The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think my system will work. Looks like one of the Dominion G tops isn't taking (cut 3/31) but the rest are still full and lush. There was one that was short and I had to cut an internode instead of at a node so that could be it. It's still green and vertical though.
So IF that clone doesn't take, and IF that dominion G is a girl, THEN i can take a flower clone as soon as it shows and it's possible that it won't re-veg but if it does that's fine.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Grandpa's Stash (green arrows) clones both got roots and cups. I don't want to flower it again yet, but the mom is hanging so I'll get to smoke it soon and make my first go/no-go decision. The big plant I have of it can be compost since the cups are rooted.

The Sky Cuddler Kush (red arrow) is a puzzle since I don't know what it is yet. The top showed a root and is in a cup. I took four more clones
but left two emergency limbs on the mom until I see the cup well rooted. Then when the new clones root I'm flipping the first one to see what I have. I just don't know the root situation in the 5g pot to flip that. I dropped that bean beginning of February then it sat by a window getting healthy. Never did show re-veg like the Rock Island Rocket (yellow Arrow) did.

The little RIR is a waste - I took it before both went single-blade-crazy. It dropped same time as the SKC but I thought it was male and set it by the window - beside the Sky struggler that didn't re-veg :rolleyes: :unsure: Took clones, flipped the RIR and it went bat-shit crazy so I composted it. I took a few clones from the bigg'un since it is stretching out some. First one to show real leaves gets flipped so I can finally smoke the bitch! The rest of the re-vegges in that tray are no hurry since I have mom's flowering out now. I may sort them as go/no-go before I need to mess with them.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Pretty much chillin' on dropping beans for now. As soon as I get enough of the hoard in the veg-closet flipped to have some room I will be dropping an auto or three. A lot of this growing notes crap is so I can visualize when I will start having room again. I don't want to rush things since my new goal is finding a respectable stable of moms but the auto's don't play into that. All I need is veg space and I already know that I can veg a drop of one gallon plants to flip around them with a shelf if needed.

I have three crosses from @Bobberr that I can't choose between - so one of each seems reasonable if I keep the pots small. The next regs will be something Piffy from the upstate region I got from @High kev.

I have a few more like the Chem91 and ChemD I know I want a mom of so that's next on the fem side, and I'll drop a replacement immediately if 'this ain't the cut'. But I have the Road Dogs going and if either one checks the Chem box there's no hurry on them either.

I have the 4 fems I dropped for breeding going that are all ones I wanted to mom-hunt anyway so no loss, but they aren't ones on the "MUST KEEP ON HAND" checklist ;) They are more on the "here's something different" list - but ya never know. I have some regs I want to run back through as well but that is gonna take more room and more soil to do right so that's the long term stuff.




Insanely Active Member
Katsu's Wet Ass Kushy(FL) and Dosidos(FR) are days away from pulling into harvest station now, and starting to stage dive all over the canopy in celebration. MAN I can't wait to get one of those frosty little nuggets of the Platinum Girl Scout Cookies X Platinum Kush into my bong.
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G D, deep water culture rocks, hard. Could you tell me seedling ppm and how many days to feed them this, veg ppm/days and flower ppm/days. How about pesticide any? Any tips at all will be taken to heart. Rock and Roll.
G D, deep water culture rocks, hard. Could you tell me seedling ppm and how many days to feed them this, veg ppm/days and flower ppm/days. How about pesticide any? Any tips at all will be taken to heart. Rock and Roll.
Salute Joebud, When I pop beans I normally run right around 50ppm and once they are up I just suck up a syringe full of nutes from one of my healthy veg plants and then just squirt it all over their root riots to keep them moist and happy until they get up potted/bucketed. So ppm is normally around 400-500 range(1/2 strength for me) and what I feed plants when they are in veg. I normally veg my plants for 35 to 42 days but sometimes longer if they need it.

for pest control I use Dr Z's and normally hit them with it anytime I go at them with a heavy defol. If at anytime I actually see some bugs I then go with Bonide 442.
Dr Z.png


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Tomorrow is 4 weeks for the Momma Moonshine. For any of you that are hesitant to invest in the extra space I'm liking the "clone everything" concept. Flipping early and keeping the plants small is working well with the living soil and small (5g) pots. Trimmed the lower stuff off the Dechempose and Savage Headband, but the MAC cross is hanging back. Probably end up flipping with the 4 on the back row.
The wonky Sangria Cookies gave one last gasp at trying to be a mutant, but the next node looks normal ;)
The Cream and the Velvet Heat are 9 weeks and don't look to go 10. Weird thing is that they looked closer yesterday than they did today so 10 weeks might be the ticket. I have some skunks already showing preflowers and those clones aren't rooted yet - so I may be culling males and their clones before I even have to waste a cup on them. I am going to shift the flowers into this tent with the TerpyT bar light since the height is what it is
and put the flippers all in here with the adjustable lights and a few short plants. So the debate in the head is whether I put coffee on and get busy or wait until tomorrow. The two Road Dog are 9 weeks today and also looking to go 10 weeks. I think short and farther from the light doesn't matter at this point, so that will save me a bunch of highchairs.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Mostly waiting on sex. Girls get a 5g, boys get the axe. The Thunderhole and Williams Wonder are the two "Free The Duke" strains they put out as a fundraiser with AK Bean Brains stuff.
The DeChempose and Savage Headband are popping now. Just waiting on the limbs to develop so I can top. I have the lights high kind of slow-rollin' these. Not in a hurry until I see some space opening up either from culls or harvests. This is where a few autos will fit, but if I get a bumper crop of girls it might be on 12/12 for a bit waiting on harvests.
The four around the front in here are on their last legs. The two Road Dog chems got zero perk from yesterdays goodies so I am leaning towards chopping. Everything gets water tomorrow so I'll re-evaluate those two. The Cream and the Velvet Heat are both winding down underneath, but have some new stuff up top and are doing the happy dance from the sprout tea. IMG_9872.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Thunderhole is a really cool little plant. Perfect Christmas tree and very frosty. I don't have a clone of it because there were never really any limbs. If the smoke is outstanding I'll be dropping a hunt sooner rather than later because I don't think I'll get a lot. But as far as the structure - I wouldn't have that with a clone anyway.


Insanely Active Member
Mostly waiting on sex. Girls get a 5g, boys get the axe. The Thunderhole and Williams Wonder are the two "Free The Duke" strains they put out as a fundraiser with AK Bean Brains stuff.
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The DeChempose and Savage Headband are popping now. Just waiting on the limbs to develop so I can top. I have the lights high kind of slow-rollin' these. Not in a hurry until I see some space opening up either from culls or harvests. This is where a few autos will fit, but if I get a bumper crop of girls it might be on 12/12 for a bit waiting on harvests.
View attachment 112989
The four around the front in here are on their last legs. The two Road Dog chems got zero perk from yesterdays goodies so I am leaning towards chopping. Everything gets water tomorrow so I'll re-evaluate those two. The Cream and the Velvet Heat are both winding down underneath, but have some new stuff up top and are doing the happy dance from the sprout tea. View attachment 112988
The Mac1 Orgi looks unique. Very defined.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Loving your pictures bud, would you mind telling me why you have plants growing with your plants? I have seen other do this as well.
I am growing in "living soil" with worms in the pots, recreating a natural environment inside as much as possible. having a mulch layer helps prevent evaporation and keeps the worms happy. I don't use nutes, calmag, a pH pen, or an EC meter. All organic amendments and top dressings that feed the worms stuff my plants want to eat later. I'm on about the 3rd grow with the soil and it's getting better with age.

Any specific questions you have feel free.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If you look at the Build a Soil stuff I am using the "artisan take-n-bake" kit that came with everything needed for 70g of soil except the worms. I have two worm bins going for my primary "meat and potatoes" for the plants along with top dressing certain amendments. Turns out that every little worm-poop is cased in calcium.


I am growing in "living soil" with worms in the pots, recreating a natural environment inside as much as possible. having a mulch layer helps prevent evaporation and keeps the worms happy. I don't use nutes, calmag, a pH pen, or an EC meter. All organic amendments and top dressings that feed the worms stuff my plants want to eat later. I'm on about the 3rd grow with the soil and it's getting better with age.

Any specific questions you have feel free.
We use to have a worm bed years ago for fishing, how flippin neat. I still remember how rich that soil used to look, so it makes sense.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
We use to have a worm bed years ago for fishing, how flippin neat. I still remember how rich that soil used to look, so it makes sense.
I have two bins now trying to work one towards veg specific stuff like kelp, alfalfa and cannabis-in-veg trimmings; the other with barley, corn and cannabis waste from flowers like dry-sift or bubble-hash waste, anything I cull in flower etc.

Haven't gotten those bins worked through yet but when I get to it they'll go in different tubs for top dressing. I figure it takes a bit for the nutes to become plant available if I top-dress those same things, but with castings some is released every watering.