The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Smoke report time. I have to be inspired, or disappointed. I have both. Bad stuff first.
Royal Kush 1 and 2 (purple and green) and the Royal Limez from Emerald Mountain Legacy. These didn't produce well, what was there is light on the terps but they have them, you'll wonder if it's gonna kick in better in a minute, maybe it's a creeper... :rolleyes: At least the flavor is OK. I a going to give them each a fair shot again to start the day over the next few, but I might hash it all. IMG_7563.JPG
I spent a lot on the beans, $180 for 15 (in a 12pk) Royal Kush X, and $120 for a 12-pk of Royal Limez.

On the plus side, each order came with a random full pack of one of their other $120 strains, so the price wasn't that bad. I have a second pack of the Limez. The down side of that is it's because you'll need to hunt for "the one" - and maybe they each have one - who knows. Not dropping just one for these. They'll get tossed back for running a half or full pack later and hashing anything suspisious while it's still fresh.

The fatty of well-cured Royal Kush this morning was something you'll want to smoke with your employees so you're the cool guy, and they can still work without being impaired... 😁


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Since I needed to get high I snagged a nug of the Rosetta Stone x Hippy Crippler tester I harvested last Pearl Harbor day. IMG_7566.JPG
Pheno-minal. 😁 very dank, very resinous. It was a plant full of these flat-ish strawberry shaped nugs. One year from harvest and it still stinks good when you grind it up. it's sour more than anything else. Weed and sour. I have no frame of reference to claim anything about the strain 'Sour' - that's just the dominant impression. I have been enjoying this about once a month for a year now, one nug per cone.
Best of all - I don't wanna talk to Samson! I got the Mr. Nice Guy shit here :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Out of curiosity I went back and looked. This lasted a year. Damn! RS x HC was harvested at the same time as a regular Hippy Crippler, and a 4th Gear x White Larry Dragon that were all stupendous and I am almost out of all three. I think doing the 4-tops the plants were all relatively like this.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Out of curiosity I went back and looked. This lasted a year. Damn! RS x HC was harvested at the same time as a regular Hippy Crippler, and a 4th Gear x White Larry Dragon that were all stupendous and I am almost out of all three. I think doing the 4-tops the plants were all relatively like this.
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@Zaphod420 - on the 4-tops, this is what happens keeping the node with the 3-toed leaves. They looked all healthy and stretchy, but in the end there were two uniform beasts then the momma bear and baby bear. With a manifold all 4 should be the same.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is the oddball closet. The Chocolate Thai Zkittles is the only survivor from this flip. Both the Truffles and the FEMINIZED Creature panic were boys. The fem was not a herm, no pistils and several male pre-flowers. Store credit or more coming... Out of a fucking 3-pack of fems from Solfire Genetics latest drop.

Anyway, I moved the shorties out of the big tent and spread everything out. I have a week or two before the seedlings need a bigger home. The Double Alien and the CBD Sage, and my bagseed manifold that has beautiful pistils starting. The CBD runt plant had a nest of 3-5 nanners starting dead center of one top. They were bright neon green and easy to see so I just beheaded that top and checked the whole plant. And will continue to check. But there was nothing on the lowers or the other three tops one more pops and the worms get a fat meal.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This tent has some good oddballs.
The Tardis is the beast in the back, and the Big D Energy is to the left. Prana in the center, Querkle front left, SSHP x Baguettes front right
The Querkle has the node-beards and a leaf-bud
IMG_7592 (2).JPG
Three upper leaves on the Prana (so far) have mutant fan leaves. Two have a sidecar leaf like thisIMG_7585 (2).JPGIMG_7590.JPG
the lowest one has a sidecar and a extra middle finger coming from the center
@Zaphod420 - on the 4-tops, this is what happens keeping the node with the 3-toed leaves. They looked all healthy and stretchy, but in the end there were two uniform beasts then the momma bear and baby bear. With a manifold all 4 should be the same.
Yeah shine the 3 toes, I want 4 show colas :cool: Budderton's Lemon slush X Baboon Wine are taking to your manifold technique really well and I am pretty sure the new nodes are starting to offset and I will be sending them to flower soon as I really need to get the Harlets on some 5 gallons ASAP. Their roots are super vigours and already tangling up with each other. CLHP 1, 3, and Northern Spinach are just going to have to ride the Foldgers DWC pimp bucket until BCL and Orgi finish up in like 2 weeks in the 3 X 3.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Mini-smoke report. The Royal Limez is good. Tasty even though it's not overly terpy, you can taste the lime. But it got me high. Not stoopid high but nice.
OrgiBX 1 smoke report. So I just got out of trimmer hell getting both Dracarys and OrgiBX 1 into jars. OrgiBX 1's bag appeal is pretty meh(probably my fault for making her share a tent with 2 monsters) small puffy balls o weed but she is very sticky. I was contemplating just throwing it all in a ziplock into the freezer with all the other wash bags (FUCK do I need to do a bubble run) but I decided to roll a big fatty 2 gram double cone of it first just to see if it was any good. I didn't even make it through a 1/4 of it and I am very VERY high atm. Like 10 per gram at your local bud shop's "Good Jar" high. :LOL:
OrgiBX 1 Double Cone.jpg


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
These are looking kind of harsh, but sturdy. The rH is in the high 40's and they are killing it. I want to slap the dome back on them but this is fight club. I do nothing to change the rH in any space other than adjusting fans. It's not worth the fight and low rH is good for flower anyway - part of my local terrior I guess. They got a double squirt of aloe water last night, maybe two Tbsp. They drank the first one quick and I'll need to up-pot sooner than I wanted.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
These are looking kind of harsh, but sturdy. The rH is in the high 40's and they are killing it. I want to slap the dome back on them but this is fight club. I do nothing to change the rH in any space other than adjusting fans. It's not worth the fight and low rH is good for flower anyway - part of my local terrior I guess. They got a double squirt of aloe water last night, maybe two Tbsp. They drank the first one quick and I'll need to up-pot sooner than I wanted.
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Look to b well on there ways to a happy life...
I thought it was kool that in ur 2nd pic, if u look at "that#3" it has 3 little leaves instead of 2 like rest of em... Was meant to be..
Didn't no if u seen that too..? Lol


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
I was on Gardenscure around that time but wasn't very active. I didn't feel too safe on that site. Took me adopting this persona before I posted my first photo online and I still played dumb as far as what I was holding and my level of experience just thinking I would be safer if people thought I was a new grower. I'm not your guy I don't think but it is nice to make your acquaintance


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Your style of growing and helpfulness reminds me of someone I remember from some older forums who associated with the James Gang. Any relation by chance?
If you were asking about me I have only been doing this since 2016. I think the James Gang thread title was used first (by me) on here but I don't remember. I don't think I used the same grow page title on previous forums.

As far as helpfulness, I try. People can get pretty bent about that surprizingly. I am retired and other than outdoor gardening and some woodworking this is my only hobby - it gets a LOT of my time. Combine that with a lifetime spent teaching/mentoring in non-school environments and a degree in education I would never use in todays schools and you get this thread 😁


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Grandpa took a nap this afternoon. Had to take a break before jumping into the next project. Roots growing out the bottom of the cups so I needed my closet back for veg. Everything gt a top dressing of ground up malted barley, bokashi, crustacean meal and insect frass. the two I just flipped also got some kelp.
This one BCL is on it's last legs and getting pretty. Once it's gone I'll keep thinning the tents out based on height. I have no clue what ended up where for now. The two tallest slid in here.
Soooo close.
And I notices a cool variegation thing a few leaves on one of the Orgi
This one got the 4 from the closet.
I have pistils on the manifold bagseed so I gave it a brutal pruning.
She may lose another node of shoots before she puffs out real well. IMG_7644.JPG