Dazed and confused
I've run photos for years. Everyone has different needs. I'm just on a kick. Just like the other post its a quick way to put bud in jars.
I ran my op at night...not to save $$$ on electricity...but to snag that cool, (or cold..depending on the season) Rocky Mountain air. Never had a need/used an AC in over 30 years of indoor grows. I just kept things rockin'/kept the bill around $400-500 a month with no real changes and nobody figured out (cared...cus I paid my bill) I was using 3X the electricty as everyone else on the block. Fun times, for sure.If you are in an area with high electricity costs, it definitely pays to run when the power costs are lower.
Paying for everything in cash used to not raise any eyebrows back when I played the game with a bigger fan club but things were changing I walked into buy a new/used truck and flopped cash down the guy backed his chair up until I said oh it's just from a big insurance check he wiped the drool off his chin and scooped it all upIf you are slingin illegally you have no accountant... (hopefully..if yer smart) only an attorney on retainer and a pickle jar stuffed full of Bens.
I don't know about anyone else...but when I was actively in the game...the costs of operating NEVER mattered because the returns were so fuckin huge. $400 of electricity = 12K a month in product. No-fuckin-brainer there. Ditto soil/equipment. You just walk in to the hydro shop...get what you want...and dig in the jar for the Bens to make it happen.
Then you buy your kids nice shit...and the wife nice shit....and none of it registers as a dent in the personal finances. Ever.
God that was fun while it lasted.... (OK..so there's no God but you get my drift)
That's all that matters in the end too. Fuck what anyone says. If you are happy with your results, that's all that matters,View attachment 100916
Using autos has a allowed me to develop a style where can take new genetics every 4 to 6 weeks. I need the variety and I find them quite resistant to temperature fluctuations. Breeders like mephisto, Dutch passion,dinafem,Mosca have all given me consistent,high quality flower. I'm just saying it works for my personal medicine.
My last auto I ran ( 3 total ever ) compared to hundreds if not thousands of photos I have grown actually turned out really decent. I only grew it out in a 1 gallon plastic pot and yielded like an ounce of some pretty good flower. My first time ever trying one was a complete disaster but it could have been a shit seed too, who knows. I was really happy with the other 2 that I did finish and look forward to trying one in my DWC or RDWC if I do a full 4 bucket auto run. Maybe down the road. But I also have seen some fire ass looking autos grown so hopefully I can get lucky on what I choose to run.Many like myself were ruined on autos 10 or so years ago when they were terribly inconsistent and plants were tiny and had low thc in comparison to regular but times are changing I have grown some nice autos there still seems to be some inconsistencies but nothing like before I have a drawer full of auto seeds waiting I want to do nothing but an auto grow just to see how it goes IMO they are also great for those of who live far north they finish before the cold days appear but like mad grower mentioned as long as your happy screw what anyone else says/thinks (unless it's your old lady) enjoy
Sure, but not on autos.Anyone else here brave enough to drop 300?
Lol wrong thread, not an auto, it's a supposed roadkill variety release by a Hawaiian heirloom breeder (old-school genetics). Might be legit, sorry for posting here I didn't mean to.Sure, but not on autos.