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Deleted member 60

Cool story, you open your door and I'll open mine. Kinda my whole point. I could give a fuck less what you do... Not everyone has lived long enough to save enough money to not go to work. So you stay home and we will work. Have fun and quit bitching...
Haha. Ditto that. Ya waste a lot of time here for a guy who "talks" about working. some...yes. To those who carry their own weight...not so much. A few guys here know how I approach things for those who are trying to make it work and get whapped by bad luck/etc. They love to feel the hate. LOL.

I can see you've been to the Great, @Dwnundr. If ya can't waddle around...ride the cart.


Mediocre grower
Haha. Ditto that. Ya waste a lot of time here for a guy who "talks" about working. some...yes. To those who carry their own weight...not so much. A few guys here know how I approach things for those who are trying to make it work and get whapped by bad luck/etc. They love to feel the hate. LOL.

I can see you've been to the Great, @Dwnundr. If ya can't waddle around...ride the cart.
Are you kidding? I just recently got back on, I haven't been on here in weeks. You are just making shit up. Typical of your kind.

God forbid I get on a forum while I'm not working. Sorry sir, I will work 24 hours a day to please you.


Mediocre grower
Haha. Ditto that. Ya waste a lot of time here for a guy who "talks" about working. some...yes. To those who carry their own weight...not so much. A few guys here know how I approach things for those who are trying to make it work and get whapped by bad luck/etc. They love to feel the hate. LOL.

I can see you've been to the Great, @Dwnundr. If ya can't waddle around...ride the cart.
Oh, and BTW, no hard feelings with you or anyone here. We can talk shit and call each other idiots, but we can still respect each other as people, or at least as growers at the very least...

Deleted member 60

It's a weed forum. Lotsa guys on both sides of the fence...none of us paid/pay taxes on the fun we've had/are hey...nobody is a fuckin' saint/perfect/above anyone else here when it comes down to it. Some of us have put in our time...some still have a long haul to go...unless that is...they get a bit too cocky with this virus and they die young. As had been said here before...we all make choices and live (or die) by the consequences of those choices eventually. I hope you make it to old age. (me too)


Hobby Farmer
I dont really care about money...except to survive.

But when you do something 10,000 times you master it...and i mastered pussy. It is why my wives have all been such grinning fools.

If I have a hobby I do like to master it...and I will put in the time as an apprentice.

If I had as much time in growing....geeze it would be would all be smoking GW4

And its covid free.

I have never understood cheating on your girl...if she was a nightmare well thats on you but if she is not having fun in the bedroom...i think you need to figure shit out.

Because when you ring that bell ding ding ding ding ding ding.. Well a woman will love you long time.

And this message is covid free...Even republicans and democrats and socialists should agree.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Sounds like much of what you all are proposing is socialism. Actual socialism not the propaganda views that you have been given. The internet has so much potential in such a world where ideas can be shared and utilized worldwide for the benefit of mankind and not the profit of corporations. You cannot have free markets and competition when you have a patent office that isnt independent. The reason drugs are a monopoly is because the patents on them prevent others from reproducing them. Even still drug prices still climb even after the patent is void. The issue at the end of the day is human nature. Animalistic selfish behavior. Until we examine ourselves and question our own drives this will continue forever. There is no middle ground or happy medium. Any debate you have is irrelevant. You are arguing how to put a puzzle together when your working with 2 different puzzles and half the pieces. In other words there isnt a solution in this system and their never will be. It's how it was designed. To capitalize on your predictable nature.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Sounds like much of what you all are proposing is socialism.
Hmm. Maybe some are.

I'm proposing peace, failing that, defensive force and / or disobedience to those who won't allow peace.

Intellectual property is a government backed concept and is not the same as an actual physical property type concept. Actual physical property exists in reality, with or without government sanction.

"Intellectual property" only exists as "property" because of legislation . Actual physical property is unique. Intellectual property is not, an idea can be held simultaneously by many people without dispossessing anybody.

For example, a person has a batch of 1973 smuggled in Cambodian seeds, those particular seeds are unique, and can't be possessed by people all over. Others could have their own, but THOSE PARTICULAR seeds, are unique. The idea to smuggle in Cambodian seeds (intellectual) can be possessed by multiple people, it is not unique.

I'm not an advocate of imposed socialism, but have no objection to people voluntarily cooperating amongst themselves in socialist ways as long as those encompassed all do so of their own accord. I am a Voluntaryist, and believe human interactions which begin amongst humans on a voluntary and consensual basis are the best kind.

I think there are more than two puzzles, their are millions. Each person has the right to live their own life, as long as they respect that others have that right also. I think that's a good beginning point and concept to build from.

The reason drugs are so expensive is a coercion based monopoly exists not only on the drugs, but on who may "prescribe" them and who may sell them. All of the layers of licensure and restriction are held in place by threats of offensive force for violators usually by a coercion based government who protects people that fund them. I'm opposed to that.

Deleted member 60

Drugs are expensive because folks are greedy. Look at what folks here charge other folks for bags of weeds they grew without much effort/expense overall. Even here in LegalLand the stores ask $10 and up per gram. In the old days we always had the story that the RISK we took was why the price was set where it was ($400 a z). It goes legal....and it's still fuckin crazy folks gotta meet typical business costs AND still make bank. Folks are greedy. $400 for a bag of weeds that cost them 1/10th of that to produce....often without much risk. (and a bust these days is only a hassle..not a life changing event for most unless you are truly high rolling) But pot growers are some of the folks who yell "BIG Pharma" the loudest..... uhhhhum....yeah...right. There's those different puzzles again...

That last sentence you wrote says it all here and is where we are today in our Government. Money talks...Don (shit) walks. Money first...people last. This virus has shown that well. Dickbreath gets tested daily. Have you been tested? I sure haven't. I only know one poerson who has been...and that was because she had the symptoms/the virus early on in this event. Testing is non-existent for the common man. Only the King gets such lavish attention.

It is good to see him stop social distancing though. Very good. It's only a matter of time now.....only a matter of time.


Seed Aficionado
I dont really care about money...except to survive.

But when you do something 10,000 times you master it...and i mastered pussy. It is why my wives have all been such grinning fools.

If I have a hobby I do like to master it...and I will put in the time as an apprentice.

If I had as much time in growing....geeze it would be would all be smoking GW4

And its covid free.

I have never understood cheating on your girl...if she was a nightmare well thats on you but if she is not having fun in the bedroom...i think you need to figure shit out.

Because when you ring that bell ding ding ding ding ding ding.. Well a woman will love you long time.

And this message is covid free...Even republicans and democrats and socialists should agree.
Ughhh I am gonna have to get some tips lol

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Drugs are expensive because folks are greedy.
People are greedy that's for sure. Some of it is likely fear driven, but I'll put away my Psychologist hat, before I get carried away. :)

Drugs are expensive because the potential supply has been restricted by government means. (force)

A free market with more suppliers and more competition, would use peaceful means to solve that. Consumers are intelligent and in a free market suppliers need to have a good product or risk losing customers to those that do.
Have you been tested?
Nope. Might have had it, earlier in the year. A son who works on sea vessels that travel the world may have brought it here, we both had flu like symptoms for a week or so in late winter. He's in his thirties, I'm in my sixties. I don't think lockdowns are the answer, as they cause more unintended problems than they prevent. Not to mention, who has the right to order them has always been a problem with me.

Self quarantine makes sense for those who feel the need.

Big Perm

Drugs are expensive because folks are greedy. Look at what folks here charge other folks for bags of weeds they grew without much effort/expense overall. Even here in LegalLand the stores ask $10 and up per gram. In the old days we always had the story that the RISK we took was why the price was set where it was ($400 a z). It goes legal....and it's still fuckin crazy folks gotta meet typical business costs AND still make bank. Folks are greedy. $400 for a bag of weeds that cost them 1/10th of that to produce....often without much risk. (and a bust these days is only a hassle..not a life changing event for most unless you are truly high rolling) But pot growers are some of the folks who yell "BIG Pharma" the loudest..... uhhhhum....yeah...right. There's those different puzzles again...
I agree prices are insane. It's supply and demand basics though. Something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it.
$400 an ounce? WTF?!?! There are people all over here running around with California grown for $150 a zip. On the east coast!! How the fuck do you compete with that? I'm talking low level meth heads selling z's for $150. And the mother fuckers run to them. So I can't even go $125 because then my peeps can't sell if for the $200 to $250 for their customers. So even tho my shit is steps above they run to the Cali grown meth head for $150.

Then the meth head vanishes and all of a sudden my phone is ringing. That's when I tell 'em all about my creamy nutsack and how it smashes faces.

Where is this $400 a zip you speak of? Let me move there and take over right the fuck now :devilish:


It's a weed forum. Lotsa guys on both sides of the fence...none of us paid/pay taxes on the fun we've had/are hey...nobody is a fuckin' saint/perfect/above anyone else here when it comes down to it. Some of us have put in our time...some still have a long haul to go...unless that is...they get a bit too cocky with this virus and they die young. As had been said here before...we all make choices and live (or die) by the consequences of those choices eventually. I hope you make it to old age. (me too)
For every decision made, consequences follow. That is the way. (quote from King Alfred)
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Tegrity Greenthumb
. I don't think lockdowns are the answer, as they cause more unintended problems than they prevent. Not to mention, who has the right to order them has always been a problem with me.

Self quarantine makes sense for those who feel the need.
Even the lockdown was done half ass and wrong. It's to protect everyone not just the "weak" however there are still plenty of immunocompromised people working in "essential" positions while George who is a healthy 20 year old male sits at home and smokes weed on the govs dime. I honestly cant think of anything done this whole time where I was like wow that makes sense.
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