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Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
I think I understand what you are saying, but I also have a hard time picturing a world where a police officer could confront a person who is suspected as being violent with no type of force, without jeopardizing the life of theirs or others in the immediate area. How may people do you think would want that job? I totally agree with you when it comes to our legal system being broken, I just think it's something that will be very difficult to fix. I laugh every time I hear "Innocent until proven guilty" when people are forced to rot away in a cell until their judgement is reached.
Except in the present model there isn't just a suspicion of whether or not a cop is paid via a violent means. It is a fact that they are.

If you are selected to pay them and don't comply they don't just go knock on the next neighbors door seeking to convince them to buy their services do they ?

So, people who AREN'T violent and are behaving peacefully with not even a suspicion of violent behavior are not given any choice. In that circumstance. the people who engage in taking away your choices as a given from the onset, (cops) can't be both the aggressor and the protector. That would be like me adopting the school bully model...taking your milk money by threatening you, but making sure other kids don't take your milk money, unless of course they're really big kids, then I scram. :)

In a private defense situation, where people willingly pay for security services, there is an agreement, from the onset.

Unless there is absolute proof, under any security model, suspects, some of them innocent, will sometimes be captured. However if a private security agent captures you and you can prove they were wrong, that agent / agency would be responsible for making it right. In the present when a cop fucks up, more often than not, they are investigated by their own and found "innocent". If they are found guilty, often that cost is passed back to tax victims etc.


Yes, but there are currently states that do not recognize your right to defend yourself and your property - and you can go to jail for it. And people still choose to live there :unsure:
I know...I live in one, unfortunately, because I want to be close to family and I love my property. This state puts the rights of those who do nothing for society over those who bust their ass every day. I sold the condo I was renting shortly after seeing how difficult it was for other condo owners to evict scumbags who were not only refusing to pay rent, but were also trashing their property in the process. It took one guy over two years to evict a woman who wasn't paying rent because she kept going to court crying and asking "How am I supposed to take care of my kids if I can't afford clothes for them?" I was there when she finally got evicted and the judge said "I've been trying to help you by extending the eviction process so you could find a way to pay your rent, but you refuse to help yourself, so it's time for you to move out.".

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
The legal system ain't broken because of cops. It's the actual courts, judges, DA's etc. that want to be God and legislate from the bench instead of enforcing the actual laws.

St Louis DA is a prime example.
Partially true, government schools which are used to indoctrinate people into believing that two standards of morality exist, one for "authorities, leaders and other such nonsense, are partially to blame.

There are no good prosecutors, no good judges etc. for the same reasons there are no good cops. The system they work in is flawed from the onset and requires them to ignore right and wrong and instead follow "legal and illegal" as if that is a higher cause.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I know...I live in one, unfortunately, because I want to be close to family and I love my property. This state puts the rights of those who do nothing for society over those who bust their ass every day. I sold the condo I was renting shortly after seeing how difficult it was for other condo owners to evict scumbags who were not only refusing to pay rent, but were also trashing their property in the process. It took one guy over two years to evict a woman who wasn't paying rent because she kept going to court crying and asking "How am I supposed to take care of my kids if I can't afford clothes for them?" I was there when she finally got evicted and the judge said "I've been trying to help you by extending the eviction process so you could find a way to pay your rent, but you refuse to help yourself, so it's time for you to move out.".
You have to have goals.

Either you get people wise to the lefty favoritism and corruption, and get them voted out of office, or save up to move.

Chances are, if you are in a blue state and can find someone to buy your home for the outlandish prices they charge for next-to-nothing

You can live for a few months in your new red-state mansion and property while you decide which job to accept.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Don't be fooled by the "no tax" states, because they make it up in sales tax, gas tax, property tax, etc.

Most red state property taxes are more than reasonable for the return provided.


Just some asshole
The legal system ain't broken because of cops. It's the actual courts, judges, DA's etc. that want to be God and legislate from the bench instead of enforcing the actual laws.

St Louis DA is a prime example.
They should take that dumb piece of shit and throw him in prison.


You have to have goals.

Either you get people wise to the lefty favoritism and corruption, and get them voted out of office, or save up to move.

Chances are, if you are in a blue state and can find someone to buy your home for the outlandish prices they charge for next-to-nothing

You can live for a few months in your new red-state mansion and property while you decide which job to accept.
My wife and I have definitely talked about moving but definitely not until my mom passes on. My property is worth more than double what I owe on it. I live in a small town that is actually a pretty affluent town. I just got lucky and got the house for way less than it was worth when a wealthy friend heard we were interested in the property. The husband at the time was toying with the idea of tearing down the house and building onto the old barn for his car collection.


Just some asshole

Sorry - not stopping to ask how their day has been going when they break in.
There are things called "fatal errors" - other people can learn from them. You only pay for them.
There was some local turd that finally got a bullet. He was notorious for getting high on meth then wandering into people’s houses. Finally wandered in the wrong one. Even with the dudes history for breaking in while higher than giraffe pussy there were no charges filed.

As I remember the homeowners daughter shot him.


There was some local turd that finally got a bullet. He was notorious for getting high on meth then wandering into people’s houses. Finally wandered in the wrong one. Even with the dudes history for breaking in while higher than giraffe pussy there were no charges filed.

As I remember the homeowners daughter shot him.
It's sad, but it's bound to happen. My wife's uncle had some serious mental issues caused by an aneurysm when he was in his 30's. He had enough "normality" left to where the hospitals wouldn't do shit about it, but he became reckless and an alcoholic after the incident. He lost his company, his wife, and everything else. Family members tried to help him, until he became a danger to their kids and property, but they couldn't even keep him in treatment centers because he just checked himself out. He wound up becoming homeless and hitched down to FL and, sadly, he got hit by a car and was killed while he was drunk. Some people just can't be helped.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It's sad, but it's bound to happen.
NO! No it's not.

Fuckers raised with no morals and no sense of accountability for their own actions deserve exactly what they get.

Darwin baby. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

And I am sorry if this offends (not really) but if the mentally challenged are also a threat to society - then they are a threat to society - period.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My little sister has an extra chromosome - no threat to society.

Degenerate on meth that has lost his mind, or social justice warrior that thinks what is mine should be theirs - no difference - threat. Shoot in face. Problem solved.


NO! No it's not.

Fuckers raised with no morals and no sense of accountability for their own actions deserve exactly what they get.

Darwin baby. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

And I am sorry if this offends (not really) but if the mentally challenged are also a threat to society - then they are a threat to society - period.
Did you read my entire post or just the first sentence?
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