Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness


Nerd Gone Vertical
@TreeFarmerCharlie I'm happy to discuss politics and I think Americans badly need the practice of discussing contentious issues without being disagreeable. We Also badly need to discuss politics because so much has gone wrong.

There are lots of people out there who work hard to make politics as disgusting and nasty as possible, precisely because they're trying to drive reasonable people away. We must not let them succeed.
@bk-og @twentyeight.threefive @m4s73r and anyone I haven't mentioned are more than welcome to discuss your views with me here. I WANT to hear them because otherwise I'll get stuck in my own echo chamber.

My political philosophy is this; the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Universal healthcare is therefore a no brainer. Bringing corporate power and the rich to heel is another. Yes, I want hardcore right wingers to benefit from free college like everyone else because critical thinking skills are badly needed when dealing with the Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Marco Rubio crowd.


Nerd Gone Vertical


Nerd Gone Vertical
Welp Ttystikk beat me to the punch on this one. Couldnt have said that better myself.

And that is kinda sad in and of itself. Debating political position/solution to issues was great. But now arguing a side may cost you your whole family. Its crazy.
America was built on political debate and it's only to the advantage of those who like things as they are to discourage it.

Well, I don't like things as they are and I want to change them!


@TreeFarmerCharlie I'm happy to discuss politics and I think Americans badly need the practice of discussing contentious issues without being disagreeable. We Also badly need to discuss politics because so much has gone wrong.

There are lots of people out there who work hard to make politics as disgusting and nasty as possible, precisely because they're trying to drive reasonable people away. We must not let them succeed.
@bk-og @twentyeight.threefive @m4s73r and anyone I haven't mentioned are more than welcome to discuss your views with me here. I WANT to hear them because otherwise I'll get stuck in my own echo chamber.

My political philosophy is this; the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Universal healthcare is therefore a no brainer. Bringing corporate power and the rich to heel is another. Yes, I want hardcore right wingers to benefit from free college like everyone else because critical thinking skills are badly needed when dealing with the Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Marco Rubio crowd.
I just personally like to be able to get away from politics, form time to time, so I try to stay out of politics in growing forums. H decided to get rid of politics here because things got pretty heated awhile back. One of the reasons people here are so chill is because of that.


Nerd Gone Vertical
I don't think there is any way to do those things with it. It's pretty much just a platform designed for entering all your data and pictures on a weekly basis.
Good to know. As a perpetual style grower, I need scheduling. I'll look around for told to help me do that. Meanwhile, I'll post my pics here!


Nerd Gone Vertical
I just personally like to be able to get away from politics, form time to time, so I try to stay out of politics in growing forums. H decided to get rid of politics here because things got pretty heated awhile back. One of the reasons people here are so chill is because of that.
I respect your choice. I'll try to keep good growing content here in between the politics bullshit lol


The Laziest
America was built on political debate and it's only to the advantage of those who like things as they are to discourage it.

Well, I don't like things as they are and I want to change them!
What people seem to forget is, debating is supposed to be structrued. Not just people screaming at one another. But we seem to have an issue with intelligence. Nobody can be wrong anymore...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
What people seem to forget is, debating is supposed to be structrued. Not just people screaming at one another. But we seem to have an issue with intelligence. Nobody can be wrong anymore...
The media has proven they cannot be trusted repeatedly, they are a for profit corporation with federal immunity from being charged with libel or slander, or any other crimes against the country or its citizens.

Yet people still spout their gibberish as an argument for or against something regardless of facts.


The Laziest
Well thats what happens when you sue a news organization for putting out bad information and that news organization says they are NOT news but entertainment. Straight blew me away when Fox dropped "news" from all their stuff. There is no "news" anymore. Its all just "content".


Nerd Gone Vertical
The media has proven they cannot be trusted repeatedly, they are a for profit corporation with federal immunity from being charged with libel or slander, or any other crimes against the country or its citizens.

Yet people still spout their gibberish as an argument for or against something regardless of facts.
The American news media used to be held accountable for what they said, until their owners figured out that lying was cheaper, easier and made them more money.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Well thats what happens when you sue a news organization for putting out bad information and that news organization says they are NOT news but entertainment. Straight blew me away when Fox dropped "news" from all their stuff. There is no "news" anymore. Its all just "content".
Same thing happened to Rachel Maddow, same result.

The best news outlets are now tiny independents, like Jordan Chariton's Status Coup. Incidentally, they were the ones actually on the ground in the Capitol building on 1/6 filming all that mayhem. CNN and the other majors stole his footage, while YouTube took his clips down but let the majors keep theirs up with the same footage. How about that for media bias?!


Yeah i tried to open it just now and it wont log in... Sad as I used it for a long time when i was first learning to grow. Helped me keep things straight.
Last I heard they were having a hard time getting funding to pay for the development and that was over a year ago. I'm surprised their website is still up.