BL, or Before LED, I ran a two bulb 4' T12 shop light over the clones and rooted cuttings, 80W.
Over the 3x3' flood table I used as a nursery, I ran either 2' T8 x 6 bulbs for 120W or a 400W HPS. I also had this crazy fixture I rigged up for a bunch of screw in CFL bulbs lol
Over the two longer flood tables, I had 600W HPS.
That's all just for the nursery area.
In the big veg, I ran either 3 x 600W HPS or 3 x 315W CMH and that covered two stages.
For the pre bloom stage I had 4 x 315W CMH and a '860' CDM (same tech as CMH, just bigger) running at 1000W.
That was the pre bloom room.
All the above fed one of 5 bloom spots, each of which had 5 x '860' CDM, again running at 1000W. That's 25 lamps in bloom, on a staggered schedule.
Every thousand Watt lamp had a magnetic ballast, pulling maybe 150W. The 315W CMH had more efficient digital square wave ballasts that didn't pull very many Watts. These were the only lights that were more than 30% efficient. Fluorescent lamps are about 30% efficient as well.
At first, I had a couple of 2 Ton chillers that pulled 2000W. They were converted window units. They ran constantly. Then I upgraded to a 5 Ton chiller and oddly enough it only ran about 1/4 or at most 1/3 of the time.
Yeah, it was a lot of power. The electric oven and hot tub also added a bit too!
The modern era of LED has saved a lot of power but I don't run an op like that anymore, either.