#Heisenbeans Genetics


Boy your fucking seeded plants are half dead in the video. Your grow area had trash and trash bags everywhere so what did I make up about your filthy ass? You one step from electrocuting your damn self making CS for reversals. Man you’re a walking example of how not to do things. You have these dudes fooled but I see clean through your fraud ratting ass. If you’d tell someone to eat on a forum I can only imagine what you’ll do if something popped up 69 Jr.


If your dumb ass got paid to think you’d always be broke. A 10 year old can probably grow and breed better then heisen bum ass.

Then where are you at in this big picture we cant see.

Post some videos or pics of your grows. Your seeds you are marketing.

Put up or shut up.

One thing that is for certain you would never ever go spouting off to people on this forum to their face.

Go back to your safe space in Chaz.


LMAOOOOOO boy you better thank seedjunky, symbiotic, and whoever else made those crosses possible for that clown to self them. That shit isn’t breeding its coattailing off somebody’s else’s hard work to make money. Anybody can take clones and self them even your dumb ass. You giving props to the wrong person. Let me know when people outside this forum start growing that shit or when he makes his own shit instead of stealing other people’s shit. He’s the same fucking hacking he was calling his boss a few years ago now he’s gu’s trailer park bitch. Bend the knee like a good bitch suppose too!!

Who did those guys cross those seeds off of?

Let me guess they took plants that someone else crossed up and crossed them up themselves? Or they take some landrace and make em which we all know didnt happen.

Is that how it goes?

Gotta come stronger than that.
LMAOOOOOO boy you better thank seedjunky, symbiotic, and whoever else made those crosses possible for that clown to self them. That shit isn’t breeding its coattailing off somebody’s else’s hard work to make money. Anybody can take clones and self them even your dumb ass. You giving props to the wrong person. Let me know when people outside this forum start growing that shit or when he makes his own shit instead of stealing other people’s shit. He’s the same fucking hacking he was calling his boss a few years ago now he’s gu’s trailer park bitch. Bend the knee like a good bitch suppose too!!
I don't give a flying fucking shit where the genetics came from. I don't see any of these people offering me anything even close to what I got from Heisen. OK BOY.
I also don't give a fuck about who you are. You are a nothing spouting nothings. You are an insignificant bug sucking juices off old decaying fruit. The only reason I am responding to you is because I'm waiting for the right moment to smack your tiny face with my large creamy nutsack.

Who the fuck cares about ANY of those names you mentioned? I certainly don't. As far as I'm concerned the only name that matters is Heisens. Anyone else, including yourself, can suck on my tiny puckered asshole. You got that BOY?