The James Gang

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
DUDE! I found the KFC pheno of County Line Hashplant! :ROFLMAO: I really thought I didn't cuz when she was in the tent she smelled like an old fence line tore up with over ripe honeysuckle that somebody dumped some gasoline on to try and burn it down. Just got done knocking the leaves off to finish her on a screen and did a quick smoke test and holy shit balls... When I exhale I totally taste FRIED CHICKEN! :ROFLMAO: And oh yeah, I'm now high as giraffe testicles. Full point on recommending this one H.A.F. (y)
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have about a half ounce of the CLHP left in the jar, so the timing is pretty good. It is great in a joint - for you and a few people, or for a few sessions. I use it as bowl-weed almost exclusively. If you do one-hitters it's easy to get that perfect O2 level so you get that rush of mind and body clarity, like a
vascular thing. Hard to describe, but you can feel every part of your body tingling all at once.

I hope you people know what I'm talking about LOL. If not, then bless your heart :cool: 🤷‍♂️


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Once it gets above freezing and I uncover the tomatoes I had to put in the ground and assess the damage and see if I need to replace any with the ones I still had in pots and brought inside, then I can clear out the spare bedroom of outdoor plants and the getting ready to chuck game is on.
These are ready for one gallons tonight and will stay in them until sexed. They all look to be squat though so the best way to get clones might just be taking the tops. I'll let them tell me, but I want to smoke a plant before the chuck and have a clone ready to catch pollen. The male one gallons I'll just prune back and keep until the clones take then pick one. .


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Since the mini tent will be open fuck the moon, I'm dropping something. Don't know what but I think it will be the Momma Moonshine to see if I get good breeding stock. There was a fermented berries and armpit funk that was just delicious. To have room for a wider variety of moms I can hopefully pick a female instead of just hitting them all. Keeping all the males though unless any weird out on me.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Another option would be to flower a bunch of the one gallons I want to just try and have a pack-o-beans left. The main goal is to get breeding material, and to see which smoke I like better than others. If I can get small clones to take from the lowers then a bunch of single cola plants with not much else might be the way to go.
Oooooooooooooooooooooh! 💡

That would be the perfect way to try a larger bed with a bunch of small plants! Have one big pot and put 4-ish girls in from those 8.

I need to get really high and think about stuff
Hmmmm... Why not put the stud in a big pot in the middle of the flower tent on your cool little step that has the fan underneath it and then just surround him with as many prime females in the small pots that will fit. I think I am going to be doing something pretty similar with my 2 GMO X Funeral cake plants if either of them turn out to be male. The stud will get a 12 gallon bucket and surrounded by 5 gals. I'm thinking I will throw in one of H's lemon frosting fems, that County Line Banana Hashplant flower cut, and possibly the other GMO X Funeral cake plant. Should make for a pretty interesting/worthy chuck I think. Who knows though I might end up with 2 females.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Hmmmm... Why not put the stud in a big pot in the middle of the flower tent on your cool little step that has the fan underneath it and then just surround him with as many prime females in the small pots that will fit. I think I am going to be doing something pretty similar with my 2 GMO X Funeral cake plants if either of them turn out to be male. The stud will get a 12 gallon bucket and surrounded by 5 gals. I'm thinking I will throw in one of H's lemon frosting fems, that County Line Banana Hashplant flower cut, and possibly the other GMO X Funeral cake plant. Should make for a pretty interesting/worthy chuck I think. Who knows though I might end up with 2 females.
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The stud in each tent will be whatever it is, lots of small plants. Think Sea of Green 1-gallon single-colas with a maybe 5-gallon male in the middle - or several smaller if it's an open pollination thing. I would seriously be happy with a large pack of beans per plant. I may even get the males going early and then introduce the small females a week or so later, so they are flowering hard when the buds are just getting to the Guy Fieri stage.

I updated my signature block with the latest drop. There were only 6 Momma Moonshine in the tube. I dropped 2 at a time once more than I checked off the list, getting males every time when I didn't want them. I have to run these to see if I can even get a female to catch pollen. All of the MM are going in the same tent with whatever other females for seed making. I am thinking that as soon as I know I have a good clone from each MM started (and have the proper genders) The chuck is on. I can use the moms/dads and get-r-dun.

I may just do one more "get whatever girls you can" drop of regs and a few select females just for pollen catching and do the chuck around the beginning of May.

I am gonna keep a few clones that veg and wash them down real good before flipping so I can get right into the flower-growing game when I pull the males. The MM girls would be those. Most of the other girl clones I haves will be seed-makers because - why not? If I have more than one each can get hit with a different donor. Smoking the moms will let me know which seeded moms to focus on in that MM F1 if there's a big difference. .

I should also have male options from the skunky round I am getting ready to up-pot. And the Rock Island Rocked male looks to be a good selection.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Stoner note before I get back to the dirt.

This "quick" drop at 15 days will be the last cloning project before I chuck. After that the next drop will be for plants to catch pollen. I'll have to grow those out at least enough to sex them before the chuck, then have the males ready for that timing. Anything from that drop I want to smoke on I should have plenty of cloning time so I can flip them after the pollen is cleaned up.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
interesting/worthy chuck
On that - Doing "an increase" F1 of something I like is my only reason to justify a chuck. If I just want random crosses I have @J.James breeding more than I can run. I still have several of his testers and freebies that have been superseded. From lack of room early and the joy of having extra beans, to getting an Oilspill freebie with a set of Vin Santo testers that have Oilspill in them - or County Line Diesel testers that by the time I get a chance to run them I have 8 CLD crosses in the jar from a contest :ROFLMAO: Shit like that.

I have more stuff than I can run in a lifetime unless I do some larger drops with more culling. I wanted to make more 007up and that put me on the path. When that shit the bed I already had clones going and a male saved that is pretty damn amazing. Sitting by a window and can't be getting 6 good hours of light a day, maybe 12 total, and is not flowering at all. Just waiting on the clones to take before composting him, but now it might be a tent stud. Not stretching at all and healthy as fuck.

The Momma Moonshine is a pretty unique terp profile from everything else I have run and I really liked it. The breeder confirmed that my guesses on the smells were spot on - which tells me that some of these should have that. If I don't get a mix of male and female out of those six I may scrub the whole fucking project. No skin off my ass. I want the experience but karma is real :cool:
On that - Doing "an increase" F1 of something I like is my only reason to justify a chuck. If I just want random crosses I have @J.James breeding more than I can run. I still have several of his testers and freebies that have been superseded. From lack of room early and the joy of having extra beans, to getting an Oilspill freebie with a set of Vin Santo testers that have Oilspill in them - or County Line Diesel testers that by the time I get a chance to run them I have 8 CLD crosses in the jar from a contest :ROFLMAO: Shit like that.

I have more stuff than I can run in a lifetime unless I do some larger drops with more culling. I wanted to make more 007up and that put me on the path. When that shit the bed I already had clones going and a male saved that is pretty damn amazing. Sitting by a window and can't be getting 6 good hours of light a day, maybe 12 total, and is not flowering at all. Just waiting on the clones to take before composting him, but now it might be a tent stud. Not stretching at all and healthy as fuck.

The Momma Moonshine is a pretty unique terp profile from everything else I have run and I really liked it. The breeder confirmed that my guesses on the smells were spot on - which tells me that some of these should have that. If I don't get a mix of male and female out of those six I may scrub the whole fucking project. No skin off my ass. I want the experience but karma is real :cool:
My collection of seeds is becoming borderline ridiculous at this point but I just have a feeling about D's GMO X Funeral cake as it already starting to get funky in the veg tent. And oh yeah... Lemon Frosted GMO Funeral Cake sounds like something I need in my life for some reason. :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have my first three keeper clones, one is a male, one a regular and one a flower clone. I'm leaning away from using the flower clones for breeding unless they have time to completely reveg before I start. The Grandpa's stash I'm gonna hang on to just because of the name until I see what it smokes like. One dome has clones waiting on roots, the other has the side vents open to harden off cupped clones.
Up-pots and the Sky Struggler. It doesn't like cold I'm thinking
CLHP is the 15g in the middle. I have the top and two side branches cloning, and if they don't take I just drop more beans to catch pollen later. Got rid of the stands and everything is short in here. Anything that stretches too much goes
in here where the Thunderhole still have no sexy parts at day 13 from flip. Must be an Alaska thing.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Whodaman? Thanks tons @High kev ! I thought you messed up on the autos when I saw double packs then I saw some were 5 and some 10. I happen to have a spare 18/6 tent that has had maters and now clones in it. Once the chuck is done I may run your autos before I even get to the regs :cool: If you had to pick one of the Piff/Haze for me to run that bests represents "The Piff" you remember from back in the day, which pack would I hunt in?

High kev

Yankee seeds
Whodaman? Thanks tons @High kev ! I thought you messed up on the autos when I saw double packs then I saw some were 5 and some 10. I happen to have a spare 18/6 tent that has had maters and now clones in it. Once the chuck is done I may run your autos before I even get to the regs :cool: If you had to pick one of the Piff/Haze for me to run that bests represents "The Piff" you remember from back in the day, which pack would I hunt in?
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Albany piff should represent it the most. We haven’t fully ran them all yet. The fem autos are fresh out the oven. I like the five packs. If people want ten seeds they can get two packs. Run half and still have a sealed pack.