Official solo cup challenge 2019


Solo cup champion 2019
So the inside cup can drain and clear to see the roots. Very helpful if upplanting. All but the challenge solo and and any males are getting upplanted.View attachment 7173
Thats a good idea. I always see that in pics, but always wonderwd why they had 2 cups. I know JWM uses a clear cup as a humidity dome, i started doing that on my seedlings that come out real works great, it saced a few sewdlings for me already since he told me about it.


Hobby Farmer
I always did it because i am carrying them around from a sink to the room and water dripping all over.

double solo cup means less cleanup.


And I am going to go in. I will pop the beans officially later I have a couple of autos left if i can find where i put them (thus the later).
Crop King Auto Amensia 24-0 from start to finish in my veg tent in a solo cup with coco/root farm 50 50 mix and MC from start to finish.

It is the first time i ever actually had room to do it and not really care about it taking up a seed or pot or space or whathaveyou!

ChuckersParadise came in at the exact right time for me to have this glorious space to grow AND enter a solo cup contest.

I wont win but it will be a lot of fun. Good luck to all


Active Member
If you cant find one, i can send you one. It will probably be very expensive to 3d print one of them.
16oz =to 473ML.. We have a lot of 0.5L cups with lid.. The difference is so little so I'll probably go with one of those if that's okay.. Thanks fo the offer to ship me one tho!!
Also 3d printing is very cheap these days. A cup would probably be less then 50 cents to print.. So if you ever need anything printed let me know 😀

Haha, your cup would have to be one of the mini dwc setups like @Turd Ferguson did here.
Damn I'm not the first one then 😂 Do you have a link for his mini dwc? Can't find it here..


Hobby Farmer
16 oz is exactly 473 ml (1 US pint). A half litre cup should be acceptable for the EU peeps who want to enter? the difference is less than a fluid ounce of space. What say you?

The pint is why our gallons are different. Imperial measure has a 20 oz pint (and thats how beer comes up here). The number of pints per quart and gallon are the same it is the extra 4 oz per pint that makes it different.


Opus Herba


Heathen Basterd
16oz =to 473ML.. We have a lot of 0.5L cups with lid.. The difference is so little so I'll probably go with one of those if that's okay.. Thanks fo the offer to ship me one tho!!
Also 3d printing is very cheap these days. A cup would probably be less then 50 cents to print.. So if you ever need anything printed let me know 😀

Damn I'm not the first one then 😂 Do you have a link for his mini dwc? Can't find it here..
You use whatever size cup u desire Love, cuz I will lol