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Hobby Farmer
Pandemic will get 'worse before it gets better,' Trump warns

Even the supreme genius is getting it...

When he says its real do all of you just believe its real overnight? Or does it take a couple weeks for it to sink in?

Over by December...

Expert opinions abound but the doctors are the experts...all the google doctoring in the world wont help you.

I wonder what it will be like on election day? Should be CRAZY


Pandemic will get 'worse before it gets better,' Trump warns

Even the supreme genius is getting it...

When he says its real do all of you just believe its real overnight? Or does it take a couple weeks for it to sink in?

Over by December...

Expert opinions abound but the doctors are the experts...all the google doctoring in the world wont help you.

I wonder what it will be like on election day? Should be CRAZY
I think you are missing the point a lot of us are trying to make. That point is that the MSM and the politicians are playing with the numbers and using this pandemic to drive political and social agendas in the US. The fact that you guys hung Trump is the only one doing this is laughable. Of course Trump is trying to make himself look better before the election. But the left is doing the same thing. The only difference is the left has most of the MSM in their pocket so some of you are buying that bullshit hook line and sinker. How are things in Canada? It’s not like you guys are separated from us by a giant COVID-19 resistant barrier.


The problem with situations like these is that people just don’t seem to understand that different types of living situations/areas should have differing levels of how to handle this pandemic and tons of other situations. The reason the left and right in the US has such a hard time getting along is because most of the left live in cities, most of the right live in rural America, and then the suburbs are filled with a mix of both.

The citizens on the right pretty much just want to be left alone so they can live out their lives, with the exception of those on the far right, who like to push their religious ideologies on the rest of the country.

The problem with the left is that, while many just want to live out their lives in peace, a very large majority of them look at all the issues they have in their cities, and assume those issues are just as much of a problem everywhere else in the country and want the entire country to change because of that. Then you have the far left who really push to divide the races and social classes in an effort to prove political points.

I personally think that city living was necessary long ago, before we had highway systems and airlines, but that they’ve become too populated over the years.

I know some of you will probably laugh at this thought, and I wouldn’t blame you, because sometimes I think I’m crazy for even considering it, but I would be curious to know whether you think it’s crazy or not, so here goes...

Science has proven over and over that nature usually finds a way to fix imbalances and issues. Have any of you ever thought that maybe this virus is nature’s way of dealing with all the over population and pollution caused by these large cities?

Now the reason I would really like to know how all of you feel about that question is because the far right and far left could actually agree that could be a viable reason. The far right could just think “God is just fixing the issues cities cause to nature” while the far leftcould just think “Well, we are a cause of global warming, and science says that nature does tend to fix imbalances in nature, so this is plausible.”

Before any of you think I’m crazy, I’m not so sure I believe that is what is going on, but the thought has crossed my mind and I think it could at least make some sense.


Hobby Farmer
Things in Canada are moving along. We have an uptick in cases in some locations but the numbers (which are argued by some for various reasons) are reasonable.
Cases overview. This was on the sidebar when i searched. They even make fancy hot spot maps.
It is close enough to say the USA has 10 times the population of Canada.
United StatesUnited States

Long Term Care facilities here are where things really failed. This will get overhauled to be better for caring for the elderly. I believe 90% of cases were 65 and over. Outbreaks in the homes account for most of the problem.

There is opposition from the opposition but that is how it goes. it is their job. Our poltics is complicated currently with the PC party (sort of like Republican). does not have a leader. The guy they had before was a smiling turd who even PC people wouldnt vote for so they are in a 4 way race to pick a new leader. While the dumpster is on fire.

We have different exciting problems. We also have leadership that says stay the distance....wear masks.

But playgrounds just opened. We will see.

Numbers wise per capita...we could do better but i think the measures have worked.

Excluding LTC facilities (elderly) we are having a massive uptick in under 39 cases. Parties...beach opened about...2 to 3 weeks ago so the timing is right.

Something Canada will do is shut it all down. If it goes bad it will get clawed right back to stay home.

It is never apples and apples because of our health care system. A lot of things have such dimetric differences it is hard for one side to comprehend the other.

Like gun control and health care.

It is just very different.

But the way your country approaches this pandemic will ultimately effect us in some way.

So we have an interest in seeing what happens. It is probably why we know so much more about what is going on there than you about what is going on in Canada.

The party in charge here are called the Liberal party of Canada. The Progressive Conservatives say they are stupid and everything they say is wrong (and vise versa between them). The New Democratic Party (NDP) is like a more socialist version of the Liberal party and will nevrer achieve power because of their whacked out ideas) and the Greens who make the NDP look like Republicans. They would ban cars if they could. lol.

Fringe parties include
The Marxist Lennoist Party
The Marijuana Party
A couple christian parties...far right usually
And more weird stuff.

So its quite different.
Last edited:


Pandemic will get 'worse before it gets better,' Trump warns

Even the supreme genius is getting it...

When he says its real do all of you just believe its real overnight? Or does it take a couple weeks for it to sink in?

Over by December...

Expert opinions abound but the doctors are the experts...all the google doctoring in the world wont help you.

I wonder what it will be like on election day? Should be CRAZY
Stick a fork in Trump, he's done now.


Stick a fork in Trump, he's done now.
Biden and Trump are both "done now" but they are who we are stuck with, unfortunately.

This election will probably be close and, whoever loses, will call out the other party for vote tampering. Serious question: Do you really support Biden? I don't want to hear the whole "he's the better of two evils"...I want to know if you seriously believe he can be a good and fair leader to the country and that he won't put his own agendas above the al of ours?

Even before the right started to spin his image as hard as they did I saw him as the typical high school jock who never grew out of that "I'm better than you and I know what's better for you" mind set. I also rarely call anyone a racist, and I don't think Trump is a true racist (explanation below), but I do think Biden is a true racist, and that he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

What I mean by "true racist" is someone who treats people of color differently than white people without even thinking about it. Trump is definitely a narcissist, but he treats anyone who disagrees with him equally as shitty, no matter the color of their skin or their gender. The whole "nasty woman" comment would have been a "nasty man" comment if Hillary had a cock.

Biden acts like he's not racist, but his true colors come out in the things he says. Case in point is when he said "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black". That right there shows that he thinks of people of color differently than white people and that he somehow thinks he's some sort of "savior to the black people". If he wasn't a racist, he would have made that statment about those who live in those communities, and said something more along the lines of "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you apparently don't care about bettering the community you live in". Biden, IMHO, is fucking evil...and that statement is coming from me...who isn't religious at all. I was raised catholic until about middle school but I dont buy into any of that crap. IMHO, if there is a god then it doesn't sit around making sure we all go to church and apologize for all the things we've done wrong. Any god that may exist would just take care of issues by wiping them out.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Things in Canada are moving along. We have an uptick in cases in some locations but the numbers (which are argued by some for various reasons) are reasonable.
Cases overview. This was on the sidebar when i searched. They even make fancy hot spot maps.
It is close enough to say the USA has 10 times the population of Canada.
View attachment 65222Canada
View attachment 65224United States

View attachment 65223Worldwide
Long Term Care facilities here are where things really failed. This will get overhauled to be better for caring for the elderly. I believe 90% of cases were 65 and over. Outbreaks in the homes account for most of the problem.

There is opposition from the opposition but that is how it goes. it is their job. Our poltics is complicated currently with the PC party (sort of like Republican). does not have a leader. The guy they had before was a smiling turd who even PC people wouldnt vote for so they are in a 4 way race to pick a new leader. While the dumpster is on fire.

We have different exciting problems. We also have leadership that says stay the distance....wear masks.

But playgrounds just opened. We will see.

Numbers wise per capita...we could do better but i think the measures have worked.

Excluding LTC facilities (elderly) we are having a massive uptick in under 39 cases. Parties...beach opened about...2 to 3 weeks ago so the timing is right.

Something Canada will do is shut it all down. If it goes bad it will get clawed right back to stay home.

It is never apples and apples because of our health care system. A lot of things have such dimetric differences it is hard for one side to comprehend the other.

Like gun control and health care.

It is just very different.

But the way your country approaches this pandemic will ultimately effect us in some way.

So we have an interest in seeing what happens. It is probably why we know so much more about what is going on there than you about what is going on in Canada.

The party in charge here are called the Liberal party of Canada. The Progressive Conservatives say they are stupid and everything they say is wrong (and vise versa between them). The New Democratic Party (NDP) is like a more socialist version of the Liberal party and will nevrer achieve power because of their whacked out ideas) and the Greens who make the NDP look like Republicans. They would ban cars if they could. lol.

Fringe parties include
The Marxist Lennoist Party
The Marijuana Party
A couple christian parties...far right usually
And more weird stuff.

So its quite different.
I'll type this slowly so you can keep up:

We have proof that many of the numbers are either wrong, or flat out lies, and anything based on faulty data is also faulty.

the US government offered to help offset the cost of having to have someone hospitalized long-term, put them on ventilators etc. was abused as always to try and make mo money - whether for personal gain, the state budget, re-election campaign fodder ("I got NYC $$$$$ because of the scamdemic! re-elect me!"), whatever. It could be more nefarious but I won't get into conspiracies.

It's enough to know that bad government decisions (NYC and NJ placing infected people in nursing homes) killed people. Gubmint control bad.
That one decision also sent the US death numbers from the actual virus spiraling out of control in a few shitholes with bad leadership. Doesn't even get into the "presumed positive" before the testing was available. and the admission by the CDC that they were counting EVERY death, regardless of cause, if the person tested positive.

We now know that testing positive means jack shit.

Other governments did not offer $$$ so their numbers are more likely right. Either way, the agreement by most of the US to stay home for 14 days and "flatten the curve" was also abused There is no scientific data to prove that lockdowns help. More people are dying from non-Wuhan related causes because of the current "cure".

EVERYTHING that is based on faulty data is faulty. Period.


I'll type this slowly so you can keep up:

We have proof that many of the numbers are either wrong, or flat out lies, and anything based on faulty data is also faulty.

the US government offered to help offset the cost of having to have someone hospitalized long-term, put them on ventilators etc. was abused as always to try and make mo money - whether for personal gain, the state budget, re-election campaign fodder ("I got NYC $$$$$ because of the scamdemic! re-elect me!"), whatever. It could be more nefarious but I won't get into conspiracies.

It's enough to know that bad government decisions (NYC and NJ placing infected people in nursing homes) killed people. Gubmint control bad.
That one decision also sent the US death numbers from the actual virus spiraling out of control in a few shitholes with bad leadership. Doesn't even get into the "presumed positive" before the testing was available. and the admission by the CDC that they were counting EVERY death, regardless of cause, if the person tested positive.

We now know that testing positive means jack shit.

Other governments did not offer $$$ so their numbers are more likely right. Either way, the agreement by most of the US to stay home for 14 days and "flatten the curve" was also abused There is no scientific data to prove that lockdowns help. More people are dying from non-Wuhan related causes because of the current "cure".

EVERYTHING that is based on faulty data is faulty. Period.
Don't forget to mention that now Biden is trying to use the pandemic to push for "universal child and elder care"...because our "universal health care" has worked out so well here. :rolleyes:

I know "Obamacare" did help out a lot of people on welfare, who had no healthcare, but middle class people like me who pay a shitload for healthcare have pretty much lost all of our benefits. I went from having incredible healthcare, with a low deductible, to having a high deductible plan with an HSA to put money in to pay for medical bills that cost me twice as much. My health care plan is so bad that I don't even use it, because the coverage is so bad and the deductible is so high, and I have VA benefits that permit me to use their hospitals for my issues due to service related injuries that ended my military career. I only have the HSA plant to cover my wife. The hundreds of dollars the plan costs me (not to mention the remainder my employer pays, along with the the $600/month I put into the HSA, isn't enough to cover just her for the entire year...especially if she needs dental work. And the cost of the plan goes up about 20% EVERY...SINGLE...FUCKING...YEAR.

Deleted member 60

@gwheels ..... You Canadians could have been number 1 at this game but we beat ya to it. Keep your eyes peeled for how Don and Company MAGA. They are working hard on it daily. We only have higher numbers than you cus we test so very much. It's all a lie made up to take out our greatest President and TV Reality Show ever. You did see his ratings on that show, right? #1....of course. The best show. Better than that stupid "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" show that Don nixed every time it came on. That 6th grade education Don sports just took em all out. They never had a chance. He's cognitive, you know.

And yeah...look at Houston for fake numbers. They tried for/wanted a Cat 5 hurricane and all the Libs down there were hopin for en extended care stay on their back in the they could split up the booty the hospital gets for faking the numbers and reporting deaths than never happened. Fuckers are doin it to make our Gratest President ever look bad. It's a complete farce. And you guys up there...showing low numbers. WTF is that shit? You tryin to make Dictator Don look bad too? >>>>>Fuckin' Socialists<<<<. Ridin our coattails always..... our numbers drop now! Don finally has this HOAX under control. (it happened when Don donned the mask. that virus RAN away!)

PROOF man. We have the PROOF. As always...these guys will fill you in on the details.

Listen up, Socialist lackey. God and America are talking and the truths are rolling off their tongues....


Just some asshole
Pandemic is over around here. Restaurants are open. Gyms are open. They ask you social distance. Was out Sunday morning. Church parking lots were packed, and have been a few weeks. God damn Cracker Barrel has had a parking lot full of blue hairs for a couple weeks. Place is always busy, blows my mind cause it’s easy to cook their food at home.


Just some asshole
Don't forget to mention that now Biden is trying to use the pandemic to push for "universal child and elder care"...because our "universal health care" has worked out so well here. :rolleyes:

I know "Obamacare" did help out a lot of people on welfare, who had no healthcare, but middle class people like me who pay a shitload for healthcare have pretty much lost all of our benefits. I went from having incredible healthcare, with a low deductible, to having a high deductible plan with an HSA to put money in to pay for medical bills that cost me twice as much. My health care plan is so bad that I don't even use it, because the coverage is so bad and the deductible is so high, and I have VA benefits that permit me to use their hospitals for my issues due to service related injuries that ended my military career. I only have the HSA plant to cover my wife. The hundreds of dollars the plan costs me (not to mention the remainder my employer pays, along with the the $600/month I put into the HSA, isn't enough to cover just her for the entire year...especially if she needs dental work. And the cost of the plan goes up about 20% EVERY...SINGLE...FUCKING...YEAR.
Healthcare is so fucked and a lot of it has to do with greed.

I’ll give an example. I’ve went to the same dentist for over 30 years. Good honest guy, great guy actually. He owns his own place with 2 other dentists. The 3 net around $300k a year each once they split profits. That’s plenty unless you’re a moron. My wife for whatever reason has been bouncing from one dentist to another. Had one guy say she had a bunch of old fillings that needed replaced. Think he did 4 before the insurance $ ran out. Next year he said the same thing. Switched dentists. New gal says no they’re fine, he was just mining in your mouth.... Greed.

Anyone know what it costs to have a kid with no insurance? Time all the doctor visits and the prep and the birth happens it’s around $100k. You know what most hospitals will settle on? $6-10k. So that other $90k is money they’re just milking from the insurance companies if the 6-10k will cover the costs. Greed.

You know why the covid numbers are skewed? I wonder if the fact that the government pays them on average $39k per covid patient they treat has anything to do with it? Surely they wouldn’t be milking the system? Surely not. Greed.


@gwheels ..... You Canadians could have been number 1 at this game but we beat ya to it. Keep your eyes peeled for how Don and Company MAGA. They are working hard on it daily. We only have higher numbers than you cus we test so very much. It's all a lie made up to take out our greatest President and TV Reality Show ever. You did see his ratings on that show, right? #1....of course. The best show. Better than that stupid "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" show that Don nixed every time it came on. That 6th grade education Don sports just took em all out. They never had a chance. He's cognitive, you know.

And yeah...look at Houston for fake numbers. They tried for/wanted a Cat 5 hurricane and all the Libs down there were hopin for en extended care stay on their back in the they could split up the booty the hospital gets for faking the numbers and reporting deaths than never happened. Fuckers are doin it to make our Gratest President ever look bad. It's a complete farce. And you guys up there...showing low numbers. WTF is that shit? You tryin to make Dictator Don look bad too? >>>>>Fuckin' Socialists<<<<. Ridin our coattails always..... our numbers drop now! Don finally has this HOAX under control. (it happened when Don donned the mask. that virus RAN away!)

PROOF man. We have the PROOF. As always...these guys will fill you in on the details.

Listen up, Socialist lackey. God and America are talking and the truths are rolling off their tongues....
You'd have a much happier life if you realized both sides are just as evil. The left is playing you like a fiddle. I know I can come off as a person who hates people on the left but I honeslty feel bad for anyone who buys everything the left or the right spoon feeds the public. Turn off the news, put down the social media bullshit, and open your mind for once. Seriously, go look at non-American sources to see what it is REALLY like in the Middle East or, better yet, take a short trip to anyplace like that, even for a weekend, just to see what it is like to be in a place where the govt has real power over the people...because that is where we will be if the far right or the far left gets what they want. The "Silent America" thing is real and "Silent America" concluding being silent is the only thing that can truly save this country, IMHO. The left and right used to cancel each other out, to make things here more bearable, but the left has grown tired of that and is trying to remove that balance, and trying to grant statehood to DC is a great example of that.


Just some asshole
Well shoot. I had 2 cows get struck by lightning last night. Damn covid has moved on to cattle.

Anyone ever smelled a dead cow on a hot summer day? After they sit a week or so you can smell them 10 miles away if the wind is right. I’ll be sure these are buried long before that.


Well shoot. I had 2 cows get struck by lightning last night. Damn covid has moved on to cattle.

Anyone ever smelled a dead cow on a hot summer day? After they sit a week or so you can smell them 10 miles away if the wind is right. I’ll be sure these are buried long before that.
My wife works part time at a local dairy farm and the smell of rotten milk mixed with cow shit is something nobody should have to endure. :sick:


Just some asshole
My wife works part time at a local dairy farm and the smell of rotten milk mixed with cow shit is something nobody should have to endure. :sick:
lol the shit doesn’t smell that bad. You get used to it. I had 2 cows get struck by lightning 2 years ago. I didn’t notice they were missing, they were back in the woods. Man they festered for a good 2 weeks before I figured out what was going on. You could smell it miles around. Open cab backhoe to dig the holes, shoving a pile of goo in the hole. Probably one of the nastiest things I’ve done.


lol the shit doesn’t smell that bad. You get used to it. I had 2 cows get struck by lightning 2 years ago. I didn’t notice they were missing, they were back in the woods. Man they festered for a good 2 weeks before I figured out what was going on. You could smell it miles around. Open cab backhoe to dig the holes, shoving a pile of goo in the hole. Probably one of the nastiest things I’ve done.
I'm dreading the day I have to bury one of my wife's horses on the property. I might just pay someone to do it because the only backhoe I have is on a JD Compact Utility Tractor and I doubt it will be able to go down far enough to bury a horse properly. I honestly hope she re-homes them before they die just so I don't have to deal with the situation...especially if one dies in their stall.
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