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When exactly did I ever state that I was OK with large crowds protesting? And since you feel its not a serious threat, try telling that the 120,000 families that have lost someone. Then take into consideration that the 120,000 was in 4 months, with social distancing in place, shut downs, layoffs, school closings, masks, diner and bar closings. and on and on. I wonder what the death toll would be now without the half hearted attempt at control.
There's also reports showing that hospitals were marking covid deaths for people having heart atttacks etc


BTW, while I don’t doubt that a LOT of people have died from COVID-19, a huge percentage of “COVID-19 deaths” that have been reported have been found to have been people who died from other means who just so happened to have tested positive before they died. Hospital administrators have admitted this and it’s pretty well known at this point that this was done to get more funding to hospitals during the pandemic.
So fucking what? Are you going to cling to that line of shit reasoning to somehow infer people were not dying? You don't doubt it you say, but you just said it was no big deal. You are like a pandering state your views and then correct them when you get called on it. I guess it depends on how the wind is blowing?

Put up some proof of your claims.
Thanks that link makes sense but does more to make a case for legit numbers than refute it.
I agree. It's really hard to tell honestly how bad it is. The person I know who had it was Asymptom so she didnt really get the full affect. But even seeing reports like that makes me wonder exactly how true it is. Like was every death tested and had a autopsy. I doubt it...


I agree. It's really hard to tell honestly how bad it is. The person I know who had it was Asymptom so she didnt really get the full affect. But even seeing reports like that makes me wonder exactly how true it is. Like was every death tested and had a autopsy. I doubt it...
They nabbed one of my wifes co-workers with the temp gun. Nobody else got it. Another relative who works in a health care office, the whole office went down 9 for 9. Those were professional people and down they went. Just sick, not dead.


So fucking what? Are you going to cling to that line of shit reasoning to somehow infer people were not dying? You don't doubt it you say, but you just said it was no big deal. You are like a pandering state your views and then correct them when you get called on it. I guess it depends on how the wind is blowing?

Put up some proof of your claims.
I’m not backtracking at all. My stance has and always will be that a pandemic, no matter how bad it is, should NEVER be a reason for the govt to infringe peoples rights. I can guarantee you that it won’t be long until we realize that more deaths during the pandemic were caused by stress induced heart attacks, strokes, and suicide from all of those who lost their jobs and businesses due to how the government shut everything down. People should have the right to risk their own lives. Those who don’t want to take the risk should have the right to stay home.


When exactly did I ever state that I was OK with large crowds protesting? And since you feel its not a serious threat, try telling that the 120,000 families that have lost someone. Then take into consideration that the 120,000 was in 4 months, with social distancing in place, shut downs, layoffs, school closings, masks, diner and bar closings. and on and on. I wonder what the death toll would be now without the half hearted attempt at control.
A large percentage of those 120,000 died from car accidents, heart attacks, and other things unrelated to COVID-19. They just so happened to have tested positive before hand. I’m not saying people haven’t died, but the numbers aren’t accurate, and this has been admitted by hospitals and I’m pretty sure the CDC even said that hospitals have been marking any deaths from patients who tested positive as COVID-19 deaths even when COVID-19 was not the actual cause of death.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So fucking what? Are you going to cling to that line of shit reasoning to somehow infer people were not dying? You don't doubt it you say, but you just said it was no big deal. You are like a pandering state your views and then correct them when you get called on it. I guess it depends on how the wind is blowing?

Put up some proof of your claims.
You miss the entire damn point - which is what the lefty media does to sheeple.

There was no reason to lock the country down.
You inform, you isolate actual cases, and you are open about the facts about who is vulnerable and WHO IS NOT.

And your don't put them in nursing homes with the most vulnerable portion of the population when there are purpose-build medical facilities specifically for the Wuhan that were not used - or a ship... and then try to blame someone else for your stupidity killing thousands and inflaming the virus.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
While we are at it - the only reason that mental midget Cuomo is on TV at all instead of being protested by his own constituents is because of his retard brother on CNN.


You miss the entire damn point - which is what the lefty media does to sheeple.

There was no reason to lock the country down.
You inform, you isolate actual cases, and you are open about the facts about who is vulnerable and WHO IS NOT.

And your don't put them in nursing homes with the most vulnerable portion of the population when there are purpose-build medical facilities specifically for the Wuhan that were not used - or a ship... and then try to blame someone else for your stupidity killing thousands and inflaming the virus.
Your hindsight is a perfect 20/20

I believe the lock down was based on the current medical info at the time. There was no track record and no crystal ball. Where were you then? Right.
Wuhan? yes they blocked the flights from asia. But the flights from Europe continued to pour in. Where were you then? Right..............afterthefactjack is always correct, lol. said a ship! That's some funny shit right there, because the orange clown sent 2 ships out but they couldn't be used for coronavirus victims. Between both boats I don't think they treated 100 people.

Seems the dumbfuck in charge of Cali is debating re-issuing those stay at home orders. What is that a second scoop of scamdemic? Right.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I believe the lock down was based on the current medical info at the time. There was no track record and no crystal ball. Where were you then? Right.
Wuhan? yes they blocked the flights from asia. But the flights from Europe continued to pour in. Where were you then? Right..............afterthefactjack is always correct, lol.
They were right to lock down our National border until we figured out the facts. They were possibly right about the initial lockdown because the initial info was so wildly outrageous.

As new info came in, most places changed tactics and it worked - NYC did not - and it hasn't.

There are retards trying to scare you with the higher numbers and force a second lockdown - because there is more damn testing. Hospitalizations, and deaths from the Wuhan are continually going down.


I’m not backtracking at all. My stance has and always will be that a pandemic, no matter how bad it is, should NEVER be a reason for the govt to infringe peoples rights. I can guarantee you that it won’t be long until we realize that more deaths during the pandemic were caused by stress induced heart attacks, strokes, and suicide from all of those who lost their jobs and businesses due to how the government shut everything down. People should have the right to risk their own lives. Those who don’t want to take the risk should have the right to stay home.
Let's extrapolate that out.........if you think you have the right to infect me, I have the right to defend bang.

But this statement makes you a bullshitter, speaking in absolutes about something you are wrong about.

I can guarantee you that it won’t be long until we realize that more deaths during the pandemic were caused by stress induced heart attacks, strokes, and suicide from all of those who lost their jobs and businesses due to how the government shut everything down.



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Let's extrapolate that out.........if you think you have the right to infect me, I have the right to defend bang.

But this statement makes you a bullshitter, speaking in absolutes about something you are wrong about.

I can guarantee you that it won’t be long until we realize that more deaths during the pandemic were caused by stress induced heart attacks, strokes, and suicide from all of those who lost their jobs and businesses due to how the government shut everything down.
Again you miss the point. YOUR FEAR doesn't matter to me.
If you want to defend yourself? Wear your silly mask. Or stay the fuck home.


They were right to lock down our National border until we figured out the facts. They were possibly right about the initial lockdown because the initial info was so wildly outrageous.

As new info came in, most places changed tactics and it worked - NYC did not - and it hasn't.

There are retards trying to scare you with the higher numbers and force a second lockdown - because there is more damn testing. Hospitalizations, and deaths from the Wuhan are continually going down.
They would have been right to lock down the national border..they did not. NY's problem is European in origin.

NYC and the burbs have an immigration problem that is condoned and supported by the local govt's. The media does not talk about it..........but I believe this roared thru the hispanic communities. There's no flavor count yet, but quite a bit of the housing, that especially new immigrants find themselves is pretty conducive to disease spreading.


Let's extrapolate that out.........if you think you have the right to infect me, I have the right to defend bang.

But this statement makes you a bullshitter, speaking in absolutes about something you are wrong about.

I can guarantee you that it won’t be long until we realize that more deaths during the pandemic were caused by stress induced heart attacks, strokes, and suicide from all of those who lost their jobs and businesses due to how the government shut everything down.
Look up the suicide statistics during the pandemic. People who work in suicide prevention call centers have been reporting the number of calls have been 5 or more times the normal rate.
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