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Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Seatbelt ticket is $25. Which offense puts your life at more risk?
It wasn't the $25, but the probable cause to search the vehicle if seen not wearing the seat belt.

I don't buy that masks are any value at all against the china plague, but if I have to go to a public area, I'll wear one just to sidestep the mask nazis. Mine is pretty comfortable, actually, and the solid black goes well with any fashion ensemble I choose.

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Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Since when is there probable cause to search because you dont have a seat belt on. Thats a new one I havent seen. I would argue that one till I was cuffed.
You get pulled over. The vehicle reeks with a certain odor. Or the officer spots a sprouted seed in the back carpet where the beer was spilled a couple nights before. Or I forgot I was driving with a roach still dangling from the corner of my lips.

I've experienced all these things, and this one, though they were many years ago:

was riding with a [now ex] friend when we were pulled over for not using a turn signal. Cop asked him for his license, which was in his wallet, and he knew there was dime bag in there, so he told the cop he didn't have it with him. Cop orders him out of the car, where his wallet was clearly visible in his back pocket.

You can guess the rest.


No one wants to destroy someone financial well being. BUT why give anyone the chance of opting out with a 50 dollar fine when a 500 fine will get the results needed. This isn't about financial security, its about wearing a mask. 50 dollars is nothing to most people and they could care less if they get fined that amount BUT a 500 fine will get the results wanted(wear the mask)from both the poor and well off. If they decide they don't want to wear the mask, as they do have that option, they should be prepared to pay for it. The simple fact remains that a 50 fine (the cost of my lunch today) isn't enough to get the job done. Sure, it might be for the poorest few, but for the majority of folks, 50 is a joke. They shouldn't even have the law if they aren't going to make it strong enough to succeed.
Sorry, but I just can't agree with this logic. This type of thinking condones the application of severe penalties for the sake of getting people to comply to rules. You might think this is a great idea until it impacts something you do every day that is against the know, like growing weed in OH? What if they decide to get rid of the misdemeanor they put in place to stop pesky growers like you? How about we start putting people in jail for a day for jay walking (an act that puts drivers and pedestrians at risk) just to stop people from crossing the street without using a proper cross walk or walk signal? What about speeding? Should we raise the ticket price to $500 for people only going 5MPH over the limit?


Super Active Member
Youre entitled to your opinion. As far as impacting laws I break like growing weed, I won't do the crime unless I'm willing to do the time. Who cares what they do in Ohio, I moved away from there 45 years ago. If you want to raise the price of going over the speed limit by 5 MPH to 500.00, you can plan on the mask law shooting up to 5000 fine. A day in jail for jay walking, no problem, I dont do it so it dont affect me. Now if you want to compare wearing a mask to speed limits, growing weed or jay walking, go for it, but I have better things to do with my time. LOL


Super Active Member
You get pulled over. The vehicle reeks with a certain odor. Or the officer spots a sprouted seed in the back carpet where the beer was spilled a couple nights before. Or I forgot I was driving with a roach still dangling from the corner of my lips.

I've experienced all these things, and this one, though they were many years ago:

was riding with a [now ex] friend when we were pulled over for not using a turn signal. Cop asked him for his license, which was in his wallet, and he knew there was dime bag in there, so he told the cop he didn't have it with him. Cop orders him out of the car, where his wallet was clearly visible in his back pocket.

You can guess the rest.
:DYeah I have some war stories myself.


Just some asshole
I’d wipe my ass with the ticket and mail it to them.
If you do this there isn’t much they can do but be mad at you. I got a ticket for running a yield sign. Ticket says I ran a stop sign. No clue what the cops deal was but I didn’t make a “stink” of it till later. Went to court with photos of the intersection and a letter from the mayor stating there had never been a stop sign at that intersection. Giant waste of my time, cop ended up getting fired for something else. Turds exist in every group.


Super Active Member
U never know, he was a perv as well
Everyone’s a perv but Hilary’s was next level

Julian assange reported on the joe Rogan podcast that Hillary used to dress up as fabulous moolah

She even had a replica championship belt made and used to strap one on and punish bill for his sins

That’s what was on the deleted emails


Youre entitled to your opinion. As far as impacting laws I break like growing weed, I won't do the crime unless I'm willing to do the time. Who cares what they do in Ohio, I moved away from there 45 years ago. If you want to raise the price of going over the speed limit by 5 MPH to 500.00, you can plan on the mask law shooting up to 5000 fine. A day in jail for jay walking, no problem, I dont do it so it dont affect me. Now if you want to compare wearing a mask to speed limits, growing weed or jay walking, go for it, but I have better things to do with my time. LOL
I used those as comparisons of excessive punishments, but speeding kills a lot of people every day...most of us still do it though.
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