#Heisenbeans Genetics


European Bean Flicker
Sooo looking forward to this bean drop. Least then this thread will be full of plant pics and fire like it should be instead of all this drama.
That said though @Heisenbeans , don't forget im over the pond, don't be sending out multiple packages at any more cost to you. I will happily wait till all parts are ready. You have done enough as it is with the "list" and the free crosses on the purchased s1's.
Your doing good shit man.. Good shit!


Heathen Basterd
This is an important point.
I've said said and done things that I regret, and I'm glad people don't hold grudges.
Nobody is perfect.

Mr. Widow is a decent human being... with a few "issues".
Well We all have our days and was He over the top with a post Yes , but He also had grievances that obviously weren't resolved at least in His mind, He is honest in business tho , I had paid close to half for a build and wake up to see it refunded for whatever reason so let no man call Him a thief. I am left disappointed in both not getting the build and loss of His presence here.


Dont Need One
Which ones are you not making again?
the macs are out completely, doubt ill keep the cut. Im gonna play around with some different pollen to see if i can get enough seeds to run a pheno hunt if not im not gonna fool with it anymore. Any of the crosses that used the corey cut, 91 chem, mac, as the pollen donors will be out
Yeah which ones do we need to buy now before they are gone lol...
Im gonna put up a list in a few days of everything left after the preorders and a mark beside it showing im not making it again.


Dont Need One
You at least with the preorders got to see a sample size of what the demand will look like for each strain/ cross
Yes. Black banana cookies in every order it seemed I ran out of what I had and now I'm waiting on the new ones I just pulled to dry. I definitely know what ones are going to reverse rooms and what pollen is working the best. I have some more cuts coming also.
I also have the topanga canyon,orange daquri, and shoreline I haven't done anything with yet.