First grow journal!


Cocaine Cowboy
Can’t wait u til I have to deal with those! What are the signs? I’ve noticed a lot slugs out here
If you don't mind sharing....what state do you live in? If you're far enough north, you may not have to deal with them. I talked with some Wisconsin growers and was told they don't really have to deal with caterpillars there.

If you do get budworms in your area, you'll see medium-sized (quarter-sized) white/cream colored moths flying around and landing on your plants where they lay eggs, which then hatch and the caterpillar burrows inside the bud and starts to eat (and shit).

The best way to prevent them is to keep the moths from being able to land on the plants, my suggestion would be a screenhouse...that would be a greenhouse frame covered in shade cloth material, reasoning being if they can't land then they can't lay eggs. BT (bacillus thuringiensis) spray will work, but it doesn't work well enough to be 100% reliable as they have to ingest the active bacteria. The problem with using BT is that most of what they eat is inside the flower cluster, the BT spray mostly goes on the leaves and outside of the buds.


Ditchweed grower
If you don't mind sharing....what state do you live in? If you're far enough north, you may not have to deal with them. I talked with some Wisconsin growers and was told they don't really have to deal with caterpillars there.

If you do get budworms in your area, you'll see medium-sized (quarter-sized) white/cream colored moths flying around and landing on your plants where they lay eggs, which then hatch and the caterpillar burrows inside the bud and starts to eat (and shit).

The best way to prevent them is to keep the moths from being able to land on the plants, my suggestion would be a screenhouse...that would be a greenhouse frame covered in shade cloth material, reasoning being if they can't land then they can't lay eggs. BT (bacillus thuringiensis) spray will work, but it doesn't work well enough to be 100% reliable as they have to ingest the active bacteria. The problem with using BT is that most of what they eat is inside the flower cluster, the BT spray mostly goes on the leaves and outside of the buds.
I live in Michigan


Cocaine Cowboy
I found a pic of the little creepy crawlies. Weird thing is, I've seen them in green, brown and kinda pink like this one.


If you look close, you can spot some of the necrotic spots on the bud. They get down to the base of the calyx cluster and chew the stem, effectively cutting off the supply line for the calyx cluster to stay alive.


Blümen Meister
Dude - I have thought so many times how cool it would be to do an outdoor grow - then September and October roll around and the bitching starts :ROFLMAO:

If I did it I would run autos just so they weren't out there as long.
If I was a billionaire, I would make enough auto seeds to fly over areas in my private jet and just let those seeds fly. Cover the nation in autos.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If I was a billionaire, I would make enough auto seeds to fly over areas in my private jet and just let those seeds fly. Cover the nation in autos.
I don't get many bag-seeds, but I have had a few plants pop a seed or two that were beauties, and one plant that fully seeded and never showed anything. Didn't even know until the plant was dry and I started bucking and jarring.

I have a jar of seeds that I'll never grow in a tent that would be perfect for that.


Blümen Meister
I don't get many bag-seeds, but I have had a few plants pop a seed or two that were beauties, and one plant that fully seeded and never showed anything. Didn't even know until the plant was dry and I started bucking and jarring.

I have a jar of seeds that I'll never grow in a tent that would be perfect for that.
Exactly. who ends up popping those beans? No one. Next GG4 could be hiding in there.