The old me woulda said leave it. But the new me is a defoliatin' fool!View attachment 60073
Thought the picture uploaded, but here she is
I would leave it unless you’re worried about the lowers getting light. They seems pretty spread out right now. I would think about keeping most of them and removing the few that are blocking the most light to the lowersView attachment 60069
At week 3 of flower, having a hard time deciding whether to defoliate this plant or not..
Leaning towards letting the leafs live and slowly remove older ones over time. But then again, thinking of cutting them to reduce chance of lateral branching..
What would you do and why? Thanks ~
Fruity yet with slight gas very smooth pine after taste I would say in my top 3 that I have ever grown.Crazy not to have kept a Cut. Great job tho
Fat sized buds.
What was The smell like on her?
I’d better leave the wife at home. Glad I had a set of pliers onboard , straight between the wrist tendons ..........View attachment 59032
I do and in my experience you get more frost, more colourful/purple bud and slightly less opinion and observations are purely anecdotal tho...........I'm actually gonna cut down on how long I have them running next time.How many of you guys run supplemental UV?
I run 2 bulbs in each of 3 bud tents. I started in one and the difference in frost was more than obvious. Put in second and after just one round had to add to 3rd as it was so much different. Run these @ 2 hours and close to finish move up to 3 hours.How many of you guys run supplemental UV?
Have UVA, but haven’t run it. I’ll run them with my supplementals and far reds once I rearrange in a few months. Running just bare minimum COBs currently and boards are dimmed all the way down.How many of you guys run supplemental UV?
Here is a good article by dennis brown probably a bit of sales pitch in it since talking about their tubes but also informative. got some uv bulbs but havent installed em yet. Still having issues with my grow
Always read where frost and potency increase. What i read is something like 15 min on amd 2 hr off. And outside grown plants are always more frosty than under my led
Most studies show a slight increase in thc% and terpenes. I’m planning on running them for 4 hours during flower.I got some uv bulbs but havent installed em yet. Still having issues with my grow
Always read where frost and potency increase. What i read is something like 15 min on amd 2 hr off. And outside grown plants are always more frosty than under my led
This should be fun. My Topanga Wedding plants are quite a bit larger. I got them up to 4 feet tall (including ~10 inches of planter) before inducing flower. They are cruising through week 3 so there isn’t much bud development just yet. Why’d you nickname that plant the big shitty?Here I have Topanga Wedding , Ice Cream Dream, Purple Dream and Oilslick all day 49 of 12/12. On a side note the topanga wedding is smelling like shit I mean straight up shit like someone dropped a fresh deuce right on her canopy. Anyone else came across this poop pheno??
group shotView attachment 59997
purple dream
View attachment 59998View attachment 59999
topanga wedding aka Big shitty
View attachment 60000View attachment 60001
ice cream dream
View attachment 60002View attachment 60003
oilslick(smallest in the box but thickest stem)
View attachment 60004View attachment 60005
Another thing to think about - leaves are "input" that provide photosynthesis for the plant.Thanks you guys ~
Ill leave em on there and pluck em at a later time as they fade or get in the way. Didn't see a reason but for aesthetics really..
Appreciate the feedback!
Here is a good article by dennis brown probably a bit of sales pitch in it since talking about their tubes but also informative.
As I said I run my solarcure 2 hours a day keeping 16 inches down but have a couple that have grown with in 12 inches with no visible signs of stress. One thing is you don't have to penetrate all the way down, these work by stressing the plant so by stressing the tops the whole plant is actually effected. I will have bottom buds that are total snowballs.Thats the brand i bought. Solarcure.
Ive read other articles talking about an increase of 30% in potency. I dont really know about all that but mainly id like to get my inside plants more frosty like my outside plants are.
I think some plants possibly could see an increase of 30% but clearly not all. I think those that would just are the ones who react to UV in that way. Would be a lower thc variety to begin with. Like jumping from 6% to 8.2% thc. I think maybe a plant with a 20% thc increase could possibly jump to 22%. A level you are not really going to tell just a huge difference.
Im just after bag appeal.
First i have to stop plants from dying on me.
Durn those are just total bomb durn those are niceA couple more sundae driver #3 pics! View attachment 60143View attachment 60144View attachment 60145View attachment 60146