#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
People have to understand the freebies werent just so people could collect more seeds, They take me time and money to make. They were for people that were active on that thread and was willing to grow them out and take pics and post over there. I'm not giving away free shit because im the beana claus. If someone was on the list and decides to come over here real quick like to claim your packs and you got like 3 or post over here im not sending you anything for free so you can stash them in your collection. These seeds are for active users that can pop them and grow them out at some point in time, I made that list over there based on every users participation. i wanted people that was active in the thread to have them.
If you missed out i apologize


Another question for the higher ups...

I kinda looked but didn't notice anything but is there any way to "follow" a users posts?Kinda like at icmag how you can search a thread and only have a certain users post show up?

It would make it so much easier for peeps to keep up with you @Heisenbeans on what seeds are in the works,what you have coming on the next/future drops?The shit you'll get sick of repeating etc.


Grand Master Grower
People have to understand the freebies werent just so people could collect more seeds, They take me time and money to make. They were for people that were active on that thread and was willing to grow them out and take pics and post over there. I'm not giving away free shit because im the beana claus. If someone was on the list and decides to come over here real quick like to claim your packs and you got like 3 or post over here im not sending you anything for free so you can stash them in your collection. These seeds are for active users that can pop them and grow them out at some point in time, I made that list over there based on every users participation. i wanted people that was active in the thread to have them.
If you missed out i apologize
Too right brother 🔥💚
I haven't really participated here so much as of yet, I will once my beans get in for sure. It's the least I can do for Heisen hooking it up. I just don't post much here cause all you guys are infinitely more knowledgeable about this hobby than I am. I prefer to sit back and read.

Look forward to popping some Heisenbeans and maybe learning a thing or two for the more experienced growers here.


This is the world we live in now everyone wants something for nothing. Hell in my neck of the woods i have heard people say if your not using it they have every right to have it. ( your property ) They think their entitled.
Lots of us who were on that list have been following Heisen since the GPS fiasco last year. He said he was giving out the three packs when this forum was created to those who came over so it's not being greedy to follow up to see if it's still a thing.

I dropped over 5 Bill's on a new tent and upgrading my lights when I found out I was getting 3 packs to try. Is that me being greedy to ask if those 3 packs are still coming?

I also preordered off heisen to show support and waited patiently. I don't thinks theres harm in seeing what's up if the giveaway is still going to happen. Dont assume everyone is looking for handouts, I've been recommending heisenbeans to everyone I know so word of mouth is definately good advertising.

ss nimrod

A wise person once told me “If you want to see what type of person a person actually is, wait till they are in a heavy duty situation that they can’t control. How they act / handle themselves in that situation, that’s who they really are”.

Uncle Heisen is a Startup. He’s learning, he’s doing all the right things (owning up to mistakes, answering emails, messages, etc.) He’s not “ducking and hiding” from people.

Keep up the good work Heisen, a lot of us support you and your efforts.
Lots of us who were on that list have been following Heisen since the GPS fiasco last year. He said he was giving out the three packs when this forum was created to those who came over so it's not being greedy to follow up to see if it's still a thing.

I dropped over 5 Bill's on a new tent and upgrading my lights when I found out I was getting 3 packs to try. Is that me being greedy to ask if those 3 packs are still coming?

I also preordered off heisen to show support and waited patiently. I don't thinks theres harm in seeing what's up if the giveaway is still going to happen. Dont assume everyone is looking for handouts, I've been recommending heisenbeans to everyone I know so word of mouth is definately good advertising.
Wasn't singling out any individual here. Glad your showing support but their is useally a limit to someone's generosity. Bogo free of Heisen's site was great deal for me. Allot of places aren't even that generous.


Dont Need One
@Gu~~~ has some misinformation in his description for gmoozy on his site. He says skunkmasterflex bred the gmo but he just found it. In a pack of garlic cookies from mamiko seeds. Most of you prob already know that I'm just hoping gu will see this lol
I also heard that pack of seeds came from logic, he swears it, How much can we really believe.


I also heard that pack of seeds came from logic, he swears it, How much can we really believe.
Well I definitely don't believe shit logic says lol. But it's not even debatable whether or not mamiko bred the garlic cookies. And the man who found the pheno says it came from a pack of garlic cookies.


European Bean Flicker
I also heard that pack of seeds came from logic, he swears it, How much can we really believe.
Very little. But it all adds to the story ey. Provenance makes higher prices.

Its like that rare pheno of bridezilla someone smuggled over from the good old US of A back in 2019,

Story goes a man named Heisenbeans bred it from some elite cuts, sold it to a brit . But just before jumping on a plane back to the UK he had a huge bong hit of Snoopy Susie which freaked him out and in a paranoid stuper he inserted a whole 6 pack of beans into his japs eye at great pain to himself, legend says that on arrival in the UK he was searched by customs and made to sit on the bog for an hour until he passed all solids and liquids through his body. But only 5 beans came out, he carried that other bean in his own japs eye with great personal discomfort for 2 whole months after until eventually that single bean sprouted and poked its little head out of his weenie. Then having to have a doctor remove it he paid the man to save it for him and planted it that evening. That bean grew and was cloned and cloned and cloned until only one strain was left in the UK... That strain is still floating around all these years later.
They called it the websters eye cut and it was surely FIRE!! 🌱


This is the world we live in now everyone wants something for nothing.

Not everyone.

Due to some circumstances in my life at the moment i am unable grow.Unaware of when i may be able to again.I asked heisen to exclude me from the list at riu because of this.Even though the beans were free of charge as far as currency there was hopefully a good understanding that a payment by pictures and reports would be good enough.I can't pay up....feels good not to be "everyone"
I've seen plants stretch before but this one takes the cake. I flipped that plant at 16 inches.

You guys with limited ceiling spaces stay away from topanga canyon. This crossed to alien or gmo would be wack. Haha

View attachment 4597
OMG, that would get out of control fast!!! I don't want something like that anywhere near my garden. Thx for the heads up.

Did you also say the Ghost stretches pretty badly?