The skill required to carefully separate the beanies from the weenies is grossly underappreciated.
let me guess where the christmas goose came from.Fuck around and find out is right with those mother honkers.
I used to work at a place where the geese were well protected and would make their nests in secured areas, problem was it was also patrolled by U.S. Marines. Whenever we ran drills or were on alert someone would run into one of those geese (especially at night). It didn't matter how badass they thought they were, whenever one came flapping at you or your team outside of the armored vehicle hearts pumped koolaid.
Interviewer: What would you say is your primary fault?
Bet there will be mostly female pilots, or at least the ones "in charge" - and the "men" will be weak-ass soy-boi's - That is ALL Hollywood has now. There will be gay military-ness and likely a tranny or two to round out the woke.I wonder if the new Top Gun movie will be any good...
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