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Tegrity Greenthumb
You can't force change on people who don't recognize the need to change. Ya dig? The youth in large part are a product of the education indoctrination foisted upon them by agenda driven radicals [then] that rule the system and protect themselves with a powerful union.

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I see what your saying and have considered those ideas already believe me. It doesn't have to start here. I'm sure those in Africa, India, Guatemala etc would gladly trade the lives they have for something of the sort. When the rest run out of resources they will have no choice to follow. Or go to war etc but I'm sure plans could be put in place to prevent that.

High kev

Yankee seeds
The rich and elite want is this way so they can live off of us and control us to do as they want. All we need to do is come together as one. And say fuck the ultra rich and their ways. Let’s do it our way and stand up to them and their games are over. We out number them and they can’t be rich and have power if all us little guys are on the same team against them. But easier said then done. 0022C53A-146E-4B1A-A68F-DD6EC508DEE4.png


Tegrity Greenthumb
The rich and elite want is this way so they can live off of us and control us to do as they want. All we need to do is come together as one. And say fuck the ultra rich and their ways. Let’s do it our way and stand up to them and their games are over. We out number them and they can’t be rich and have power if all us little guys are on the same team against them. But easier said then done. View attachment 57174
It's not the elites that are the focus. It's the class below them who are willing to do their bidding for their positions to remain. Either by choice or removal if they no longer exist there is no one to bridge the gap and the system crumbles. They are like the head Jews in the concentration camps. Hopefully slowly but timely enough to prevent total collapse shit will just come together. That sounds like even more of a fable though.
No one here has it yet? I have it. Not dead yet. Maybe in a few days :alien:

Got it from the hydro store owner or his clerk last week. None of them were wearing masks. They were like............."fuck the gov't man. We aint sick." Well one of them were sick. It was the first time I went to a store other than my Publix here. BAMM! Welcome to Covid city. I started feeling sick 48 hours after I went to that store. Then the throat thing and now the breathing. Should be dead soon. Nice knowing you guys. Been a blast.

I'm lighting up possibly for the last time. Later :devilish:


Cocaine Cowboy
No one here has it yet? I have it. Not dead yet. Maybe in a few days :alien:

Got it from the hydro store owner or his clerk last week. None of them were wearing masks. They were like............."fuck the gov't man. We aint sick." Well one of them were sick. It was the first time I went to a store other than my Publix here. BAMM! Welcome to Covid city. I started feeling sick 48 hours after I went to that store. Then the throat thing and now the breathing. Should be dead soon. Nice knowing you guys. Been a blast.

I'm lighting up possibly for the last time. Later :devilish:
tenor (9).gif


Hobby Farmer
The rich and elite want is this way so they can live off of us and control us to do as they want. All we need to do is come together as one. And say fuck the ultra rich and their ways. Let’s do it our way and stand up to them and their games are over. We out number them and they can’t be rich and have power if all us little guys are on the same team against them. But easier said then done. View attachment 57174
Put down the Illuminati corn flakes.

This is a Tool album cover i think?

Who is the biggest super elite you got....oh yeah the POTUS !

Good luck folks...stay safe out there...grab some ammo

Deleted member 60

Funny how you ain't here but you can see it @gwheels (like the rest of the planet) ....and a buncha these cats don't see how badly they've been duped by this "King". All those pics of left leaning Dem leaders above are tell tale of what we are dealing with down here. It's the Duck Dynasty folks on steroids....getting dumber by the day.

But holy fuck...GOTTA SAY THANK YOU DON. I can't believe you cancelled the Daily "Don the Con" show because folks said you were full of (disinfectant) shit......but it's certainly better for the country as a whole to go it without "information" than to listen to a total douche talk about drinking disinfectant......and some of his peeps did just that. Smrt...yup. Just like Don. He's his own virus...killing anyone stupid enough to listen... and as you can see....a bunch of these guys are listening....and parroting well.

Fuckin A @Hotwired .....that sucks. It's no joke. I hope you fend well. That hydro guy needs a good smack in the a buncha other selfish and very important hourly workers out there. It's about their minimum wage "careers". They worked hard to get that convenience store job.... and how will they drink and smoke if they can't steal from their employer? It's a major quandary. Life caught up to em AGAIN and they need someone to always. It's why they are WHERE they are.....but like the whole Don thing...they just cain't seez it's their fault alone...and no one else is to blame but them.

so they blame Hillary or the nigger.....cus blaming Trump would mean they are wrong...and these folks are never Trump

High kev

Yankee seeds
Hillary Obama bush biden are all people that are worse than trump by far. That’s why trump won. Their life long corruption in politics is a dead giveaway why trump is our president now. He’s no angel he def lies but not as bad as those past politics that sold our country away. I would still choose don the con over any of them in a heart beat. But I do wish their was a better option

F series

Insanely Active Member
Funny how you ain't here but you can see it @gwheels (like the rest of the planet) ....and a buncha these cats don't see how badly they've been duped by this "King". All those pics of left leaning Dem leaders above are tell tale of what we are dealing with down here. It's the Duck Dynasty folks on steroids....getting dumber by the day.

But holy fuck...GOTTA SAY THANK YOU DON. I can't believe you cancelled the Daily "Don the Con" show because folks said you were full of (disinfectant) shit......but it's certainly better for the country as a whole to go it without "information" than to listen to a total douche talk about drinking disinfectant......and some of his peeps did just that. Smrt...yup. Just like Don. He's his own virus...killing anyone stupid enough to listen... and as you can see....a bunch of these guys are listening....and parroting well.

Fuckin A @Hotwired .....that sucks. It's no joke. I hope you fend well. That hydro guy needs a good smack in the a buncha other selfish and very important hourly workers out there. It's about their minimum wage "careers". They worked hard to get that convenience store job.... and how will they drink and smoke if they can't steal from their employer? It's a major quandary. Life caught up to em AGAIN and they need someone to always. It's why they are WHERE they are.....but like the whole Don thing...they just cain't seez it's their fault alone...and no one else is to blame but them.

so they blame Hillary or the nigger.....cus blaming Trump would mean they are wrong...and these folks are never Trump
Damn chill
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