End prohibition

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Insanely Active Member


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I didn’t shut down opinions I don’t like. I shut down ones from you that took jabs at the left and ones from sticky that took jabs at the right. It’s a pretty simple rule to follow.
I took jabs at the left AND right - they are the same thing. Put my deleted post back up and see if others think I picked a side. Put a reader warning on it if you like, but people are reading this later discussion thinking I was bashing Biden or Trump or something.

FWIW by deleting some of the politics and not all of it YOU are being political w.r.t. your beliefs. Whether it is intentional or not.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is news and related topics to end prohibition. I don't come piss is your thread. Don't piss in mine.
When you post an article about "this GOP person thinks this" or whatever THAT IS POLITICAL!!!!

What part don't you understand?

The last post about a grant for research is not political - see the difference?

Wake up.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I didn’t shut down opinions I don’t like. I shut down ones from you that took jabs at the left and ones from sticky that took jabs at the right. It’s a pretty simple rule to follow.
And if you wanted to be fair while not shutting down the thread, go back and delete every article referencing a political party or on of their puppets.

Deleted member 60

I'm out.

We have legal weed here. Legal enough no one comes to count your plants on private property. Legal enough you can have up to an ounce (of hash or weed) in your vehicle. Legal enough it's easily purchased at 3 locations in a rural town of 5K if you don't wanna fuck with growing it. Legal enough unless you think it's a money stream. Then it's not legal anymore. Other than that...and the fact that it fills the tax coffers well, no one truly cares about any of it here.
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