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Mediocre grower
You sound a little angry. I'm happy to discuss ideas, even if we might have some disagreements. Get what they deserve? Most people will get nothing or a slight coldish thing. Why should people "get what they deserve" for simply living their lives ?

It sounds like you support the idea of supporting those who you like etc., so do I. That is what a free market is. Voluntary exchange, no duress, no coercion. You make your choices, I make mine, nobody uses force, it's consensual. Pretty horrible eh ?

Cars are capable of killing and have randomly, never know when the fuckers will strike. Are you saying if enough people have the possibility of being hit by a car and possibly dying, it's reason for somebody to force another person to shut their business down or not use cars ?
That's why I don't get the "if it saves one life" argument. There is a lot of shit we could do that saves one life. But it's not worth it. And people are scared to admit it.

It sounds cold, but society has basically agreed that we are willing to sacrifice over 30,000 lives yearly just to have faster transportation. Yet, nobody bats an eye. We could all walk everywhere to save lives lol. But god forbid someone wants to risk a virus with a 99%+ survival rate to work and feed their family.

And the lockdown kills too. Yet there is no evidence it has saved any lives. The whole point was to SLOW the spread, not eliminate it. The same amount of people get it regardless. It was done so the healthcare system wouldn't be overwhelmed, and it wasn't even close to that.

But suicide rates and drug overdoses increase multiple percentage points for every 1% that unemployment rises. Not to mention cancer and other illnesses going undiagnosed because Dr office are closed, or not taking patients.


Super Active Member
No bodies talking about 1 life here. We are talking about over 90,000 even with the shutdown and use of protective measures taken and still climbing 1000 a day even with those measures taken. Imagine what that total would be without the shutdown. All this talk about rights to do this and rights to do that, what about me and my family and friends right to life. Im done with this, do what you want.


Mediocre grower
No bodies talking about 1 life here. We are talking about over 90,000 even with the shutdown and use of protective measures taken and still climbing 1000 a day even with those measures taken. Imagine what that total would be without the shutdown. All this talk about rights to do this and rights to do that, what about me and my family and friends right to life. Im done with this, do what you want.
Damn dude, I was referring to what Democratic governor's like Cuomo were saying, not you... And, according to people like you, we were supposed to have over 2 million Americans dead, so we are doing pretty damn good.

If you're so worried about your right to life then stay the fuck inside. I don't think anyone has been suggesting we drag you out of your house. But the economy can't just stop, and it hasn't anyway.

If it were up to people like you, we would have a complete shutdown and the country would be fucked. We actually need workers to bring our food, electricity, and gas, for example. Can't just shut down forever. And how the fuck are we going to pay for this trillion dollars stimulus if we don't get back to work? We can't just have the government print money... I mean, we could but then our money would become worthless.

And thanks, I will do what I want. I'm considered essential, so my life hasn't actually changed one bit since I have no social life.

Oh, and btw, there are studies that suggest the lockdown has had almost no effect. And unless you want to stay locked down until there is a vaccine, we are all going to have to go out and risk contracting it anyway.


Hobby Farmer
You sound a little angry. I'm happy to discuss ideas, even if we might have some disagreements. Get what they deserve? Most people will get nothing or a slight coldish thing. Why should people "get what they deserve" for simply living their lives ?

It sounds like you support the idea of supporting those who you like etc., so do I. That is what a free market is. Voluntary exchange, no duress, no coercion. You make your choices, I make mine, nobody uses force, it's consensual. Pretty horrible eh ?

Cars are capable of killing and have randomly, never know when the fuckers will strike. Are you saying if enough people have the possibility of being hit by a car and possibly dying, it's reason for somebody to force another person to shut their business down or not use cars ?
Now come using NRA gun control arguments :D

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
No bodies talking about 1 life here. We are talking about over 90,000 even with the shutdown and use of protective measures taken and still climbing 1000 a day even with those measures taken. Imagine what that total would be without the shutdown. All this talk about rights to do this and rights to do that, what about me and my family and friends right to life. Im done with this, do what you want.

I suspect the 90,000 is inaccurate, intentionally. Even if it were accurate, it still doesn't address where anyone would get the right to force other people to close their business, while government businesses (yes, some governments own businesses) and government favored businesses are still open.

Not that anybody has the right to direct every humans actions and close EVERY business anyway. If you don't have that right and I don't have that right we couldn't possibly delegate it to a "representative" or a power hungry dictatorial Governor etc. I doubt you or anyone else will explain how a nonexistent right could be delegated.

Imagine what the numbers would be if hospitals weren't paid more when they record deaths, which may not be as a result of the virus, as "from the virus". You do know that if a person is ill and has the virus and they die with the virus. but not necessarily "from the virus" those deaths have been counted as if the virus killed them ? I heard of a young man who tested as having the virus, he felt fine, on his way home, he was killed in a car accident. Guess how his death was recorded ?

You're right, nobody is talking about 1 life here. Or at least I wasn't talking about 1 life when I suggested deaths by autos . According to WHO stats, there were about 1.35 MIllion auto related deaths worldwide in 2016, nearly 40,000 in the USA alone. Knowing that, are you proposing we just "let" all those people die ? Smash the Buick and sell it for scrap to make into 15 schwinn bicycles, 4 sting rays with baseball cards in the spokes and a tri cycle for junior?

Rights? Good question. Concerning your family and friends, sure they have a right to life. With that right comes responsibility to allow others the same right. That's why, the very small percentage of people who are actually in danger of dying from this as compared to the huge number that isn't should be able to chose to self quarantine.

People have the right to control their own property, not the property of others. Do you disagree with that ? Are you suggesting I have a right to control YOUR property? I don't think I do.

Do what I want? That's just it though, most people can't "do what they want" when other people issue totalitarian lockdown orders.

I hope you get over your anger and get outside and enjoy some sunshine. That's what I'm going to do.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Now come using NRA gun control arguments :D
I'd love to debate "gun control" some time, it that's your thing. Banning substances and objects has never been my thing, I'm not a prohibitionist.

Isn't it odd that people who think they believe in "gun control" dismiss the reality somebody will have to use guns to enforce taking guns from people who simply want them for DEFENSIVE purposes? That's like putting gas on a fire to try to make it go out.

Anyhow, I sure wish I had a pool! :)

Deleted member 60

And unless you want to stay locked down until there is a vaccine, we are all going to have to go out and risk contracting it anyway.
We're going with Door #1, Monty. We plan to keep our exposures to a minimum. Once a month grocery shopping...and doing without most other stuff. Pretty easy to do when it comes down to "Do i need that badly enough to die for it?" Nah. Probably not.

I feel for the folks who need a paycheck or whose "nearly failing before the pandemic" anyway "business" is gonna take a final hit... but it isn't up to me to pull your ass out of the fire you built under it. We know what it's like to have absolutely NO money coming in. We haven't had an income in 6 years. LOL. These tough guys can't make it a month. Hear that @gwheels ?? Kinda makes ya chuckle even if it is DUH. LOOK comes the CIVIL WAR....

Just make it all happen within a month...cus after that...LOL. >cue perpetual whining about Gov't oppression/etc.<

"separate the wheat...from the chaff...."

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
We're going with Door #1, Monty. We plan to keep our exposures to a minimum. Once a month grocery shopping...and doing without most other stuff. Pretty easy to do when it comes down to "Do i need that badly enough to die for it?" Nah. Probably not.
I'm going with if it's your door, it should be your choice.
I defend your right to make that choice, because you own yourself and should be free to act as if you do.

If you weren't "allowed" to work, and had no other income, about how long would you like being locked down if you were young and healthy ?

Perpetual whining may turn violent when people get hungry or when jack boots try to force vaccinations on people that people object to.


No bodies talking about 1 life here. We are talking about over 90,000 even with the shutdown and use of protective measures taken and still climbing 1000 a day even with those measures taken. Imagine what that total would be without the shutdown. All this talk about rights to do this and rights to do that, what about me and my family and friends right to life. Im done with this, do what you want.
I for one am glad those bodies are not talking.........🥁 😜

Deleted member 60

I'm going with if it's your door, it should be your choice.
I defend your right to make that choice, because you own yourself and should be free to act as if you do.

If you weren't "allowed" to work, and had no other income, about how long would you like being locked down if you were young and healthy ?

Perpetual whining may turn violent when people get hungry or when jack boots try to force vaccinations on people that people object to.
I'm old(er) and healthy....and did my what hourly folks do/don't do/have/don't have isn't my concern. I GET that it's tough for folks out there....but I've always been a saver. It's impossible for me to answer your question because I never set myself up to fail in such a manner. Like I say....we PLANNED ahead...for 25 years or more WITHOUT an income. How did we do it? By saving. I could have gone a yerar at anytime after I was effect....cus we saved about 1/2 of what we made over time......and did without the toys for boys that costs 10X what you paid for it once you fail to invest that same cash. Now we get to watch everyone else struggle. I don;t enjoy it....but at the same time...won't be knacked on for doing what we did and carrying our own weight.

As I said before..the "violence' will only last til the food/gas suplly is cut off. Then those cats will fail..bigly....cus if you can't make it a month without a check...your "revolution" is all in your (tainted liddle) head.... LOL.

And their doesn't matter one bit to me if these COVIDIOTS don't get vaccinated...again...the faster these folks kick..the better for the rest of us. Darwin and Karma walk hand in hand.

If you want the'll get the obvious. We'll watch but we aren't playing this go around. Don't have to.

Be safe out there.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Perpetual whining may turn violent when people get hungry or when jack boots try to force vaccinations on people that people object to.
A famous man once said:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”



Mediocre grower
We're going with Door #1, Monty. We plan to keep our exposures to a minimum. Once a month grocery shopping...and doing without most other stuff. Pretty easy to do when it comes down to "Do i need that badly enough to die for it?" Nah. Probably not.

I feel for the folks who need a paycheck or whose "nearly failing before the pandemic" anyway "business" is gonna take a final hit... but it isn't up to me to pull your ass out of the fire you built under it. We know what it's like to have absolutely NO money coming in. We haven't had an income in 6 years. LOL. These tough guys can't make it a month. Hear that @gwheels ?? Kinda makes ya chuckle even if it is DUH. LOOK comes the CIVIL WAR....

Just make it all happen within a month...cus after that...LOL. >cue perpetual whining about Gov't oppression/etc.<

"separate the wheat...from the chaff...."
Cool story, you open your door and I'll open mine. Kinda my whole point. I could give a fuck less what you do... Not everyone has lived long enough to save enough money to not go to work. So you stay home and we will work. Have fun and quit bitching...


Mediocre grower
I'm old(er) and healthy....and did my what hourly folks do/don't do/have/don't have isn't my concern. I GET that it's tough for folks out there....but I've always been a saver. It's impossible for me to answer your question because I never set myself up to fail in such a manner. Like I say....we PLANNED ahead...for 25 years or more WITHOUT an income. How did we do it? By saving. I could have gone a yerar at anytime after I was effect....cus we saved about 1/2 of what we made over time......and did without the toys for boys that costs 10X what you paid for it once you fail to invest that same cash. Now we get to watch everyone else struggle. I don;t enjoy it....but at the same time...won't be knacked on for doing what we did and carrying our own weight.

As I said before..the "violence' will only last til the food/gas suplly is cut off. Then those cats will fail..bigly....cus if you can't make it a month without a check...your "revolution" is all in your (tainted liddle) head.... LOL.

And their doesn't matter one bit to me if these COVIDIOTS don't get vaccinated...again...the faster these folks kick..the better for the rest of us. Darwin and Karma walk hand in hand.

If you want the'll get the obvious. We'll watch but we aren't playing this go around. Don't have to.

Be safe out there.
Seems to me like you do enjoy other people struggling. You seen like a hateful person...


Hobby Farmer
This is more fun than 'about a pound' any day

Cant we all just get a long...

I will never argue gun control with anyone. :) Because the USA is founded on the very idea of the right to bare arms (And not wife beater Tshirts). It is ingrained in the constitutation.

Canada does not have this as part of the constitution. Never did. We see it differently but I get that one :)

I will go back to making a covid cure in the garage...Its beside the car that runs on hopes and dreams.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
So you stay home and we will work. Have fun and quit bitching...
"Millions of Americans are already [in critical condition]," the letter argued. "These include 150,000 Americans per month who would have had a new cancer detected through routine screening that hasn't happened, millions who have missed routine dental care to fix problems strongly linked to heart disease/death, and preventable cases of stroke, heart attack, and child abuse. "

"Research by JPMorgan shows that the coronavirus infection rates of states that have ended their lockdowns have declined, "even after allowing for an appropriate measurement lag."



Hobby Farmer
"Millions of Americans are already [in critical condition]," the letter argued. "These include 150,000 Americans per month who would have had a new cancer detected through routine screening that hasn't happened, millions who have missed routine dental care to fix problems strongly linked to heart disease/death, and preventable cases of stroke, heart attack, and child abuse. "

they missed the routine dental care for 60 days....and now its urgent...

Pulease ! I broke a tooth the day this shit started and have been waiting until they open....jiffy drops and a lot of ganja to the rescue. (appointment booked March 30 to get it pulled or fixed). If it gets real bad i have skates...i will do it Tom Hanks style (WILSON!!!!)

Sounds like a pile of steaming crap to get shit stirred up to me. :D

Welcome to Covid 20....soon to be replaced by Covid 21. (then its like jump street).
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