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I havent caught up on the rest of the pages but ever think she may be depressed? While many look ok on the outside....she may be all screwed up on the inside. Its a real thing and sadly...usually dont end well for many people battling it either.
Oh, she's definitely battling depression, and we think she's also biploar, but she's the type who thinks she's above seeing a therapist. The issue is that she thinks she knows everything and can't accept the fact that some people may actually know more, or have more importance, than her. To give you an example, she wanted to quit her current job because the owner of her the company she recently started at as a part time receptionist "thinks he's more important than me". I just rolled my eyes but wanted to say "Would you still have a job if he stopped working and shut down his company tomorrow?" and when she would answer "no" then just come back with "Sound's like he's probably more important than you at work, doesn't it?".


Did this once.....big big mistake. Now I cant be left alone by said person. I guess rightfully so when you buy street flower all your life.
I was so pissed off. She did the same with a guy she was dating one time, except she brought up my gun collection, and asked me to show him my guns right in front of him. I looked at him and said "Sorry man, no offense but I don't know you from a hole in the wall, and I'm not about to show you where I store my firearms or bring them out to play show and tell." When he left I laid down ground rules and told he if she ever told anyone about my guns again she would be looking for a new place to live the next day.

The few people I've given a small amount to have usually been friends who were dry and were low on cash. I gave a good amount of my older weed to friends who were out of work due to the pandemic but told them this was only so they didn't waste money they could use for bills while they were out of work and not to expect it to happen often. Only one friend has contacted me again and he refused to take it for free again. I was getting ready to start some plants so I just told him what I use for soil and told him to bring me a couple of bags for it when he swung buy.


Just some asshole
I know I'll get slammed for saying this, but pretty much all professional sports and other entertainers are one of the biggest wastes of money in the US (and probably everywhere else). Think about it...when it comes to professional sports, and other entertainers (Hollywood), we are somehow willing to accept the ridiculous salaries they demand for literally doing nothing more than entertaining us like modern day Jesters and Gladiators. Then a ton of people somehow think that, because they can act or throw a ball well, that they have some sort of infinite wisdom worthy of listening to when it comes to political and/or social issues. The way people in the US worship celebrities is sickening to me.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Just look at what each one supports. You either want socialism or capitalism. Socialism fails - always, and kills many while enriching a few - always.
Not trying to pick man but can you please give an example of some failed socialist societies ? I do agree the 2 can never mix successfully.


Just some asshole
Not trying to pick man but can you please give an example of some failed socialist societies ? I do agree the 2 can never mix successfully.
Israel, India, the UK all tried it and dropped it. It’s never really worked anywhere. Would you want to live in China? You get this much money this much food and you better build X number of IPhones this week. Soviet Union same way, I wouldn’t want to live in those countries....


Tegrity Greenthumb
Israel, India, the UK all tried it and dropped it. It’s never really worked anywhere. Would you want to live in China? You get this much money this much food and you better build X number of IPhones this week. Soviet Union same way, I wouldn’t want to live in those countries....
Were/are the Soviet Union and China actually socialist Countries? I can chop my dick off and say I'm a woman all I want but I still have male genetics. I'll have to look into the rest. Socialism in Israel sounds far fetched and not being anti semitic lol.


Not trying to pick man but can you please give an example of some failed socialist societies ? I do agree the 2 can never mix successfully.
Socialist societies rarely work out, but look at the size of the countries where it does, and you will see that they are tiny compared to the US. Most have a population of 5 Million to 10 Million and even Great Britain, who also tried it, only has a population of just shy of 68 Million. To put that into perspective, Just the state of CA has a population of 41 Million people.


Were/are the Soviet Union and China actually socialist Countries? I can chop my dick off and say I'm a woman all I want but I still have male genetics. I'll have to look into the rest. Socialism in Israel sounds far fetched and not being anti semitic lol.
Are you too young to remember the USSR and the bread lines that formed out there? That 3rs "S" stands for "Socialist". Out local high school did a school trip out there in the late 80's and it was an eye opener for the kids who went. People out there had so little that they all brought a stockpile of Levi's to trade the people over there for Soviet trinkets.


Also, before someone comes in and says "Well, the USSR was a federal socialist state and not democratic socialism", the only real difference is that the latter is supposed to be based on the democratic voting system, rather than dictated by the govt. But think about is that supposed to work in a republic, such as ours, who does not have a truly democratic voting system where the people have the final say?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Also, before someone comes in and says "Well, the USSR was a federal socialist state and not democratic socialism", the only real difference is that the latter is supposed to be based on the democratic voting system, rather than dictated by the govt. But think about is that supposed to work in a republic, such as ours, who does not have a truly democratic voting system where the people have the final say?
democratic socialism.jpg


@Punisher84 thanks for the only educated answer! Nazi Germany is socialist too! God the power of propaganda is mind blowing.
Man, you need to read a history book. The “Nazi Party” is the common English name. The original Nazi Party in Germany was the “The National Socialist German Workers' Party”. By the time Hitler started his shit they weren’t so much a traditional socialist society anymore, but the Nazi Party WAS a socialist society at one point.


@JohnFonda Im not trying to be condescending, so please don’t take this that way, but there are multiple forms of socialism and, as I mentioned earlier, most of them fail unless the society has a very small population (compared to the US). It’s all their in the history books an, believe it or not, if you google something like “Successful socialist countries” Wikipedia actually has a decent write up that explains who’s tried it and even has lists of population numbers for countries who have used it. I don’t know why you think @Punisher84 was the only one being serious about answering your question.


Man, you need to read a history book. The “Nazi Party” is the common English name. The original Nazi Party in Germany was the “The National Socialist German Workers' Party”. By the time Hitler started his shit they weren’t so much a traditional socialist society anymore, but the Nazi Party WAS a socialist society at one point.
Hitler's minions resemble orange anus minions, that's for sure. Feverish, idolizing him, prolly the antiChrist, lol. I'm ready. Lol sup on that


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Man, you need to read a history book. The “Nazi Party” is the common English name. The original Nazi Party in Germany was the “The National Socialist German Workers' Party”. By the time Hitler started his shit they weren’t so much a traditional socialist society anymore, but the Nazi Party WAS a socialist society at one point.
Socialism is just communism with patience. Death by a thousand cuts. Take a little freedom here, make sure there's an evil bad guy to blame, control the media to make your points, keep repeating lies until they are accepted as facts.

Donald Trump is not racist.
None of his policies are racist.
You've been played.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Man, you need to read a history book. The “Nazi Party” is the common English name. The original Nazi Party in Germany was the “The National Socialist German Workers' Party”. By the time Hitler started his shit they weren’t so much a traditional socialist society anymore, but the Nazi Party WAS a socialist society at one point.
Doesn't matter how much you read if you lack basic comprehension skills homie. Dont take that the wrong way. Nazi Germany was the exact words used. Idc if the Ku Klux Klan started as a pottery group that's not what they are. The USSR? What was socialist about it ? You can call red green all day but its still fucking red. That's my point. That's why I said educated answer. Sorry you got butthurt when you were not included in that response.
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