I think the bennie teas are working!
Shoreline SD

Ssd in the middle. Up,to my shoulder. Easy 5 ft.

Some good mold!

Mac1 x Dla5
Fans as big as 5g cans!!!

And then there were the stardawg lemon trees. Planted late and kept in fabric pots. Half buried.
Went to the spot this a.m. and my male mac x dla5 has been culled. I guess my bro thought it was too close for prying eyes. So the male hunt continues or ends. Cest la vie. Igot seeds. I dont need seeds. Honestly itd be another added headache on top of my 3 hr drive to a 9 hour day starting romorrow yahooooo!! Leave by 430am home by 5pm.
But its crunch time and I like money soooo...