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Hobby Farmer
This is an actual consipracy...the LEafers were actually going to win the cup this year...and they fucking knew it.., So Betmen (sounds like Batman...coincidence?????) well he probably did something at a chinese exhibiton game while having a napolean dare those leafers try and take away my tv rankings...

release pestilience upon the earth....

Anything to not allow that to happen.

So that is the real reason..everything else is collateral damage.

I bet Carole Fucking Baskin shops for tiger food at walmart...or dumpster dives or whatever they do...
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Oh, and here is my hotwired impression:

Durr, Finchy, durr. Orange man bad, durr, *leftist bs* Finchy, durr🤪🤪
This took you a week to come up with? Christ your name matches well with you. How's that redneck training coming along? It seems to not have affected your writing skills at all :alien:

You will need to come up with something much much better than this little boy. WTF are you a freshman in HS? You are only showing everyone what a fucking imbecile you really are :devilish:

ps.....When you have some true writing skills and think you could stand toe to toe with me in the trolling department bring it for reals son :giggle:

I'll see you in another week when your brain produces more sounds and funny faces again.
Like....that ?
Shouldn't you be licking a banana in a produce department somewhere monkey boy? Go grab another meme cause that's all you ever bring to the table. Worthless scum. You are so low beneath me that when I stand over you my balls smack you in the fucking mouth. I enjoy watching you cower in fear at the sight of my balls swaying lazily over your puny head. One quick twist of my hips and BAM your mouth takes another pounding from my creamy balls.

What you got son? I'll smack the shit out of the whole fucking lot of ya. Just using my balls. Freaking 13 year olds. TOO FUCKING EZ :sleep:


Hobby Farmer
Now its the illuminati....OMG

Or is it a democratic conspiracy.

You know when you say consipricy it makes you look like a flat earther. Because they think the entire world could actually consiprie to do something...look at the does that work exactly? (it doesnt).

Back to lockdown. I think i was locked down before there was even a covid.
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