#Heisenbeans Genetics

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
Naw I been on another forum dealing with snitches and bitches and taking ol event and anyo to school. Cant stand them fukin clowns. Dude saying I dont test the ppms of my CS. Haha wtf is a ppms lmao. It's like dude you dont count the fukin bullet holes is the motherfuker dead or is he not. Is my plants reversed. Um.. yeah ... ok than
I see what you’re talking about now. I read it on the other forums. Some dude on riu posted a screenshot of it and I called him out on it then he deleted it. Fucking haters

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
Ya man that noob v256.420 guy scared the shit out of him saying Heisens lawyer was gonna fuck him up. Maybe that v256.420 guy aint so bad after all 👽
Lmao Yes whoever it is just made that account on riu just to bash Heisenbeans and try to Tattletale on him .. All he had was that screenshot and then he deleted after we all called him out on it. But I’m going to drop it. We don’t need that drama over here
I got it from a dude I know locally. Super cool grandpa type. Has had it for years
Those grandpa types are cool beans 👽

The last time I had a skunk of all mother skunks was 10 years ago. Friend of a friend grew it NW of NYC. Lime green with bright ass orange hairs and smelled so fucking bad as soon as you took it out of the jar the whole house was stink ass. Lingered for hours even after going back in the jar. And it NEEDED the airtight fucking jar.

Carbon filters are like screen doors to this stuff. I think I would be too afraid to grow it unless legal, and even then would be hard to keep the smell from neighbors.


Dont Need One
Lmao Yes whoever it is just made that account on riu just to bash Heisenbeans and try to Tattletale on him .. All he had was that screenshot and then he deleted after we all called him out on it. But I’m going to drop it. We don’t need that drama over here
They edited what I wrote and deleted the pics. Like seriously man if your gonna lie and make up random shit about someone dont do such a shitty job trying to cover shit up Haha. my name was banned 2 days ago when I told event how much a right cunt he really is. So he got upset and banned me Haha. Than they make a bullshit name and spam themselves to try and take retarded screenshots to post on rollitup. Shit is seriously rediculous. There like 4 members over there so they constantly looking for attention from uncle heisen. I think event wants to sit on heisens lap and get schooled on dwc lmao


Shinobi of seeds
I'm all about that ecsd s1. Whenever they're dropping steady I'm gonna have to cop a pack. I ran a cut years ago that was supposedly ecsd and it was legit potent and flavorful. It looked like all the pics I see of sour D type plants but I'm not sure which SD it actually was. So I wouldn't mind seeing those s1 flowered out.

Fuck em. That dude on Trollitup is ahyo whatever the fuck. Compulshive liar and eventhorizon cum dumpster. Lied on my thread 2 months ago saying he got my seeds and they was all hermied plants. Like legit the dude is weird like that
LOL! You read those new posts from flowerpetal on the trollitup thread? That guy has you pegged as a drunken wife beater and all around lunatic. Don't worry tho. You got some cool peeps over there spreadin' the fire. Even that noob v256.420 guy told him you were gonna sic your lawyers on him. He got so scared he deleted his pics 👽


Dont Need One
LOL! You read those new posts from flowerpetal on the trollitup thread? That guy has you pegged as a drunken wife beater and all around lunatic. Don't worry tho. You got some cool peeps over there spreadin' the fire. Even that noob v256.420 guy told him you were gonna sic your lawyers on him. He got so scared he deleted his pics 👽
Yeah man dude dont have a clue. I been dealing with them haters since way back in the farm when eventhorizon was using an ro feed to his epi bucket instead of a top off like I do it. Dude been hating on my grows since day 1. My haters complete me haha

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
Fuck em. That dude on Trollitup is ahyo whatever the fuck. Compulshive liar and eventhorizon cum dumpster. Lied on my thread 2 months ago saying he got my seeds and they was all hermied plants. Like legit the dude is weird like that
Yeah man dude dont have a clue. I been dealing with them haters since way back in the farm when eventhorizon was using an ro feed to his epi bucket instead of a top off like I do it. Dude been hating on my grows since day 1. My haters complete me haha
I just don’t understand people like that. They see someone doing good and they have to hate on you .. I say screw those guys..just keep doing you


Master Grower
I just don’t understand people like that. They see someone doing good and they have to hate on you .. I say screw those guys..just keep doing you
Very simple to understand really. JEALOUSY!..plain and simple. Others want what others have going for them , when they dont have for themselves. No biggie. Like ya said Cola ...Just keep doing you . Sets a guy apart !