Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Full send….always


Full send….always
That branch was 36 g……… a said I’ll mark a branch and keep it separate……… I’m Guna train and super crop on the 26th but I’ll leave one run away top and I’ll throw a tag on her……’ll see my guy….youlllllllll see


Dont Need One
Ick if your shits papered at 40% that amount from that space…….. no fucking way you’d make it to your 2nd harvest in a “real” facility….their cut off is 60 no matter how potent it is…….. talk shit if u want but I’m pulling in a 4X4 what you pull in a god damn 4X10………… talk shit if u want but your still pulling 2.5-3lbs off a fucking 4x10 and acting like you run shit hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Hey dumbass. I make in a day what you make in a year...I do this for a living in case you didn't get the memo. I speak multiple languages in growing mediums, you speak one, "coco" I'm gonna let you have your fun for now cause it will make it all the more better when I crush you.


Full send….always
Hey dumbass. I make in a day what you make in a year...I do this for a living in case you didn't get the memo. I speak multiple languages in growing mediums, you speak one, "coco" I'm gonna let you have your fun for now cause it will make it all the more better when I crush you.
That fact that u think your better than me Because you “make more than me” tells me all I need to know about you…..and your bullshit nazi Germany forum…….. and I promise you don’t make more than me…………trust me……… anyways…… u are who you are…you own what u own…..and I’m still pulling more than u are per foot…..theirs nothing to be discussed or gained staying o. This forum anymore……. I see how u run this place…..u say something and when some one proves you wrong u go and block their ability to dm…… u also do the whole oh nononono I never said that u said this….pussy shit…….fuck you and your bullshit forum…….take your company and shove it up your ducking g ass you piece of shit……. Have fun pulling your 1 oz per foot you fucking try hard lol……suck my dick ….k……byeeeeeeeeeee
That fact that u think your better than me Because you “make more than me” tells me all I need to know about you…..and your bullshit nazi Germany forum…….. and I promise you don’t make more than me…………trust me……… anyways…… u are who you are…you own what u own…..and I’m still pulling more than u are per foot…..theirs nothing to be discussed or gained staying o. This forum anymore……. I see how u run this place…..u say something and when some one proves you wrong u go and block their ability to dm…… u also do the whole oh nononono I never said that u said this….pussy shit…….fuck you and your bullshit forum…….take your company and shove it up your ducking g ass you piece of shit……. Have fun pulling your 1 oz per foot you fucking try hard lol……suck my dick ….k……byeeeeeeeeeee
And... His pussy out post for the competition is officially posted. We all knew this was coming sooner or later.

He didn't have the balls to participate.


Dont Need One
That fact that u think your better than me Because you “make more than me” tells me all I need to know about you…..and your bullshit nazi Germany forum…….. and I promise you don’t make more than me…………trust me……… anyways…… u are who you are…you own what u own…..and I’m still pulling more than u are per foot…..theirs nothing to be discussed or gained staying o. This forum anymore……. I see how u run this place…..u say something and when some one proves you wrong u go and block their ability to dm…… u also do the whole oh nononono I never said that u said this….pussy shit…….fuck you and your bullshit forum…….take your company and shove it up your ducking g ass you piece of shit……. Have fun pulling your 1 oz per foot you fucking try hard lol……suck my dick ….k……byeeeeeeeeeee
I have not restricted you in any shape of form. I've not said anything about your rhetoric and insults. You have spoken freely and your still here speaks volumes. Anyone can see your making shit up again. I see I definitely hit a nerve. What's it like to be the greatest grower in your own head and still be a peasant. A broke ass nobody. Your sitting here arguing with me about how great you are but your still trying to be me. Chump ass wannabe. Your like the kid that learns how to catch a football and the next day he thinks he can beat the whole team.
You ain't shit, was never shit and will always be shit.


Moose cocks, or bust
That fact that u think your better than me Because you “make more than me” tells me all I need to know about you…..and your bullshit nazi Germany forum…….. and I promise you don’t make more than me…………trust me……… anyways…… u are who you are…you own what u own…..and I’m still pulling more than u are per foot…..theirs nothing to be discussed or gained staying o. This forum anymore……. I see how u run this place…..u say something and when some one proves you wrong u go and block their ability to dm…… u also do the whole oh nononono I never said that u said this….pussy shit…….fuck you and your bullshit forum…….take your company and shove it up your ducking g ass you piece of shit……. Have fun pulling your 1 oz per foot you fucking try hard lol……suck my dick ….k……byeeeeeeeeeee
If you leave can you take pudwun with you please?


I have not restricted you in any shape of form. I've not said anything about your rhetoric and insults. You have spoken freely and your still here speaks volumes. Anyone can see your making shit up again. I see I definitely hit a nerve. What's it like to be the greatest grower in your own head and still be a peasant. A broke ass nobody. Your sitting here arguing with me about how great you are but your still trying to be me. Chump ass wannabe. Your like the kid that learns how to catch a football and the next day he thinks he can beat the whole team.
You ain't shit, was never shit and will always be shit.
I could've told you this would happen. That's his way of backing out of the competition while acting like he's the victim.


Dont Need One
And... His pussy out post for the competition is officially posted. We all knew this was coming sooner or later.

He didn't have the balls to participate.
I can't wrap my head around him speaking about what professional grow ops expect out of its growers as if he is qualified because he grows a couple plants in coco. He fails to even mention shit about pest management. Fuk this dude don't even know how to clone. He talking about taking in cuts from outside. One dose of PM or mites and his ass would be through. He has no clue about the cut throats in this industry, the fake genetics he would have to weed through , paying all those taxes, all the paperwork. This guy lives in a fukin cave compared to the industry. He is safe where he is at. Arguing with people about how much weed he can grow in a tent because if he tried to take my job his ass would be fired the first day on the job.


Dont Need One
I could've told you this would happen. That's his way of backing out of the competition while acting like he's the victim.
I let him have his fun. His insults and mocking me. Clowning on a couple comments I made but what he doest realize those strains I grew in that specific video was not heavy yielders. They are glue and wed cake. Average yields and I don't jar anything that is the slightest bit of larf and I also trim every nugget from the stems. I don't Jar 8 inch untrimmed tops to fudge the weight . That shit is a fukin joke. If he cut out those big ass stems he would know the weight of the stem is almost as heavy as the nugs. But he don't smoke or sell so he would never have to face a customer that would confront his dumbass on the issue.


Dont Need One
Could you imagine how nasty that standing water must smell?
Yeah, what's funny is him saying I took away his privileges but it's actually the forum software that did it. It's a fail safe so when people get a certain amount of dislikes they lose the privileges to message and shit like that. So him blaming me was total bullshit. Like I have sit around and edit people's privileges like I give a damn. This is exactly how bad rumors get started. Next he will go to another forum and a nazi and say all kinds of lies and bullshit and than someone else will parrot the info as if it's true.