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Hobby Farmer
The real question is...why do you do so much business with 1.4 billion oppresed chinese people?

Because people are addicted to low priced goods and sell their souls to wally mart. And how will that change?

China owns 15% of your debt too...they paid your bill so you owe them..How did that happen? and this is 2020 so the chief in charge did it.

Globilization really messed with protectionism. Until you make the goods in your own country again we are stuck with them.

No one was going to pay 25 cents for a USA or CDA made mask if you could get one for 5 cents from China...I find it amazing that anyone is blaiming the goverments...cut costs you say....we did.....why is it made in China?

Crazy times. I will buy nothing made in china...and i wont even order their take out...Dim sum of deese balls.

High kev

Yankee seeds
The real question is...why do you do so much business with 1.4 billion oppresed chinese people?

Because people are addicted to low priced goods and sell their souls to wally mart. And how will that change?

China owns 15% of your debt too...they paid your bill so you owe them..How did that happen? and this is 2020 so the chief in charge did it.

Globilization really messed with protectionism. Until you make the goods in your own country again we are stuck with them.

No one was going to pay 25 cents for a USA or CDA made mask if you could get one for 5 cents from China...I find it amazing that anyone is blaiming the goverments...cut costs you say....we did.....why is it made in China?

Crazy times. I will buy nothing made in china...and i wont even order their take out...Dim sum of deese balls.
Trump has been preaching trying to bring our jobs back for years before he became president. He warned us a long time ago over and over that China has been ripping us off for years. Check this out he hasn’t changed his stance in years



The hardest thing about this pandemic is figuring out who/ which country’s are being honest. And an actual time line on when life might start to get back to normal(which I don’t think life will ever be the same again as pre Covid) also would be nice to know where and what this virus originated from. I have read seen everything from man made to eating a f$@&ing bat.... so who knows lol not even the WHO knows lol


Hobby Farmer
My point is...the populace will not pay 3 times the price for things. Not for long.

When there is a reliable cure things will be more normal but this is going to be a LONG year. And it is complicated if we keep our measures in place and the USA says business as usual etc.

That border is going to be closed a long while (for people traffic, goods will move as they always did).

Who created it is not nearly as important as figuring out how we deal with it.


Just some asshole
My point is...the populace will not pay 3 times the price for things. Not for long.

When there is a reliable cure things will be more normal but this is going to be a LONG year. And it is complicated if we keep our measures in place and the USA says business as usual etc.

That border is going to be closed a long while (for people traffic, goods will move as they always did).

Who created it is not nearly as important as figuring out how we deal with it.
It doesn't have to be 3x the price. I can buy a good pair of jeans for $65-75 that are made in China. I can spend $100 and get some made in America, that will fit the same from one pair to the other, as well as last 2-3x as long.

Go read A book called “the Walmart effect“


Hobby Farmer
I know all about the Walmart effect. And they do last longer. I am not condoning what happens I just think the masses dont give a rats ass about the walmart effect. Or the effect would not have happened.

Millions of morons who will never change (i mean north america...its not exclusive to the USA)

We all had good paying jobs when the stuff was made here. And then people thought they need all this consumer shit and they want MORE MORE MORE..


Hobby Farmer
So i thought i posted a post...then edited it but realized it was not my post. So now its back to normal (the moderating).


I would pay 120 for jeans if it would mean quality and good jobs on home soil. It would be great if even the masses can see this so we can bring the work back to north america.

I think people forget that if you buy something cheap from china you have to buy 3 of them to come close to that one good thing made in USA or made in Canada. So you could have paid 2/3 of the price of the 3 from china and still had the 1st one.

Or wear a pair of jeans for years. Until they go out of style...too late!


Mediocre grower
this is directed towards a few morons here...Just wanted to come here and say I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!! This was all overblown by the media. Remember when they said 2 million Americans would die. Then they changed it to 200,000. Now it's 60,000. The experts have been wrong every step of the way 😂😂 remember when they said we would run out of ventilators 😂 now NYC is giving them away. Remember when they said it would peak on March 23 in certain states, a day before we even started the lockdown, and that was false too... 😂😂 Yep, you fucking leftist, liberal, retards were wrong again. Ha fucking ha 😂😂
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