The dope cave


I got a decent little vial of pollen from the reversed Boorilla, I’ll be hitting up some ladies here in a couple weeks. I just pulled down all the dubsteps and valley sundaes. Bleached and cleaned everything, rinse and reset for the next run. Dubsteps are all average as can be. 3/5 valley sundae were pretty good looking, 2 of them I’m keeping the clone around till after smoke test to see what’s good. Got a lot of shit done today and I’m finally not sick, I finally started smoking again. So fuck yea.


The 3 best looking valley sundae at chop. They were only in 2 gal pots and given plain water for life. Still looking decent tho. 2 of them will be given a real run in the 20gals to see what they can really do. I’ll be running them with a grape flo, mac1 and I popped a pack of shoreline x topanga from heisen to run with them. If I can get them ready in time, I’ll squeeze in this twinkle tarts #1 from eso, and a fire og also gifted to me from eso. The tarts rooted quick in 8 days, I’m still waiting on the fire og to root. I don’t think they’ll be ready in time for this run but they’ll definitely make it into the next run.



I got some cuts today, supposedly chem D and chem 91, hopefully they’re legit. And sundae driver as well. They came with spider mites. I dunked them and I’ll keep on the assault. I would normally just throw them away, far far away but I’ve been after the D and the 91 for years so I’m gonna risk it I guess. They’re in my quarantine area and I’m supposed to get more cuts in the mail tomorrow or Friday so I’ll have to figure out where to put those. I’ll keep them in quarantine for a month or so after I think they’re mite free just to be safe. Anyone got any tips to make it easier?