The trading block


LED Recruiter
He should stop spewing that shit and trying to discredit me. Really, he owes me an apology and should let everyone know I took care of him in the end with the given circumstances. If I see bullshit being put out about me I'm gonna call bullshit.

But yeah, sorry for derailing this thread y'all. I'm done on the topic. There's literally nothing more I can say about it now.

Still willing to pay for shipping on spores if not I'll just buy them elsewhere. Figured I'd try to get the hook up before buying.

Read before assuming and asking questions that are already answered essentially.
All I wanted was a picture.
But noooo all the evidence of this ripped envelope was gone.
I thought it goes unsaid that we send simultaneously. But I guess some peoplr have more sense than others.

I'm done . I'm done. All i know is I have something you want.
For that, I'm happy to rub it in your face.
I'm done. Really. I want to apologize.....Na idrgaf. Punisher, Bodyne, Opie, Fuck even bigterps would vouch imma good dude.
And ive been on here steady a year and a half.
Every fucking day , im on here. Go fly a kite if u dont like it


Herban Legend
All I wanted was a picture.
But noooo all the evidence of this ripped envelope was gone.
I thought it goes unsaid that we send simultaneously. But I guess some peoplr have more sense than others.

I'm done . I'm done. All i know is I have something you want.
For that, I'm happy to rub it in your face.
I'm done. Really. I want to apologize.....Na idrgaf. Punisher, Bodyne, Opie, Fuck even bigterps would vouch imma good dude.
And ive been on here steady a year and a half.
Every fucking day , im on here. Go fly a kite if u dont like it
A picture of an envelope I already opened? So you're acting a fool in the forums because you didn't get a picture of an opened envelope 😂 What would that prove to you exactly? I never claimed there was a rip in the envelope, that's probably the narrative you'd like to paint because you scammed me though.

And you could never rub anything you have in my face, cuz I don't want anything from you at this point. I don't get desperate like you were for the seeds I sent you.

Neither of us tracked what we sent btw @Hust17 He sent his in a plain envelope I sent mine in a bubbler at least. Difference beyond that is he got everything we agreed to me sending, untampered in any fashion. Receiving or sending first shouldn't be an issue..

Unless you're trying to scam someone and blind side them with a skimped and tampered with package that is. He didn't offer to make it right or anything like that. Nor did I want him to because the whole shit was fishy and I wasn't exactly high on anything he had to offer anyways. I wanted to send what I received back to him and call it a day at that point.

So moral of the story is the kid received what he agreed on getting from me, but didn't receive a picture of an opened envelope so he's throwing dirt on my name... 😂😂😂 That's a head scratcher

Now there's definitely nothing more that needs to be said by me on this matter. And yet again apologies for derailing this thread with this petty shit 😂


Insanely Active Member
Neither of us tracked what we sent btw
ouch. always spend the money and go with tracking. even if it was a 1st class package it would still have a tracking number and have to be scanned. kinda feel bad for both of ya. if you guys woulda just spent a couple extra bucks this all could of been avoided.

also there should of been some kind of agreement that you would both send on the same day or upload tracking on the same day.


LED Recruiter
ouch. always spend the money and go with tracking. even if it was a 1st class package it would still have a tracking number and have to be scanned. kinda feel bad for both of ya. if you guys woulda just spent a couple extra bucks this all could of been avoided.

also there should of been some kind of agreement that you would both send on the same day or upload tracking on the same day.
This shit was all new to me.
He fucked up.
I fucked up.
Only thing is dude was never wrong, and not a cheapass.
He told me sparrowhawk just sent him a whole bunch of freebies.
But he was so butthurt , thinking i screwed him. Dont let him fool u. The dude threatened not to swnd anything. Thats why i was just playing mice and waited to see what i got.
I germinated all his shitty seeds and got one to pop.
I was an apprentice grower and apprentice carpenter witb a 6mo baby. I was broke. This year im allllllll goooooooddddd.
Fuck my cuts i got are worth more than your whole shitty seed collection.
K now im really done


Herban Legend
ouch. always spend the money and go with tracking. even if it was a 1st class package it would still have a tracking number and have to be scanned. kinda feel bad for both of ya. if you guys woulda just spent a couple extra bucks this all could of been avoided.

also there should of been some kind of agreement that you would both send on the same day or upload tracking on the same day.
If he would've paid for tracking I would have too.

This shit was all new to me.
He fucked up.
I fucked up.
Only thing is dude was never wrong, and not a cheapass.
He told me sparrowhawk just sent him a whole bunch of freebies.
But he was so butthurt , thinking i screwed him. Dont let him fool u. The dude threatened not to swnd anything. Thats why i was just playing mice and waited to see what i got.
I germinated all his shitty seeds and got one to pop.
I was an apprentice grower and apprentice carpenter witb a 6mo baby. I was broke. This year im allllllll goooooooddddd.
Fuck my cuts i got are worth more than your whole shitty seed collection.
K now im really done
I told you to apologize to me cuz you were talking to me real disrespectfully or I'm not sending you shit. & That was after telling you I just wanna send back whatever that bullshit was that landed in my mailbox & you refused.

We both know the truth here, you tried pulling a fast one. Were you new to it or did you do it enough to think it's universally understood that you send at the same time? Make up your mind kid


Insanely Active Member
This shit was all new to me.
He fucked up.
I fucked up.
Only thing is dude was never wrong, and not a cheapass.
He told me sparrowhawk just sent him a whole bunch of freebies.
But he was so butthurt , thinking i screwed him. Dont let him fool u. The dude threatened not to swnd anything. Thats why i was just playing mice and waited to see what i got.
I germinated all his shitty seeds and got one to pop.
I was an apprentice grower and apprentice carpenter witb a 6mo baby. I was broke. This year im allllllll goooooooddddd.
Fuck my cuts i got are worth more than your whole shitty seed collection.
K now im really done
If he would've paid for tracking I would have too.

I told you to apologize to me cuz you were talking to me real disrespectfully or I'm not sending you shit. & That was after telling you I just wanna send back whatever that bullshit was that landed in my mailbox & you refused.

We both know the truth here, you tried pulling a fast one. Were you new to it or did you do it enough to think it's universally understood that you send at the same time? Make up your mind kid

i wasnt judging either of you. i understand shit happens.

lifes to short. make amends and move on :)


LED Recruiter
If he would've paid for tracking I would have too.

I told you to apologize to me cuz you were talking to me real disrespectfully or I'm not sending you shit. & That was after telling you I just wanna send back whatever that bullshit was that landed in my mailbox & you refused.

We both know the truth here, you tried pulling a fast one. Were you new to it or did you do it enough to think it's universally understood that you send at the same time? Make up your mind kid
Ya . thats it. I was trying to pull a fast one. I'm a professional in many fields, I have a fucking 40000$ bachelor's degree. I think if i was trying to get over. I would've thought it out a lottle better.
Just admit your a cheap ass and I felt like I was trying to take advantage of you, so I sent me one , one fem seed. And 4 bunk autos. I know the truth. Ur just a jewbag.


Herban Legend
i wasnt judging either of you. i understand shit happens.

lifes to short. make amends and move on :)
Didn't think you were judging I'm just being transparent on the situation. I would've preferred tracking but I don't think it would've deterred him from doing shady shit & I'm not gonna pay for tracking if he's just gonna send me seeds in some lil envelope with a stamp on it lol.

Like I said I didn't make a fuss because I didn't really care about the trade at the end of the day. I got rid of some seeds I wasn't high on for some seeds I was even less high on and learned my lesson on dealing with that type of character online. I was moreso offended that he'd send me something the way he did in a lil envelope with a suspect hole in the breeders packaging and no puck of C99 in sight. I highly, highly doubt USPS did that when there wasn't a rip in the envelope.

Btw @TerpyTyrone , you said nothing about germ rates in PM when I addressed your previous claim that I slighted you. Strange. I clearly reached out trying to make amends and figure out what your issue was exactly. But, no word of germ problems then? Seems your story is twisting and turning.


Herban Legend
Before I read what's been posted....Just saying for both of yas, shit like this would make me not want to trade with any of yas. No offense.
I don't really care :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: I'm glad you feel that way about him though, cuz he definitely did me shady and keeps talking shit. Like I've said I don't really care to trade online unless I really want something with no other way to get it. And that'll probably never be the case. Ask @sfrigon1 & @JohnFonda how I didn't even really entertain their inquiries to trade.. and this is why.

It may not be so flattering. But I got the time to pick apart this fraud & have kinda enjoyed it.
I don't really care :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: I'm glad you feel that way about him though, cuz he definitely did me shady and keeps talking shit. Like I've said I don't really care to trade online unless I really want something with no other way to get it. And that'll probably never be the case. Ask @sfrigon1 & @JohnFonda how I didn't even really entertain their inquiries to trade.. and this is why.

It may not be so flattering. But I got the time to pick apart this fraud & have kinda enjoyed it.
I am not saying anyone is at fault....I personally just stay away from things like this regardless who is at fault.