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Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
I guess it was just a such conspiracy theory back then cause that nut job Alex Jones was the only one reporting about it and telling the truth , I mean the conspiracy that wacko
Pat Buchanan wrote many books about what would become of America when it went down the road of globalism. Late 80s, early 90s. Michael Savage has many books predicting in great detail the same warnings.

The left's playbook, aided by corrupted media, is to marginalize the truth tellers by labeling them as 'extremists' "conspiracy whackjobs', and the always popular 'racists'. Glenn Beck, on his FoxNews show a decade ago. exposed and detailed the movement's beginnings as mapped out in Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals", which has been the liberal playbook.



Just some asshole
How did we wait too long? Well because of the incubation period. You could have took a plane into the US from Wuhan Febuary and they would be like welcome home! There was nothing done to try to prevent the outbreak. Only manage it once it was "too late". If you wait for people to be infected that person had already infected countless people by the time it shows, then those people infect thousands of others. Then you have people prepping food etc, working nursing homes infected. They infect everyone else in their occupation and the virus continues to thrive. Anyone brought into the country from anywhere should have been quarantined no questions asked. Freedoms arent a excuse to kill off 100,000 people in your country. Oh but I had to sit in a room for 3 weeks alone.. boo hoo. Tell that to Timmy who just turned blue, and suffocated to death.
Several factors in that.

China wouldn’t send us a virus sample to work with so we basically were stuck waiting on it to hit here. That’s a fact btw.

Trump banned travel from China Jan 30 I think. Been a hated man since. My time in the service I learned about chemical and biological shit and saw mopp gear which looked worthless. So I know nothing but I certainly know some shitbag with a virus from another country needs to be detained at the border...


Fungas Gnat
I knew this was gonna happen!!!!! Too much time in the coop will drive anyone cuckoo!!!!
I know I couldnt live with my dad!! Hahaha

New York Man Allegedly Killed Father and Mutilated His Body While Staying Home Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
Newsweek - 4 hours ago
A man in New York has been arrested after allegedly murdering his father and mutilating the man's body while the pair were staying at home due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Officers found the body of 57-year-old Imad Ahmad in his home in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, at around 4.20 a.m. on Wednesday, a spokesperson for the New York Police Department confirmed to Newsweek. The man had been stabbed multiple times, the spokesperson added.

According to the New York Post, officers arrived at the home shortly after Imad Ahmad's son Khaled Ahmad left the family home drenched in blood and approached officers in a bagel shop. "I killed my father," he reportedly told them.
420? AM?... He should have been kicked back burning one with the old man.:cool: must of burned one after that then went to the bagel shop.
Another good argument for legal weed.


Tegrity Greenthumb
You're unfamiliar with liberalism?
Lol. I'll put it simple. Some people when they hear or see church folk, they are just frustrated at the lack of progress in humanity and it makes them frustrated. So the opinion gets rejected as if the opinion is it's ok to rape people. Honestly most church people I know either didnt follow the book and went for appearance, or just being accustomed to it from a young age etc. The other ones are mostly batshit crazy and I would feel more confident in convincing the black Panthers to let me join them, than trying to talk any sense into them.

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Here’s a question about medical coverage in the States - I know that many people pay out of pocket foe medical insurance, or even get/pay for coverage through their employer.

So what would happen if one of these people contracted the virus and needed a ventilator, but none were available due to the pandemic? Would they just get told to fuck off? What about all the money that was paid for the health insurance?

High kev

Yankee seeds
If their wasn’t one available the dr would play god but they would at least try with what they had them slap em with a hefty bill

F series

Insanely Active Member
Lol. I'll put it simple. Some people when they hear or see church folk, they are just frustrated at the lack of progress in humanity and it makes them frustrated. So the opinion gets rejected as if the opinion is it's ok to rape people. Honestly most church people I know either didnt follow the book and went for appearance, or just being accustomed to it from a young age etc. The other ones are mostly batshit crazy and I would feel more confident in convincing the black Panthers to let me join them, than trying to talk any sense into them.


Here’s a question about medical coverage in the States - I know that many people pay out of pocket foe medical insurance, or even get/pay for coverage through their employer.

So what would happen if one of these people contracted the virus and needed a ventilator, but none were available due to the pandemic? Would they just get told to fuck off? What about all the money that was paid for the health insurance?
You'd die and it'd be tough titty on you.........or..........too fucking bad, that's a shame, thanks for the money, seeya later alligator.

Actually, you wouldn't be thanked for the money.........;)


I knew this was gonna happen!!!!! Too much time in the coop will drive anyone cuckoo!!!!
I know I couldnt live with my dad!! Hahaha

New York Man Allegedly Killed Father and Mutilated His Body While Staying Home Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
Newsweek - 4 hours ago
A man in New York has been arrested after allegedly murdering his father and mutilating the man's body while the pair were staying at home due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Officers found the body of 57-year-old Imad Ahmad in his home in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, at around 4.20 a.m. on Wednesday, a spokesperson for the New York Police Department confirmed to Newsweek. The man had been stabbed multiple times, the spokesperson added.

According to the New York Post, officers arrived at the home shortly after Imad Ahmad's son Khaled Ahmad left the family home drenched in blood and approached officers in a bagel shop. "I killed my father," he reportedly told them.
it was this guy

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