y’all wanna hear a joke? I sent seedlys cash in the mail for some of those dawgcatchers and ain’t heard shit back! ( my fault tho, I did not send money tracked. Lesson learned.
Same thing happened to me with Greenpoint...
Placed order, woke up to go work, dropped my cash at po, got off work, checked my email, Greenpoint emailed all customers saying not contact them for a week they was having issues with server.
Waited a week then contacted Greenpoint to see if they got my cash, immediately the fuck face GU called me a liar and other names and said he had enough customer's, if i wanted to close my account then do it....
So after spending like 7-800 in past on seeds at Greenpoint, didnt mean a fuckn thing to the chump gu..
So i dont care wtf gu has it wont ever be grown or bought from me...
Asked gu if it was possible he just made mistake and my money arrived to him but didnt see it cause his emails was down when i placed orders..?
He said no way....
So karma will catch up with mr gu ...
Just give it time.....
Woodnt piss on dude(gu) if he was burning up right in front of me..
I no ur joke was from a Seedlys order and not GPS, but hadta chime in on making sure u send a tracking.. cause it cost me too except mine was with mr Greenpoint at the bug farm in Florida..