with oilspill f5? Anyone ha e a clue what it could be? I emailed them last week but have yet to hear back.
From his recent stuff I would have to guess Vin Santo which is crossed with Purple Jelly Pie. He also sent out freebies that were just the Oilspill.


I recently made an order here. It came with a pack of free seeds. Unfortunately when the seeds were planted most of the label was damaged. Now i can't make out what they are. It is a cross with oilspill f5? Anyone ha e a clue what it could be? I emailed them last week but have yet to hear back.
I'd say it's oil spill I also got a feeble pack I grew a couple with the comp plants these nugs are heavy and rock hard..image.jpeg