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Ok we going in circles here . We all right
Not really...I'm trying to make a point that the fine is too severe. Saying people will follow the order, because of the severity, just condones using unnecessary force to get people to comply to laws. A cop beating the shit out of people for speeding would deter them from speeding, right? Should we condone, that, too? Or is it only acceptable to destroy people financially?


Super Active Member
These blm fuckers getting awful close to my land

Lucky I don’t have legs and a plane I would crop dust these fools


Seed Aficionado
Not really...I'm trying to make a point that the fine is too severe. Saying people will follow the order, because of the severity, just condones using unnecessary force to get people to comply to laws. A cop beating the shit out of people for speeding would deter them from speeding, right? Should we condone, that, too? Or is it only acceptable to destroy people financially?
What are u saying? U get abused for speeding? And what's this about destroying people financially? What are u saying all this for . U lost me bro . Sorry


Super Active Member
Someday they gonna find out the best vaccine for Corona is the weed

I read a study in holland where 9500 people died from covid all test negative for thc

68% of all survivors were chronic weed smokers


Super Active Member
Almost all of these apes deserve what the got just saying

Look at tawana brawley that bitch lied 🤥

Rodney was a crack head and Floyd was dumb to let a cop put his need on his head

So many ways to get out of that hold he just didn’t know any of them

Drugs are bad just smoke weed


Hobby Farmer
Most definitely
They have one of the biggest online store presences and are responsible for a lot of tracking cookies so they can when you with advertising better.

The pros at not caring about use jobs unless it's low paying servitude..Wal-Mart

And they will outlast cockroaches but they are convenient job killers way before boxcar masks even existed.


Hobby Farmer
View attachment 67661

I'll just leave this here - you can do the digging around in medical journals or check with some liberal fact-checker for all I care.

masks are not for healthy people unless you are a medical person in an "at risk" situation. And those medical people do not wear the same mask all day if they are using disposable ones. If they have the cloth masks like in some ER's they also have a laundry service or facility on hand, and replace those regularly.
Change you damned mask out or wash it.

Finding obscure references of stupid people masking


Hobby Farmer
This is exactly where you missed the exit. It was YOU that told US to 'just wear it" - your beliefs.

You want to wear a mask - fine - don't give a damn. Doesn't hurt me one bit. and if they are effective like you say, then me not wearing one should be no problem.

You trying to force your beliefs about respect and whatnot - regardless of actual facts about masks and their correlation to viruses - is where you (and the government) step over the line. You are free to exercise your rights right up until the point where they infringe upon My rights. Plain and simple - masks, or anything else.
When the sheep resort to name calling, the argument is won. You're welcome.
10k posts STILL won't make you right.

Loud <> right

And masks work better than gun control


Tegrity Greenthumb
Not really...I'm trying to make a point that the fine is too severe. Saying people will follow the order, because of the severity, just condones using unnecessary force to get people to comply to laws. A cop beating the shit out of people for speeding would deter them from speeding, right? Should we condone, that, too? Or is it only acceptable to destroy people financially?
If poverty and Inequality is ok for the sake of petty services existing than why not to prevent a pandemic from spreading. ? Alot of the Karen's I've seen can afford the 500 no sweat. Unless your old and half senile most the people fighting this are privileged and lack empathy to begin with.


Super Active Member
Not really...I'm trying to make a point that the fine is too severe. Saying people will follow the order, because of the severity, just condones using unnecessary force to get people to comply to laws. A cop beating the shit out of people for speeding would deter them from speeding, right? Should we condone, that, too? Or is it only acceptable to destroy people financially?
No one wants to destroy someone financial well being. BUT why give anyone the chance of opting out with a 50 dollar fine when a 500 fine will get the results needed. This isn't about financial security, its about wearing a mask. 50 dollars is nothing to most people and they could care less if they get fined that amount BUT a 500 fine will get the results wanted(wear the mask)from both the poor and well off. If they decide they don't want to wear the mask, as they do have that option, they should be prepared to pay for it. The simple fact remains that a 50 fine (the cost of my lunch today) isn't enough to get the job done. Sure, it might be for the poorest few, but for the majority of folks, 50 is a joke. They shouldn't even have the law if they aren't going to make it strong enough to succeed.


Just some asshole
Everett, MA just made it a fine-able offense to not wear a mask in public, even outside when social distancing. $300 ticket for anyone caught not wearing a mask outside. Is it me, or are some of these places using this as a money making thing? I would think even a $50 ticket would get the point across, but these places that are fining people $300-$500 makes me feel like they are doing this more for the money than anything else.
I’d wipe my ass with the ticket and mail it to them.


Just some asshole
Seatbelt ticket is $25. Which offense puts your life at more risk?

Don’t be worried about me not wearing a mask, doesn’t yours work?
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